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Can a person with Thyroid Disease use the Acai Berry Diet that Dr. Oz recommend? I have Thyroid Problems for the past 2 years, i have gain a lot of weight, i have tried many diet with exercises, but nothing seems to work... Do to this over weight problem i have develop other health problems such as heart problems. I will like to find a diet that Works for my situation.

J S replied: "Dr Oz didn't reccomend any acai berry diet. he said that acai berry is a very healthy food with amazing nutrition (which it is) However, he doesn't recommend any particular product and I believe there was no mention about weight loss anything. Also, the thing that most people mean when they say "acai berry diet" is that you'll take diet pills, it's not however a diet in the sane that you'll eat this or that. Anyway, you are going to have to diet and exercise anyway to lose weight. There is no magic pill that makes you lose weight, so diet and exercise are the only way to weight loss (although acai berry can help a bit with those results)"

Diana replied: "I think it has the highest ORAC value (amount of antioxidants) of all foods. It is good for cancer and thyroid disease.So no it will not hurt you. Just In case you have any other worries you can order a free trial (source) good luck and reach your weight goal girl"

What is the name of the acai berry supplement Oprah and Dr. Oz recommend? I didn't see the episode when Oprah and Dr. Oz endorsed a brand. I've done some research and found there are over ten different ones on the shelves, not counting the ones shown on the tv at 4 a.m. Where can I get the one they raved about on the show.

oldtimekid2 replied: "It's called Acai. They didn't recommend any particular brand, just the fruit itself, even though there are many scam companies online that are fraudulently using their names to help move their product. I would recommend getting a name brand that you recognize the first time just to make sure you won't get taken... if you like it, then you can do some research to make sure you get the best deal as far as brand and cost. If you aren't sure where to start, I can offer some of the brands that should be in your local health food store that would be high quality. You can get it from any health food store (GNC, Whole Foods, etc) and many other places, but I would be careful about online ads for it (and the "free trials" are hardly ever free since they have to get you to pay for it somehow). Unfortunately, Acai is one of a few high powered antioxidants that are fads right now and when there is a fad, there are always people and companies that take advantage of that popularity and sell their own piece of it. The unfortunate part is that too many of those people/companies make baseless claims in order to sell their product faster and for higher prices. It's best to get a product like this from a company that you know and/or trust. If you'd like, I can also point out a few companies out there if you can't find any in your local area. Good luck and I hope I helped!"

Sheryl replied: "It is overwhelming to decide a brand - I buy a bottled liquid form at Costco that is sold in the pharmacy area. You are in luck because beginning on Sept. 14, Dr. Oz will host his own television show! I am really looking forward to this. Hopefully, he will re-address the Acai Berry issue."

Rachel replied: "I work at Costco and have heard, during the samples, "This is the supplement suggested by Oprah," and I'm pretty sure this is the one that was being talked about."

Gary Y replied: "Acai supplements are a scam, they do nothing for weight loss and have no more nutritional value then blueberries or cranberries. The Internet and YA is awash with acai scams. Oprah does not support acai products, and in fact: "Oprah Winfrey sues over use of her name with health claims - Talk-show host accuses marketers of illegally using her name to peddle supplements""

I need to know if the acai berry and total cleanse makes you lose weight and if Dr oz really recommended it? I have seen it all over the internet,but do not know if it is a hoax.Has anyone tried it?

Vegan_Mom replied: "Well, if he did recommend it on "Oprah" as has been claimed, go to the Oprah site and search something like "Dr. Oz acai berry". Of course there is good stuff to it, it's a fruit. However, I don't think it's any more miraculous as broccoli, oranges, blueberries, spinach, enter fruit/veggie here. I just think that with the exotic sounding name and that it's not easily found in the US (probably not naturally), somebody decided to make it the next great diet gimmick."

Allen M replied: "The acai berry is really healthy and an acai berry cleanse supplement is a great boost to help you lose weight, but like everything else, it will take some commitment on your part to eating healthy and doing proper exercise to really see the full effects. I've lost weight with it so I know it's possible, but it's not the miracle drug that some people make it out to be."

timur777 replied: "I havent tried it myself, but I have a friend who did. He didnt lose any weight (he wasnt trying to), but he said he feels much better every day, more energetic, etc."

Erik V replied: "Christa S, Acai berries are a newly discovered berry that has some amazing characteristics. The acai berry is really high in anti-oxidants and really helps people loose weight quickly. There are lots of health advantages to acai berries, but they must be frozen right after harvest to make sure they retain thier maximum potency. One of the most populat brands of acai suppleiments is vital acai. Lately, many talk show hosts have done profiles on the health benefits of acai."

Morgan R replied: "If it is a good quality acai berry product, then yes, it is worth it. Acai is the best known antioxidant fruit that is known on the planet. The antioxidants in acai help to cleanse your body. The natural lipids in acai help to give you more energy and stamina. The fiber in acai helps digestion and fat loss. I've been using acai berry products for a couple of months now and I've noticed that yes they do work. I used them when I wanted to trim off about 15lbs. I knew that diet and exercise alone would help achieve that goal alone but I needed something to help me with my mid afternoon snacking urges. This is where I found the acai berry really helped me. It helped to curb those mid afternoon urges which meant when I went out jogging later that night I wasn't just jogging to work off that bag of Doritios I snacked on around 3pm instead I was actually working off the weight I wanted.. After a couple months I now no longer needed the supplements and can manage my weight more easily, so I found that yes they really did help speed up my weight loss goals when I used them along with a diet and exercise program, as the berries gave me more energy and helped to curb my appetite I got my free trial bottle from the site below"

Sarah A replied: "I saw the episode where Dr. Oz talked about the Acai Berry and it prompted me to try it. I was able to lose 44 lbs in 90 days while taking it."

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