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Allergy...Egg..MMR? My 1 year old bb is allergy to egg. He is weight 7.5kg at 1 year old. (under weight & height). I have problem feeding him & worried about his MMR. Question. Do you know any webpage that can give recipe for children allergy to egg? Do you know any bread (without egg) selling in S'pore? MMR: Without the egg for MMR will it worsen the child health?

tessasmomy replied: " Membership is 25 US dollars a year. Lots of parents, with lots of advice. Recipe section, research section, etc.... VERY helpful!"

swarr2001 replied: "There are many egg substitutes, but they will look weird. Most are dried and in a box. They work well and he will get used to the taste (not bad, just different). I have many food allergies and it is all a matter of adjusting. Ask your doctor about books for recipes. I have several, but not sure if they are available in S'pore. The doctor will monitor if/when your son needs the MMR vaccine and weigh it against the health risks. Trust your doctor or find one you do trust. I would also check other food allergies if he is under weight at one year old. I am very allergic to milk and cannot tolerate it still. If he is not eating well, or eating foods he is allergic to, he will not grow as well as he should. Good luck and congratulations on being such a concerned parent."

verityy replied: "Hi, As a fellow parent, I understand how you must feel. Dun worry about his MMR.. my son is vegeterian and seems to be doing fine without egg ;) You can see his pics at: As you can see, he has the height and the weight of a 3 year old and is growing well. Other than the fact that me and my hubby are tall, I think it is because I let him take this health food called Vplus to: - increase his immune system - to give him the extra nutrients he may have missed out on his vegeterian diet - to help him grow stronger - to help his brain to develop better and become smarter The health food I let him take is 100% natural and I have been taking since before I got pregnant, during pregnancy and right after as well.. he has also been consuming it since he was born ;) It is algae based and is nutritious and contains plant DHA to help brain developement ;) Actually, there are alot of things babies or children can eat without eggs.. you dun really need a special recipe. You can try vegeterian society webpage I think.. tat is probably eggless... and healthy too ;) As for bread.. i think most breads are without eggs.. If you are really worried about it, you can try this vegeterian confectionary called Highlands situated at rochor centre level one. Anyway, if you are keen to find out more, you can email me at.. I can prob share with you some of my veg receipes as well..."

has anyone given MMR to a child with severe egg allergy? My child has severe egg allergy, we have been putting off giving him MMR for 6 years now, doctors cannot decide whether it is safe or not, whether he should have it in GP or in hospital, if it will have a bad reaction or not. Anyone have any advice

jessica g replied: "i disagree with the mmr any way the best way to help protect your child is to have the single vacinse they are much safer than the mmr and they dont contain egg"

bella's mum replied: "Jessica g, MMR vaccine is created from egg albumen. My sisters were both allergic to egg at a young age but were given MMR anyway. They ended up in hospital. But even so, I think you should have your son vaccinated. It is a good idea to have it done in a hospital with a doctor on hand to deal with a reaction if one occurs. MMR is very important, and if he doesn't get the vaccine he could become infertile due to Mumps or give Rubella to a pregnant woman, necessitating abortion. I'm sure that if it is done in the hospital he will be OK even if he does react. And it's a big bonus if he doesn't! Also be aware that flu vaccine is created with egg albumen and can cause reactions in people with egg allergies."

william710902 replied: "get it done but in a hospital with trained doctors on hand shoud he react it's better than having him get mumps and finishing up being unable to have children of his own the other diseases are just as bad"

dein34 replied: "My son has a severe egg allergy and our pediatrician said that it was okay...He had the MMR at 1 year with no problems at all. From baby center: Your child should not get the MMR vaccine if she has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin (yes, the stuff that makes Jell-O hold together), the antibiotic neomycin, or a previous dose of MMR vaccine. She'll probably also be advised against getting the vaccine if she has a condition that results in an immunodeficiency like leukemia, lymphoma or AIDS, or certain types of blood disorders. Because the measles vaccine is made by growing the virus in chick embryo cells, children with egg allergies were at one time advised not to get the MMR vaccine. However, recent studies have found that even children with severe egg allergies can receive this vaccine without any increased risk of side effects. also, you probably know this, but the flu shot is unsafe to give to people w/ egg allergy."

big_fat_goth replied: "Some of this information is for you, and some for the others who have posted answers. I would suggest having it done, but having it done under close observation in hospital. With the current spate of unvaccinated children, the incidence of measles, mumps and rubella is increasing. The MMR is not safer than single vaccination. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. The hype has come from a single, non-peer reviewed, case study by Dr Andrew Wakefield, with a very small group. The research was sound; the conclusions were not, and have been proven wrong in several hundred, peer-reviewed papers, with alarger study group. It has been investigated and disproved by the World Health Authority, the UK Public Health Authority, and the Royal College of Physicians. The paper itself concludes: "We did not prove a link between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described [autistic enterocolitis]. Virological studies are underway that may help to resolve this issue." and they also said that if there were a link, then they would expect "... a rising incidence might be anticipated after the introduction of this vaccine in the UK in 1988." which was not observed. This does not mean it is not safe. Single vaccinations are no better, and there is no scientific basis whatsoever to suggest giving all three in a single shot is in any way more harmful than singles. People who believe the tabloids are putting everyone's children at risk. I understand your predicament, and appreciate the difficulty you are in. Measles particularly is a very nasty disease to get. It can cause pneumonia, permanent deafness, and even inflame the nervous system. Measles can kill. Unvaccinated children can be contagious for 4-5 days before any symptoms are apparent, and it can spread through schools etc like wildfire. Anyone who was born in the 50s or before will remember this. Rubella is also a killer. It is unlikely to harm the sufferer (some people never know they had had it) but has the potential to severely harm unborn children if the sufferer comes into contact with a pregnant woman. This is a disease we need to keep on top of. Mumps can be mild or very severe- and it is worse if it happens in adulthood, particularly for males. It is increasing among the generation now aged 18-25 who were not vaccinated as children. It has the potential to cause organ infections, and is even linked to a mild form of meningitis. You wouldn't want to get it as an adult. I would suggest talking it over with someone. The NHS website has a dedicated page And a phone number 08454647, on which they can try and give you the advice you need. Also there are various websites on egg allergy and MMR- too many to include here. Google "egg allergy" MMR. Good luck." replied: "I am an alternative medicinal therapist and an ex nurse and we know for a fact that all these vaccinations damage the immune system. I never ever had any of my kids done with anything, all they ever had was usual childhood illnesses, it didn't do them any harm.. The best immunity the body can have is a natural one. If you believe everything the so-called experts tell you, you won't live that long. Go to my yahoo 360 for more information Gloria(BSYA)"

Giving MMR vaccine to egg allery child? My daughter is milk and egg allergic, I am very concerned about giving her the MMR vaccine. I have found many things that say it is safe. I am still concerned. I want to wait to see if she outgrows the allergy and then give it to her. Does anyone have a egg allergy child that has given their child the MMR vaccine and all has gone well?

Chicken in Black replied: "From what I've heard there shouldn't be a problem, the proteins are trace amounts. If it is given to her in at a doctor's office then if there is any reaction they can quickly treat it. I know this doesn't make you feel any better, but it's not like the amount that is present in the flu shot. I don't have a child with egg allergy, but I would be willing to give them the shot instead of risking mumps, measles, or rubella. Yes, they are treatable but terrible, too. I'd rather have a shot and, if a reaction happened, be treated in an office than end up hospitalized from those diseases."

smileychild replied: "I shadow a pediatrician and someone in the office asked this question the other day. I'm not sure how you'll want to handle it, but her response seemed pretty reasonable. She suggested asking an allergist (one you know and trust would be most helpful) if they administer the MMR vaccine there for your daughter since she is allergic to milk and eggs. Often an allergist will be willing to give her the vaccine there and sit with you/her observing her for an hour just in case of any side effects. This way, in case something were to happen, you're already in the presence of someone who can treat her immediately. Good luck!"

Can this be an allergy so many hours later? I tried my daughter on egg for the first time today (she is 8 months old). I was told to try it now as she is due for her MMR in a month and they need to know if she has an egg allergy or not. I gav her a bit at 6am and she seemed fine immediately afterwards. The whole of today she has been really happy and has had no issues. An hour before I took her for her bath and I noticed a rash on her stomach (small red dots) and her back (bigger red welts). I phoned the hospital and they said that so long as she has no problems breathing then there is no point in bringing her in. My question is: is it possible the reaction is only happening now 12 hours later? I'm sure I have nothing to worry about except for an ugly rash (which doesn't even seem to be bothering her) but I would like to know if anyone has experienced this before and if it was actually an allergy? Thanks in advance for the NON-SARCASTIC answers. I should mention it is now 6:30pm here and so doctors offices are closed so I would have to take her to the hospital.

cathrl69 replied: "Yes, it's possible. Can you get her in to your doctor? She doesn't need to go to hospital (where she is at risk of catching something nasty) but it would be a good idea to get a medical opinion on whether it looks like an allergic rash to something she ate. Given that it's egg, you really need to know for sure."

Ethel replied: "It might be a slight allergy but most rashes are left over from viruses that the child has gotten well from. I am surprised at the suggestion by your docs, that is not how it's usually done."

buick replied: "Yes it's possible - particularly since you only gave her a little bit. However, it could easily be something else like a virus. I'd give the pediatrician a call for further advice. an exam may be warranted after all."

lilloric replied: "yes it is possible.this is not exactly the same but i was on a medication to quit smoking that i was taking for a week before an allergic reaction showed.i have to question why your doctor told you to feed the child eggs at this age for any reason, i have never ever heard that before in my may want to switch doctors.just keep an eye on baby to make sure she is ok.if she starts seeming more tired than usual that can be a sign she is not getting enough air(breathing problems) and if that happens get her right to the doctor"

SunshineApple replied: "Hi, Did you give your daughter egg white - reason I ask is because doctors usually advise that you avoid egg whites all together for the first year due to the fact that many children tend to be allergic to egg whites. I also believed baby's got their MMR jab at around 13 months. Egg allergies can be very common in babies. Some signs of the egg allergy appear in minutes, although it can take up to a few hours for symptoms to show. Signs to look out for are: * Hives * Flushing * Itching/Rash around mouth, sometimes spreading to the rest of the body. * Facial Swelling * Tummy Pain * Diarrhea * Nausea * Vomiting * Runny Nose * Wheezing * Difficulty Breathing * Rapid Heartbeat * Low Blood Pressure Occasionally, an egg allergy can lead to an allergic shock, a serious condition requiring medical attention. Egg allergy can only be diagnosed by a doctor or allergist. I would keep an eye on her tonight and if you get worried don't phone hospital just take her there and get her checked over. Lx"

CLICK 2 $AVE! replied: "It's definitely possible that your child is allergic to egg and that the reaction took 12 hours to show up. That's not very long when you're talking an allergic reaction to something that was ingested. It can actually take days for a food allergy reaction to show up. That's why it's recommended that you wait 3 to 4 days between trying new foods. The only strange thing is that usually the reaction doesn't occur after only one exposure. She would have had to be exposed to eggs before to even produce an allergic reaction. This could have been through breast milk or even possibly in utero. But, usually allergies don't develop until someone has had a new food at least twice. I also agree that it is a very strange request that your doctor has made for you to try eggs at home to see if the baby will be allergic to the MMR shot. I've never heard of anyone doing that before. MMR usually isn't given until at least 12 months either."

A1 replied: "Hi, I also have learned that all dairy is bad for me. I have learned that itchings or rashes are symptoms of maladies that could become much worse if never healed with good choices. So although I have seen that most root problems for 'skin' issues for myself and others has usually been from long and or short term allergic reactions to 'something' COMBINED WITH a weakened lymph liver kidney skin and immune systems - IF the following symptoms would ever occur - I think the worst rash one might possibly have rapidly acquired is from deadly bacterial meningitis, but bacterial meningitis would be very rare. The two quotes below are from: <> <> <> “IF a rash is present, it may indicate a particular cause of meningitis; for instance, meningitis caused by meningococcal bacteria may be accompanied by a characteristic rash.” <> <> “The MOST common symptoms of meningitis are headache and neck stiffness associated with fever, confusion or altered consciousness, vomiting, and an inability to tolerate light (photophobia) or loud noises (phonophobia). SOMETIMES, especially in small children, only nonspecific symptoms may be present, such as irritability and drowsiness.” <> For further details see: <> <> <><> For further information on itch rash illnesses and for long term solutions TO THEM ALL - the following link has considerable info within a ‘report’ I recently posted: <> <> I truly hope what you learn will help you to decide on the correct choices that will remedy your painful malady in the future. My best to you and yours, AI – self taught nutritionIsT ><+>[(-:]"

Is the MMR vacination grown on eggs? My nephew is due to have his MMR in about 3 months however, his mum has a fatal egg alergy. I.e. crack an egg in the same room as her and she will have an anaphalactic shock and could die. When my sister had her rubella the vaccine is grown on eggs and she almost died. We are not sure if my nephew has inherited this allergy. (We are in the process of trying to get him tested but have helpfully been told to 'give him an egg and see what happens'). We have asked various doctors for their opinion and have had varying answers. Does anyone know for sure whether any part of the MMR is grown on eggs? If so, which part and can we get it grown on anything else other eggs? Your help will be very much appreciated. Thanks

proud walker replied: "I don't. but I'd like to get hold of the person who said give him an egg and see what happens. hope it wasn't a health professional"

freshbliss replied: "When in doubt, make sure the physician knows... They can order egg-free vaccines most of the time. I dont know of an exception, but there might be one. Good Luck"

Chris G replied: "Several studies have documented the safety of measles and mumps vaccine (which are grown in chick embryo tissue culture) in children with severe egg allergy. The AAP's "Red Book" Committee no longer considers egg allergy a contraindication to MMR vaccination. The new ACIP statement on MMR also recommends routine vaccination of egg-allergic children without the use of special protocols or desensitization procedures."

noitall U.K. replied: ""

Sal*UK replied: "Its made with a protein related to eggs, however these days even kids with known egg allergies can be given the vaccine. Hoever, you MUST tell the doctor/nurse about these family allergies BEFORE the child has the vaccine."

matador89 replied: "Little Miss Berry, MMR vaccine is made from live, but weakened measles, mumps and rubella viruses. The weakened viruses are grown either in chick embryo tissue cultures (mumps and measles) or in the human diploid cell line MRC-5 before being extensively purified, removing all traces of the cells. The viruses are then dried to a powder. The final product, in addition to the viruses, contains amino acids, human albumin, lactose, mannitol and sorbitol. It may also contain trace amounts of neomycin. The vaccine is suspended in sterile water before injection. I add a link with details of this subject. (Scroll down to “Egg allergy and the MMR vaccine") fact_sheets/html/mmr.html Hope this helps matador 89"

jackie m replied: "It is cultured on eggs- my daughter has an egg allergy and when my grandson was born they presumed he would have it too and when it was time for the MMR he had to get it done at the local children's hospital but he got 3 separate injections"

Its me, with another MMR question...again....? Do any of you know of any link between the MMR and children with nut/dairy allergies not having it? I know that, on occasion, children that are allergic to egg are delayed in having it but I did a random google search and something came back about MMR being detrimental to those that have a peanut allergy but I can not find this theory supported anywhere else. Anyone know anything? Oh and yes, my Daughter is due to have her MMR (still deciding) and has both confirmed milk and peanut allergies.

Designer~Wife replied: "I think your doctor is the best person to determine whether it is safe for your child or not."

Tina replied: "Ask the doc for the lot number and have him/her look it up to see if that batch has those ingredients.You can delay the shot until she starts school if you like.I believe it either attributed to or caused my son's autism.Just a thought."

Teeny Beeny replied: "The MMR vaccine is given after a child's first birthday. Generally by that time, a child has yet to be exposed to peanuts. Peanut allergies are not typically discovered until toddlerhood. So with that in mind, I would guess the MMR vaccine is safe for children with peanuts allergies. If it was not, I don't think the WHO, CDC, AAP, and every DR on earth who recommends getting the vaccine would think it was OK to endanger children who may or may not have a peanut allergy."

jellybabe replied: "Your health visitor, midwife or gp will be able to either answer this question or direct you to someone who can."

preggo with baby #4!!! replied: "hi well i never heard of that in my life! my son had also a milk allergies, but took mmr and all went well. however, i never heard that mmr is not suitable for children with peanut allergies. however, if you really need to know, why not ask your doctor who will give the mmr to your child, i am sure he/she will recommend what's best. good luck."

beetlemilk replied: "I have not seen any direct link to nut/dairy allergies and the MMR. That being said, I would say that your child is at an increased risk for an adverse reaction based upon the fact that allergies are an autoimmune disorder (body attacking itself). Once a person has one autoimmune disorder, its more likely that another will develop. Based on vaccine studies and autoimmune disorders, vaccines have been linked to many many autoimmune disorders including thrombocytopenia, cancer, autism, bowel disease, allergies, diabetes If you chose to get the MMR, I wouldn't do so before 15 months. If you are in a country (not the US) where its offered seperately, I'd get it that way. Since she has known allergies, I'd discuss the MMR with her allergist and see if she can be tested for any known MMR ingredients. The allergist may recommend preventative benadryl be given before the shot, or even a 24 hr hospitalization to ensure safety."

Are babies with food allergies more likely to react to vaccinations? My 7 month old son is allergic to milk, eggs, and all nuts. He's had the Polio, DTap, and Hib shots, but we didn't give him the Rotavirus, Prevnar or Hep B yet. I'm afraid because of his allergies he might react badly. I'm especially nervous of the MMR when that comes up. Does anyone know if kids with food allergies are the ones who react badly to shots? The 2-3% that react? For people that had kids react, were they allergic to foods?

mamaac43 replied: "Just remind the dr. of what the baby is allergic to and they know if an alergy will flare."

amykissinger replied: "My little boy is severly allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and didn't ever have a negative reaction to any of the immunizations. Good luck-- food allergies can be tough. =0)"

kellythapa replied: "Just let the doctor know but I'm sure he'll be fine. My daughter is 7 now with severe allergies to eggs, nuts, sesame seeds and animals. With her asthma and respiratory history it was recommended that she have a flu shot, but she was unable to have that because of her egg allergy!"

bettersee replied: "back when my brother was a baby (20 years ago) he almost died from a vaccination. he's allergic to eggs and one vaccine has eggs or something to do with eggs in it. I'm not sure if they still use that vaccination but i would ask about it"

Vanya replied: "Quote: The following routine childhood immunizations may contain egg or egg-related proteins: influenza (flu) and measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccines. In addition, the following non-routine vaccines contain egg protein: yellow fever and typhoid vaccines. /quote MMR vaccine does not actually contain egg or egg products, it contains 'chick fibrosis cells' not egg, and it's rare that a child with an egg allergy reacts to it. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that kids with egg allergies can have the MMR vaccine, but should be monitered in the physicians office a while after being given the vaccine. Yellow fever and typhoid vaccines are given ONLY if you are traveling out of the country. You should be aware of that. Make sure if you decide to skip any vaccines that you get the proper paperwork so that your child can attend preschool and eventually school. Just talk to her pediatrician and they will help you make an informed decision. No one can force you to get your child immunized, it's your choice. Just be sure that you are educated and that should help you in making your decision. Good luck!"

Should babies with food allergies be given vaccinations? My 9 month old boy is allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and bananas. He is up to date on his polio, hib, and DTap. However, I have not allowed him to have the Hep B, rotavirus, or Prevnar. I don't see the point of him having the Hep B. The "newness" of the Rotavirus scares me. The Prenvar fact sheet says if your child has severe allergies to ask your doctor. However, I'm on the 4th pediatrician and they blow me off when I ask them about why kids with severe allergies can't have the Prevnar, so I keep refusing it and they keep getting mad at me. The most recent pediatrician told me that since my son has severe allergies, if he did catch a disease, it would be harder for him to fight it, and that is why he needs vaccines more than other children. Is this crap or true? To me, my son's immune system is screwed up. It seems overloaded and adding more things might push him over the edge. (He had these allergies before he got his shots in case anyone wanted to know..I agonized over which ones to give him). He's been ok with no reactions so far. I've also been told that the MMR can now safely be given to kids with egg allergies. I know this is going to be a battle with our doctors when the time comes. Are there individual shots that don't contain egg that he could be given? There has been a measles outbreak here in the area I live..12 people. All were unvaccinated, so I would really like my son to be vaccinated agains the measles. Any thoughts? Are kids with food allergies more vulnerable to adverse reactions?? I agonize over this constantly!

beautifulbunny0286 replied: "this is really something to discuss with the doctor specifically. i think that if you chose to vaccinate which is probably in the best intrest of your child, i think you should go slowly. i would give 1 vaccination at a time. just with the risks of autism and all. its possible that giving 4 or 5 vaccinations at 1 time cause a huge assult on the babies immune system and cause problems like autism. when your child gets the vaccination you will stay at the doctors office for 20 minutes after to make sure there is no reaction. if you notice and reaction like swelling of the face/mouth or breathing problems call 911. good luck."

A M replied: "Actually, no child should be given immunizations, it is really rough on their system and contains much more than egg whites including aborted fetal tissue, antifreeze, aluminum and much more. Check out, there is tons of information and many links. You are very right about checking what is good and not good for your child. Too many parents will just listen to a Dr and do what they are told. Immunizations are a big money making industry and it is pushed by the government. Your state receives $100 per fully immunized child from the federal government. You don't know that he hasn't had any reactions so far. He had a fever and soreness right? That is from the disease. Things also can crop up later on that weren't seen before, that's why there aren't as many things reported. Do your homework and search for ingredients. Then search for the reactions to those ingredients. Its pretty scary. ONLY a parent is an expert on their own child. What's right for one isn't right for another one. As far as the measles, my grandson caught it from a child that was vaccinated who got it from the vaccine. Measles are miserable, but not life and death unless your child has something else OR a child is given aspirin. The aspirin is what causes Reyes Syndrome and that is what the children die from, but doctors and those who think everyone will die without shots don't want to look into it or admit it."

Janice G replied: "that is a really tough question. i have an 8 month old and decided to hold off on giving him any vaccinations. I am going to wait till he is a bit older (1-2) and get him vaccinated then. you are right, it just seems that their systems are overloaded. i am so sorry that you baby has all of those allergies, it must be so difficult. we just found out my niece is deathly allergic to peanuts and also has other allergies (cats). she is a little to young to test for others at this point. she is 15 months old and her mother has decided to hold off on the vaccinations for a few years. her mother is a stay at home mom and she just 'feels' that this was the right thing to do. follow your gut feeling, i know there have been out breaks lately but if you feel your son might be a bit more susceptable to any kind of reaction then hold of for a while till you are comfortable. do lots of research and forget about the doctors getting mad at you. just do what you have to do. Doc Sears, has some good information on vaccines, and so does Jenny McKarthy's books. Sorry I can't really answer your question. I do want my son vaccinated but like you i feel that it's too much for their little system's so soon."

Heather replied: "Well I can't really give you any hard facts regarding the link between food allergies and adverse reactions to vaccines but I sympathize with you. My 5 year old has food allergies too. If it will give you some peace of mind though, he is up to date on all of his vaccinations and doing just fine. He does seem to have a hard time with them- no seizures or anything crazy like that but he always runs a fever, gets redness and swelling or experiences diarreah and vomiting. If it says 1 in 10,000 kids will vomit- he's always that one. But it only lasts a couple of days and then he's fine. No worse than an average virus, really. I feel safer knowing he's been immunized."

i love Artie replied: "i am not sure if you have looked on the CDC website for the answer but here is a link to their page, if you open the contraindications chart it probably has allergies listed and what and what not to get as far as vaccinations go. it also talks on their website about the risks of NOT vaccinating: "

mandyhornbeck1981 replied: "I agree with you that a baby with food allergies has a screwed up immune system. I knew my third baby had food allergies but couldn't figure out what he was allergic to. I was breastfeeding, plus he was also lactose intolerant so my milk was making him sick no matter what I ate. So an elimination diet just frustrated me. I didn't know at the time that he was LI so it just confused me when he had that same reaction at every feeding no matter what I ate! When he got his four month shots he slept for two days, barely even waking to eat. After that he no longer babbled, smiled, laughed, made eye contact, or waved (which he had just learned to do). I didn't let him get his 6 month shots, even though his doctor thought I was either crazy or stupid. When he was 7 months old I figured out that he was allergic to oats. Two days after eliminating oats from our diet he started smiling and soon was laughing again. A few weeks later I figured out that he was allergic to bananas and pears. After removing them from our diet he started babbling and when he was ten months old he said his first word. At his 12 month checkup his doctor persuaded me to let him get his 6 month shots. Since I thought I had his allergies under control, and I was CERTAIN that the previous shots wouldn't have had that effect on him if it wasn't for the allergies, I thought the shots would be okay. Well, not only did one of his legs swell up, but he also lost a couple words from his meager vocabulary. He's almost 20 months old now and just a couple weeks ago he started saying new words. He went 7 long months without adding to his vocabulary! Needless to say, he did NOT get his 12 month shots when he was 18 months old, and he won't be getting any more. Neither will my next baby, who's due in October. I'm sure you might think I'm some kind of kook, but have you ever heard of the gluten free/casein free diet as a treatment for autism? You should look it up. There are a lot of doctors and parents (including Jenny McCarthy, not that I care about celebrity endorsements lol) who swear that some autistic children are allergic to gluten and casein and that by eliminating them from the diet they slowly return to normal. Call me crazy, but I believe that. I've seen that in my own baby with his allergies. Well, I honestly believe that my baby's developmental regressions were caused by his allergies AND his shots. I don't think the shots would have effected him like that if his immune system was normal. Not only with the autism-like behavior, but the way he slept after his four month shots. That's a pretty common adverse reaction to the DTaP, but if his immune system could have handled the shots better, that might not have happened. I guess it's completely up to you. If he's been okay so far, you might not have anything to worry about. But I'd rather be safe than sorry. You could ask for the individual measles vaccine, instead of the MMR combo. None of my babies has ever been allergic to eggs so I have no idea if there's an egg-free measles vaccine. Okay, well, I hope you don't think I'm crazy! Just stick to your guns with that doctor of yours. And for the record, I don't know, either, why they warn against vaccinating babies with severe allergies. I don't know if it's because of the risk they might be allergic to something in the shot (like eggs) or if it's because they damn well know their immune systems can't handle it. Good luck to you, and I hope your baby does okay with whatever shots he gets."

AV replied: "Well I think the Hep one your child should get before going to school. Here there have been hepatitus outbreaks at schools from the food. I don't understand why the doctors you have gone to keep getting mad at you for wanting answers. There have been measles and chickenpox outbreaks where I live. Although I had the chickenpox when I was a kid, and I survived. I would keep calling around about the MMR one. Check with CDC because they would have the most up to date information on the vaccines. Good luck to you. Also, my son's has a good immune system. He didn't develop his food allergies until later on. Being in daycare and exposed to foods I couldn't control. Thankfully his only reactions to the shots were a high fever."

iamme replied: "Go look on the CDC website, and it will tell you which children should not have or should delay certain vaccines due to allergy. I think an egg allergy is one on the list. If it is, you can print it out and show it to the doctor. Be hard for him to argue with the CDC!"

Chez replied: "what if the vaccines actually caused your child's allergies in the first place ?? I heard peanut allergy was virtually unheard of before the Heb b vaccine ?? SCAREY"

Should a baby with Food Allergies be Given immunizations? My 9 month old boy is allergic to milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and bananas. He is up to date on his polio, hib, and DTap. However, I have not allowed him to have the Hep B, rotavirus, or Prevnar. I don't see the point of him having the Hep B. The "newness" of the Rotavirus scares me. The Prenvar fact sheet says if your child has severe allergies to ask your doctor. However, I'm on the 4th pediatrician and they blow me off when I ask them about why kids with severe allergies can't have the Prevnar, so I keep refusing it and they keep getting mad at me. The most recent pediatrician told me that since my son has severe allergies, if he did catch a disease, it would be harder for him to fight it, and that is why he needs vaccines more than other children. Is this crap or true? To me, my son's immune system is screwed up. It seems overloaded and adding more things might push him over the edge. (He had these allergies before he got his shots in case anyone wanted to know..I agonized over which ones to give him). He's been ok with no reactions so far. I've also been told that the MMR can now safely be given to kids with egg allergies. I know this is going to be a battle with our doctors when the time comes. Are there individual shots that don't contain egg that he could be given? There has been a measles outbreak here in the area I live..12 people. All were unvaccinated, so I would really like my son to be vaccinated agains the measles. Any thoughts? Are kids with food allergies more vulnerable to adverse reactions?? I agonize over this constantly!

Gina A replied: "Your concerns are validated here... Have you considered the possibility that multiple injections may have contributed or exacerbated his allergies? Several independent studies have drawn coorelations between vaccinations and increased autoimmune/immunodeficient issues. This is the case with our child. She was immunologically damaged by multiple pediatric vaccines (0-6 mos). We stopped all vaccines and are still trying to bring her little body back into balance. Our second child is 2, no vax, ever, and is rediculously healthy, never even needed an antibiotic. Somehow we were all lead to believe that our tiny babies with their tiny immune systems need all these injections to be healthy. We are personally finding the exact opposite is true. Good for you, declining the Hep B vax as babies are not even in the risk category for this. I also agree that the Rotavirus vax is risky. It caused infant deaths and was subsequently reformulated and re-released. Rotavirus is an intestinal virus that runs it's course in a week or two. If dehydration occurs, this can be addressed easily by IV fluid supplementation. The Prevnar is one that I am not familiar with, but you can read more about the specifics at along with other informative sites listed below. I have found that doing my own internet searches are very helpful (Google 'Prevnar and childhood food allergies' or the like). Measles... this is a personal decision you will have to research further, but docs used to recommend that parents have measles parties just like they would recommend chicken pox parties, to expose a child while young and build lifelong immunity. Vaccines only offer partial and temporary protection and as such, especially with the new Varicella vax, these illnesses are appearing in adult populations where they are much more dangerous. These decisions are not easy, especially now that there may be an underlying immune system issue. As parents, we all do the best we can to reduce the risks for our children. In our case, we found that there is much greater risk of damage or injury related to vaccination, than from any of the diseases that they are supposed to prevent. One more thing that may help you determine a course for your baby boy. CDC lists available vaccines along with ingredients at Chick embryo is listed in several vaccines, but their little bodies change and develop so quickly and allergies and sensitivities may also change over time. Our daughter has grown into and out of several different allergies and sensitivities in her 5 years of life. I was not a praying person before, but I sure am now. As far as the Ped, an informed partnership is most effective. We already know they will push vaccines, so getting fair and unbiased answers to your questions from this source is unlikely. I am very matter-of-fact with them. These are not emotionally-based decisions, but having a direction before the appointment may help. God bless."

SARA B replied: "I would strongly recommend finding a specialist in pediatric allergies. I'm not surprised that you are getting less than satisfactory answers from the pediatricians because they just don't know! If you find one that admits his or her lack of knowledge hang on to them--Doc who are smart enough to admit when the don't know something are rare! If you can't find an allergist check your closest University hospital for a well trained nutritionist."

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