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Does Pot Cause Acne
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Does Smoking Pot cause acne in any way? I recently smoked pot a few times and i started having a breakout of acne a day or two later. Is there any possible link?

yamaha girl replied: "The only way I could see is the smoke/dirt on your face. But I really don't think so"

webb51731 replied: "no i really don't think so, but smoking meth can"

☆♥Erin M♥☆ replied: "no acne, but horrible puss filled sores that eventually turn into scabs but they'll never go away. we had to learn about it in health class"

I smoke pot a good amount, atleast once a day. Can that cause acne? I have really bad acne on my chin and a little on my neck and i really want to know if smoking pot can cause the acne i have

Baby Gyrl replied: "yes it can"

kate. replied: "yuppp, especially around your mouth. it would clear up if you stopped smoking."

XoLoveMeXo replied: "well you shouldn't be smoking pot in the first place because you can probably get way worse than acne,just saying.But,it can cause acne because hormones are opened up in your skin which can cause tons of acne from doing pot."

Deborah G replied: "It is doing a lot more then that. Get some help. Call a local church and ask for some help - they may have a group in the church that can work with you or refer yu to someone- don't give in to it and don't think you're alone. Dear God; Please help this person- they need you now more then ever. Let them hear your voice in the still quietness. Help them to know all they have to do is just talk to you and you will be there to listen."

anonymous replied: "Yes, acne is a way of getting any impurities out of your body. It could also be your diet. If you eat too much candy and/ or junk food."

alexxkay replied: "Yes it can. But imagine, if thats what is happening on the outside, imagine whats happenin on the inside. stop smoking."

justin replied: "I've smoked pot for a LONNG time and I have never ran into any skin problems! I'm thinking its probably something else"

does smoking REALLY cause bad acne? I'm 17 and have REALLY bad acne. I exercise, take vitamins, wash my face and all that but my acne is still really bad. I also smoke cigarettes and pot. People have told me that it causes acne but I need to know if it really does becuase I don't want to quit if I don't have to.

Sophia replied: "It definitely doesn't help. It makes your face look older too."

Ralfcoder replied: "Acne would be the least of your worries. If this is what it takes you to quit, your health priorities are more than a bit skewed."

? replied: "The smoke could irritate the skin & cause clogged pores, which would cause your acne. There is medicine that can be prescribed to help your acne. Also, you could try different face washes that treat acne until you find one that helps control your acne. Even if smoking isn't the sole cause of your acne, you should still quit. There are many other things that smoking can cause."

Edward replied: "I had acne up till I was 30. Took meds for it, was in good shape didn't smoke for years. Still always had acne so not sure if smoking hurts or helps. Enjoy life do what you want."

Devious replied: "not sure, but youre breath cant be all that fresh, either. and i know it gets in your clothes. i dont care how made you get, there is absolutely nothing cute about a female or a male smoking anything, but especially females. i have a coworker who is very pretty but she smokes, big time and she spits everywhere! so it makes her look ugly and nasty. you're 17yrs old, you can kick this habit before it turns into an addiction, good luck."

Aegimius replied: "Cigarette smoking may not cause acne directly but it certainly isn't helpful overall. It does no favors for your skin or complexion. Not to mention your heart and your lungs."

Does smoking weed cause acne? I used to be an every day smoker but now its more of an occasional thing. I noticed that when I stop for a long period of time my skin clears up, but I'm not sure if this is a direct result of me not smoking or if its related in some other way. Please give only informed answers...and please don't tell me to stop smoking pot. I want answers, not a life lesson.

lewislol replied: "Smoking/smoking weed, damages the skill. I'm not sure about acne but stopping smoking it will make the skin look better and clearer."

oh yea replied: "supposedly it does, but i have a crystal clear complexion & i seem to smoke more than u do & i dont agree that it makes u a loser. cuz i know exactly where im headed in life, got my priorites straight & good i dont know what these ppl are talking about. a lazy person is a lazy person with or WITHOUT the bud"

Uh Huh replied: "Lol... not the smoking, but it could be all the pizza and crap you stuff down your throat while stoned. Dude, I used to smoke pot... When I quit, I amazingly started to be successful. Think about it.."

alice M replied: "as far as i know it doesn't. i mean it could just be random.... ask some mates. i mean i've had a few ganja times myself but im not really into it. none of my mates seem to have problems with it but...."

Laurie Lee replied: "I dont think it causes acne. I smoked for two years and never had any acne problems. However I have recently quit and now I am getting it. lol."

surething replied: "no but when you get the munchies after smoking, all that crap you eat can cause acne!"

" Oz " replied: " a former smoker who consumed about an oz a week.....for years....between ages 16 &21.....then sporadic usage ( when somebody else had till I was about 35.......I have NEVER heard about the acne thing......when I went to high school about 25% of the kids smoked........I think that it might be related to what the pot smokers EAT...such as chips , candy bars, soda......blah , blah , blah.......and possibly.....and I'm just saying ....POSSIBLY.....the chance that they are maybe watching the "tube" , playing Guitar Hero......listening to tunes........and maybe .....JUST MAYBE.......sliding a little on the personal hygiene deal of cleaning the body oils off the skin.......regularly.......gosh...I've never known a little weed to interfere with one's daily schedule or "duties" maybe ......the weed just makes people "not care" about the acne.......till the weed wears I know this may illicit a "firestorm" from the "studio audience"......of pristeen pot smoker girls who are their daily hygiene.......with THAT in mind.....please forgive my unrighteous suggestion.......i'm just saying.............."

what can i do about the scars on my face from acne? i used this clean & clear product that i thought was going to help me get rid of my acne but i think thats what caused the scars.They look like red spots on my skin.Like chicken pot or red spots under my skin. i realy wana get rid of the spots.what can i do about my scars? would it work if i put cocoa butter lotion on my face?

luv2surf667 replied: "Well, Cocoa butter is good for getting rid of scars, because I know from personal expierience from having scars on my legs from falling alot. It works on the face to, its gentle and it gives your skin moisturizing natural oils during it's healing process. ( put it on every day till it completely heals!"

KittyKat replied: "OMG i have the same problem lol if you find a good answer plz tell me =D"

Kelly J replied: "Mederma, expensive, but works"


SM39 replied: "cocoa butter works for scars but I do not recommend you use it on your face. It will only clog your pores more creating more acne. I made the mistake of doing that and my derm. told me never to do that again. I do not know your budget but Lancome has a great line called Pure Focus. I used the exfoliating face wash, the toner, and the moisturizer. It worked great for me. I have mild, stress related acne and while I don't breakout too much, the pimples I do get scar really bad. Hope this helps."

tomorjerry replied: "Directly rub potato slices all over the face and wash after 30 minutes this when done regularly , helps to get rid of acne, blemishes and pimple scar. Check out for more useful info."

ACNE and biotin? 10 pnts best answer.? Hello, i have just finished a course of roaccutane about a month ago and skin is completely clear. I just ordered a pot of biotin 5000mcg to make my hair grow thicker and promote hair growth and now i am reading things like biotin causes acne or something??!! can anyone else tell me if this is true or not? because i do not want acne again!? Anyone had any experience on biotin? if so, does it work? and does it cause acne or breakouts? Thank you :):) Xxx

=) replied: "It is suppose to help your skin, it won't cause acne. Although I have been taking it for a few weeks and it hasn't really helped my skin. My hair is growing faster and my nails are really healthy though."

gangadharan nair replied: "Isotretinoin (Accutane®) may reduce biotinidase activity. It is not clear if biotin supplementation may be warranted during long-term use."

Dr Frank replied: "Bad news Biotin has no effect at all with regard to either promoting hair growth or thickness! But it doesn't produce acne either!"

10 points best answer acne and biotin????!!? Hello, i have just finished a course of roaccutane about a month ago and skin is completely clear. I just ordered a pot of biotin 5000mcg to make my hair grow thicker and promote hair growth and now i am reading things like biotin causes acne or something??!! can anyone else tell me if this is true or not? because i do not want acne again!? Anyone had any experience on biotin? if so, does it work? and does it cause acne or breakouts? Thank you :):) Xxx

big_dogg replied: "Overdose There have been no reports of effects of overdose of biotin, even at very high doses, primarily because any excess is excreted in the urine. Side Effects There are no side effects associated with biotin supplementation You'll be fine, although not too sure you'll get the results you're after :o) 10 points please!"

rosieC replied: "What is Biotin? Biotin is coenzyme in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the breakdown of proteins to urea, and the conversion of amino acids from protein into blood sugar for energy. You should eat at least 30 micrograms a day; fortunately, most of us get 3 to 10 times that much. Benefits of Biotin In addition to its metabolic properties, biotin also has some health benefits. When normal intake of biotin is supplemented, it strengthens fingernails, relieves a scalp condition (cradle crap) in newborns, and is very effective at controlling blood sugar levels in diabetics. Biotin is just one of the many vitamins that are part of a healthy diet. There are only a couple of foods which contain biotin in large amounts, including royal jelly and brewer's yeast Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails. Consequently, it is found in many cosmetic and health products for the hair and skin. There are no reported cases of adverse effects from receiving high doses of the vitamin, particularly when used in the treatment of metabolic disorders causing sebhorrheic dermatitis in infants. Now, you can use both as they are indicated for different purposes. Roaccutane is for acne control. You yourself attested to the fact that after using roaccutane; your skin became completely clear . Biotin is for your hair. Acne is not mentioned as a possible side effect of Biotin. Actually a deficiency in this vitamin can create more problems."

I have been told that smoking causes bad skin. What can I do to relieve the acne and redness? i do smoke pot, but my skin just started getting bad when I turned 40. Is there a skin care regimen you can recommend which will clear up my skin without quiting my pot habit?

chadge82 replied: "well try using plain alcohol with some cotton or a clean towel. soak the towel or cotton swap in alcohol then wipe ur face and let dry. The alcohol wil dry out your face and in turn eliminatin acne."

dreakfansunite replied: "Ask your phamasist, but vitamins B and E should do the trick....not too much B though cause your skin will start to turn orangish."

Melissa M replied: "proactive!!!!"

telephonejoeprojectlightspeed replied: "Smoking deprives the skin of oxygen and toughens it. So you're problem is a little more complicated. Ask a dermatologist."

misslizzy888 replied: "ProActiv Solution workd great!!!"

aeriolf replied: "you should see a dermatologist - acne at age 40 should be investigated"

guy replied: "sweet, a 40 yr. old pot smoker i love you. Oh, yeah only thing i know of is Proactiv Solution, which you can buy for $19.95 if you act now : )"

ask an ex pot head?! haha i keep having dreams of smoking pot i dont know why, i have never smoked pot, but my boyfriend used to i always think about if he ever started smoking pot again and i wonder how id feel i actually dont now if id care and i thought about smoking pot alot to but now that he doesn't smoke pot he always acts like its so stupid anyway I'm all curios now what does it feel like and what are the ups and downs do you think i should smoke pot how would i bring this subject up to him do you really get fat and acne does it cause health problems yes I'm a naive so just please answer my questions i am 17 ;) i am 17 ;)

ZCT replied: "I'm not opposed to pot per se. However, what concerns me is how people act when they smoke a lot of pot (or a reasonable amount on a regular basis). I'm not sure if smoking pot makes people lazy, lethargic and stupid, or if lazy, lethargic stupid people are drawn to the idea of smoking pot. But I avoid it personally, because I've yet to meet a real winner that smokes a lot of pot. And while that may be just a coincidence, I'd rather not take the risk."

LouLou replied: "Pot isn't proven to make you fat or affect your health. The only health risk it really poses is the fact that you're smoking something, so it will ultimately affect your lungs. It won't make you fat (unless you're prone to something like this); and I think that came from the whole "munchies" concept because smoking pot makes you hungry. It doesn't have any affect on your complexion, so acne is not a vice of it. It makes you lazy and is illegal. As far as the buzz it gives you, it's easy and mellow. No hangover like from alcohol and you cannot get physically addicted to pot whereas other drugs, you can."

lola f replied: "Pot is a dreamkiller. If you want to be unmotivated, then go ahead and have you some. I was well on my way to a dual degree and couldn't quit smoking weed, and now I am too damn old to go back to school and finish what i started.believe me you aren't missing anything."

prolossx replied: "actually the above posters are wrong Ive met a bunch of people who got UGLIER and STUPIDER by smoking pot they did get acne and there face just wasn't as attractive anymore im not blaming it all on the pot but ppl who don't smoke didn't get as damn ugly or stupid as the ones that do"

Move on replied: "I smoked allot in high school. That was NOT a good idea. Eventually I quit. After a decade or so I started participating only at occasional social parties. Now I am 47 and I still partake once in a while. I happen to be one of the fortunate ones that doesn't get the munchies and I get very active. When I get high I like to go shopping or clean up around the home or work in the garden. When I smoke allot we have a beautiful home. The other day I got high and remodled our kitchen. That one only cost me $8000.00."

I Forgot I replied: "Pot, when smoked responsibly, is not proven to cause any negative health effects (except lung damage, but you can eat it rather than smoke it) and that includes mental health effects. Sure, there are some people who use it as an excuse and others with very weak personalities who claim to be 'addicted' to pot, but it is not an addictive substance. These 'addicts' are just as likely to become addicted to video games and ruin their lives in the same way due to world of warcraft. Most people, at least where I live and according to polls and studies, have at least tried pot. Many people continue to smoke it while others stop liking it. Trying pot is no worse than trying your first drink of alcohol (except alcohol is worse for you mentally and physically). If you want to try it, just tell your boyfriend. It won't make you fat, lazy, stupid or cause acne."

Anna Banana replied: "I smoked a lot of weed when I was younger. Now I do it maybe once a year. I just get plain stupid, tired, and hungry, and I read into things too much. My friends who smoke all day don't even seem different. They're too used to it. I've never developed acne from that & neither has anyone I know but we're also all adults so maybe you're friends are young & prone to that still. It doesn't cause any health problems that I know of. I smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day so I'm sure that's much worse than weed. A lot of people tell me that I'm too high stressed & that smoking weed would benefit me. They're probably right. I could take a chill pill."

Amber h replied: "If it`s not broken, don`t fix it. Why on earth would you randomly decide to pick up an illegal, unhealthy habit just because you felt like it? How old are you, by the way?"

POLL: Should I stop drinking alcohol for my acne at a music festival? Im starting some Strong acne meds (roaccutane) a day before i got ot a music festival. Naturally, music festivals consist of smoking large amounts of pot and getting wasted - awesome huh? The only thing is, the pills im on affect the liver and if i drink aswell it could really cause some damage, but i really want my acne sorted out and wanted to start them right away. The thing is, do you think i should wait until i come back from the festival and THEN start my antibiotics, or should i take them before the festival and carry them on whilst at the festival but refraining from drinking (which will be hard and ultimately spoil it for me)? Its so frustrating cos i really want to sort out my acne ASAP but i don't want to ruin the festival!

Wicked Wanda replied: "Wait until you get back.....otherwise the money spent on the acne medicine will just be wasted. Besides, the acne isn't going to go away in one night so it can wait."

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