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Questions and Answers
Question about the Ephedrine in ECA Stack? I saw in the ingridients in ECA xtreme stack that it uses Ephedra extract. Wondering if it has the same effects as pure Ephedrine used in prescribe meds and if not is it closely similar? thanks and by effects i mean lost of appetite

Jason Z replied: "They do the same job by stimulating your CNS and SNS, but one is just milder than the other. It'll make you less jittery and come with less side affects, but it's still potent. Have you weighed the pros and cons of taking Ephedrine?"

Does the ECA(ephedrine,Caffeine,Aspirin)Stack have any impact on blood glucose or HBA1C results? I was taking an ECA stack recently while I was training to get back into shape for Rugby after a 6 month lay off due to a knee injury. I had a routine fasting blood test which showed that my glucose level was 12(should be 4-6 for a fasting sample). I know that this signals Diabetes but I am otherwise fit and healthy, with no other symptoms whatsoever. I am 6'5'' inches tall and weigh @17 stone but due to my frame and the level of sport I play I don't carry much fat. My question is could the ECA stack have affected my blood chemistry in such a way as to cause this result?

EyesOnly replied: "Definitely! Ephedrine and Epinephrine will cause your blood glucose level to rise. These hormones antagonize the effect of insulin, thereby inducing hyperglycemia (increased level of sugar in blood). I think that after you stop administering these pills your blood sugar profile will return to normal. Stay in good shape and God bless."

Menthoids replied: "The A1c test evaluates the average amount of glucose in the blood over the last 2 to 3 months. As glucose circulates in the blood, some of it spontaneously binds to hemoglobin A. Once the glucose is bound to the hemoglobin A, it remains there for the life of the red blood cell (about 120 days). The more glucose that is in the blood, the more that binds to hemoglobin A. If you have an abnormal type of hemoglobin, such as sickle cell hemoglobin, you may have a decreased amount of hemoglobin A. This will affect the amount of glucose that can bind to your hemoglobin and may limit the usefulness of the A1c test in monitoring your diabetes. If you have hemolysis or heavy bleeding, your test results may be falsely low. If you are iron deficient, you may have an increased A1c measurement. So unless aspirin has caused bleeding (and you'd have symptoms if that were the case) the ECA is not to blame. Perhaps your iron levels could be checked when you have your next test, but a long shot if you are fit enough to play rugby. Sorry, that's diabetes for you....."

Babs replied: "It may have an effect but not that much. It is unlikely to make you diabetic if you weren't already at risk. And 12 is frank diabetes. But if you think the result is suspect then tell your doctor and get them to repeat it. They will probably do that anyway. BTW it is possible to be fit, healthy, symptom-free and slim. Diabetics aren't all sick, fat, couch-potatoes! The target is to stay well, symtom-free and fit and be able to play sports for many years."

Tsunami replied: "you dn't have to be heavy to be diabetic and that is one sign soemtimes being very tired can be a cause to watch for thirsty and lot sof other things go see the doctor and find out if you are and start watching what is goin on nothing has impact on you being one. take care."

Cheeta replied: "I did a pracs study once and if you injested any of those things within 30 days yyou could not be in the test also grapefruit....pracs is a drug research company that uses human guinnie pigs basically and you can get paid for it ...i was in a bind at the time.. If I drink too much coffee i get the shakes really I have to make sure I eat something,..,.,even just a yes I believe that it can effect that but I dont know the specifics hope that helps"

Are Ephedra and Ephedrine ECA Stack based Diet and Energy Supplements legal? Ephedra diet pills are scientifically proven to melt fat and raise metabolism without diet or exercise. I would recommend the Black Ice ephedra even though they have more of a selection with free shipping: >
ephedraephedrine replied: "Yes they are. I have been getting mine from that website precisely and so far they don't fail at providing me with low prices. I love the Stimerex-ES and the Black Ice."

Starting an ECA stack, first time, where can I find ephedrine? Can I find it at walgreens or walmart or cvs? If so, under what names?

chadge82 replied: "ephedrine has been banned by the FDA which is the food and drug administration for causing people who were taking it to have heart attack or even die. You will not be able to find that supplement anywhere. Good Luck"

ECA STACK (FAT LOSS PILLS) Has anyone used them? Hi i have come across something called ECA stack (Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin). It is supposed to be really good for fat loss...has anyone tried it and does anyone have any information on it like harmful side effects or if it ACTUALLY WORKS!!?

jacksfullhouse replied: "You should stay away from Ephedrine. Just run everyday and eat healthy."

marrying_buddha replied: "not me"

alex_s_patrick replied: "No, I never have and never will. They always have side effects that bite you in the butt."

Ped replied: "No. There is no such thing as magic pills that will make you lose weight. Anything that says it will on the packaging or advertising is lies. It probably cause you more harm than good. If you are bothered about how you look then get a diet plan from the doctor, its free and won't cost you any money. This is my first and last (seemingly) sensible answer on this site. PS. Don't confuse the weight loss 'magic pills' with the other types of 'magic pills' otherwise you'll finish up like me 253vbsgsdcrwfnvdrfgvsro,vl7632378..and lose control..nabw238234."

Nikos replied: "Ephedrine and caffeine is a well known fat loss stack as long as it is coupled with some sort of excercise (resistance or/and cardiovascular). Aspirine is given many times as a blood thiner, dont know its effect on fat loss promotion. I would have to read the label to give an eduacted opinion on the specific product. Haven't heard of the particular brand, to tell you the truth I was under the impression that ephedra was discontinued in supplements (like the original hydroxycut which defiently worked) If you go ahead and use it keep in mind that you need to assert your tolerance to the first 2 ingredients mentioned, and then move to the recommended dosage. Hope this helps."

man from utopia replied: "It actually works. Do not take more than the recommended dosage. People think more is better and that's when they get tachycardia ( a rapid heart rate) or arrhythmias (irregular heart beats.) Always cycle this otherwise you will need to take more for effect. Take it prior to training and you will really notice a difference. Never take it prior to bedtime. (you will have a difficult bit sleeping .Bodybuilders have used this for the past couple decades with great success. The normal formulation is 20mg ephedrine, (some companies will standardize Ma Huang) aspirin 325 mg ,(some companies use white willow bark.) 200mg of caffeine ( some add guarana too. A fat soluble source of caffeine). Use as directed with a resistance training program. Keep your carbs low for your last two meals or prior to bedtime. This should help. Be safe and good luck. These ingredients actually work synergistically to increase your basal metabolic rate. Prior to bedtime take a protein mix high in calcium caseinate ( milk protein ) and fiber.This will have a muscle sparing effect (anticatabolic) and will also work to burn fat. Don't drink milk prior to bed too many carbs and slow down your gh production."

bumperbuffer replied: "Not a good idea. Banned in several countries including UK and USA. There are medical uses of ephedrine though I recommend that you read the info. in my second reference to get an idea of its dangers."

Soul Doctor replied: "Homeopathic treatment to loose excessive fat and weight :- The safest and sure fire way to loose weight and excessive fat is PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q(Mother Tincture) 20 drops thrice a day in a sip of water half hour before or after meals will start showing results in 30 to 45 days of regular use and will cure flabby or sagging tummy and will make your skin look fresher and tighter and has no side effects and has no complications whatsoever ! Avoid taking Chocolates Coffee Mints and Red Meat while taking homeopathic medicine. You can get homeopathic medicines from Major Herbal Shops and Homeopathic Stores and they are quite inexpensive. Take Care and God Bless !"

clarky_ld replied: "Yes they work and are harmless at the correct dosage. Its only banned down the misuse"

Okay this is only for the guys that have actually tried the ECA stack and liked it and are not going to sermon I want to know exactly what over the counter drug/ product I can buy in the pharmacy that contains the ephedrine i need for the ECA stack. I need names my friends. I know about the online stuff, Vasopro and thats cool but I dont want to wait. Help me out.

Lucas B replied: "I know of nothing over the counter that contains ephedrine anymore after the ban."

What is the optimal dose for an ECA Stack? I understand that taking ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin will increase weight loss. Has anyone done this, and what is the best dosage for each?

activate replied: "25 e, 200 c, 81 a 1 cap of eph, 1 cap of caffeine and 1 baby aspirin. Empty stomach and you are good to go. Remember to drink enough water. You have to test your tolerance, I suggest you to do 1 serving for the 1st few days before bumping it up 2 servings. Each servings should be spread out by 4 hours or so. Depending on your tolerance again. I am able to fit 3 serving in a day, without hindering my sleep. Remember to cycle it, 2 week on 2 week off to prevent your beta receptors from burning out. Tip: if you do not want to cycle it, take benadryl at night 2 tabs. Do not take beyond a month without cycling it."

What will be the quickest way for me to hit 115lbs? I have tried many things to reach my current weight of 115 but have not been able to come close to it. I am currently cycling Dnp ( dinitrophenol), Clenbuterol with Cytomel, and a standard ECA stack. (Ephedrine caffeine asprin) but have been unable to reach my target weight. I have considered taking epecec syrup every time i eat to associate food with a feeling of nausia, but am not sure of how this might affect my labido. Any ideas of how to reach my target weight quickly? I am a 26 year old male currently at 160 lbs.. far away from target i know..... current weight goal not weight...

The_Professor_not_Gilligan replied: "You could try punching my boss's left leg. I'm pretty sure that weighs about 115 pounds..."

dolly replied: "Why in the world do you want to weigh 115? Do you realize how unhealthy that would be? Quit dieting and work out if you need to feel better about yourself. EAT! 160 IS FINE."

smartboyee2 replied: "Eat smaller meals, and drinks loads of water."

bubblestea replied: "Diet and exercise is the only way to get to that weight and stay there. If you continue to go down the path you are now the weight will just come back on. Your body needs healthy food and exercise, this will help your matabolism become regular."

L.A. Angel replied: "why would you want to be 115? do you want to look like a meth addict? it doesn't sound healthy to me"

ladispartan replied: "Dropping from 160 to 115 is a dramatic weight loss. It would be better if you told how tall you are, because 160 for a 26 year old man is usually good. Do it the old fashion way to save all the unhealthy effects from not eating and stuff. Eat three meals a day, and make those three meals healthy. It actually costs less to eat healthy than to eat junk food. Healthy foods are like lots of green veggies and other veggies and fruits, make some bread and rice and chicken breast and things. Also make sure you exercise. Sign up at a gym, it maybe cost a small fee but it's worth it if you want to loose that much weight. If you start now chances are it will be off before the new year."

Porkchop Sandwich!! replied: "Stick your fingers down your throat after every meal that should help out with things."

abbiedarlin1 replied: "that's disgusting. 115?! that is way too thin. Your weight at the moment is fine. Stop with the cocktails of weight loss drugs. Epecec? I think you have some body image/self esteem issues. See a psychologist."

Anyone know about the ECA Stack? Can anyone tell me a little bit about the ECA stack, its effects on the body, etc. Also, where can I buy the ephedrine for it?

Jennifer replied: "It works wonders, however, not without side effects. Don't try it if you have any sort of heart problems. It speeds up your heart beat and makes you very jittery. I used to take the original stacker 2 til they pulled it. People were dying because after a couple weeks of taking it, your body gets used to it, so they'd take excessive doses. The eca stack is ephedra, caffeine and aspirin, all available in your pharmacy. If you decide to take it, stop after a couple weeks and give your body about a 2-3 week break from it. This is extremely important! The ephedra in the pharmacy is in the form of an asthma med, Bronkaid or Primatene tablets. DO NOT take more than 25 mg of ephedra in a dose. I think the primatene tabs are half that, so you need to double the dose - just don't go over 25 mg. Only take the stack up to twice a day, like morning and mid-afternoon. I'll take my second by 3pm, otherwise I won't get to sleep that night! Hope this helps, but please be careful! I almost forgot - limit your caffeine intake! It's ok to have a soda, just don't go overboard!!!"

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