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About Genuine Hoodia in Answers
Genuine Hoodia? What's the real deal with Hoodia - I've heard there's so many fake Hoodia products out there - has anyone used a Hoodia product that actually works?

luckygal25 replied: "The website below has some information on Hoodia. They are endorsing Hoodithin which I've used and continue to use because it works well for me."

bawbag123 replied: "Hoodias are banned downia our way. They can interfereia with the CCTV images of criminia and lead to them getting awaywia list of crimes. Fake hoodias don't survive washingia at 40 degrees and are more troubleia than theyre worthia."

phantomswife309 replied: "Whats a hoodia in heavens name LOL????"

Dr Frank replied: "Easy answer, none! In the few months I have been answering 'Health Answers' I have had my eyes really opened. I had no idea that such a high percentage of the population are so naive as to believe in the myths, potty patent medicines, illegal drugs, illegally purchased prescription only drugs, charlatans and just plain crooks, purporting or pretending that they can fix them. The problem is also that to be allowed on the market most of these preparations only have to prove that you are not very likely to drop dead soon after you take them! Once this is established they appear to legally be able to make any wild and unsubstantiated claim they like! Currently 88 questions on Answers about Hoodia all with the same responses! Without wishing to seem impolite Type ' weight loss ' into the search for questions box and you will see the answers to the 20 questions like yours that clutter ' Answers ' every day, together with their standard answers. Type in ‘Answers swamped with weight loss questions!?’ to see what regular contributors think. I will cut and paste my stock answer, however it is interesting to see how close this is ( I have been using it for over 2 months), to a recent paper from University of California. They did a meta-analysis of all the work on weight loss over the past few years. ( summary) It showed that 2/3 of people who diet yo-yo to a higher weight, none of the faddy diets of diet pills work and that rapid weight loss doubles heart attack risk! They seemed to suggest the only hope was modest calorie reduction + EXERCISE. This is a news report of the article: ... I have to admit I have a 'stock' answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!!! Type 'guaranteed weight loss' into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites! Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight? We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don't use them up! Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg. Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%? I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch! No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way."

K.S. replied: "I tried 100% Hoodia and...... Hoodia has worked for me...and with no side effects. Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. For all you doubters, here is the prior feedback for another user who followed my advice: Asker's Rating: ***** very good comment i lost 2 lbs in a week i think i can almost get in my leather dress, i can hit the town in no time **** VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO GET RIPPED OFF --- #1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting! #2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia & not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!! #3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times. #4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it! Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa. Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times. You can read a good article about how it works at: "

Andrew Aitaken replied: "There are only a few choice companies out there selling the real thing. Mainly because when Hoodia took off in late 2004 everyone scrambled to get contracts with licensed Hoodia growers in South Africa. There are few legitimate exporters and hundreds of sellers, you do the math. There is alot of fake Hoodia out in the marketplace. There are many factors involved in finding the best Hoodia, Totalink’s Hoodia Buyers Guide at can point you in the right direction on finding the real stuff. There are reputable brand sites online that display credentials and some of them even let you return opened bottles if it does not work for you. Check out Totalink's unbiased Hoodia comparison at in the "Confidence" column it will indicate if the brand is "Certified". These Hoodia brands have the credentials to back up their product. Also in that column it will indicate if the brand is "Returnable". These Hoodia brands allow you to return opened bottles and get your money back. I think this indicates that a company has confidence in their product that it works. I’ve written some good articles on Hoodia that will answer many important questions, just Yahoo or Google my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them. Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement."

yragcom replied: "Hoodia DOES work, I've used it, and, like any other drug or supplement, if you stop using it and resort to bad habits, you'll put the weight back on. Remember that Hoodia is a diet suppressant, nothing more. That's why you see some brands of diet concoctions mixed with Hoodia. Hoodia just keeps you from wanting to eat. It won't help you lose weight all by itself. It will help you control you impulse urges. Remember, that it's the pure 100% Hoodia that you're looking for in most cases. You can try some for free for 7 days, some of the vendors that offer it for free are listed here off and on. "

Does anyone know where i can buy GENUINE hoodia from in the UK? I heard Hoodia hepls you lose weigth by suppressing your appetie, but where can i buy a geniune one from in the UK? how will i know if its genuine?

thecookieprince replied: "Don't Take Diet Pills."

Where can i buy genuine ephedrine or real hoodia? i no any drugs are not good for me but i am 22 stone 13 lb and my doctor still refuses to give me subscription drugs to help me lose weight, i have joined a gym and been going for 3 months but my size and energy levels means i dont really ever get a good work out, i feel as tho i really need some help. if someone could please send me a link to a site that you know is good i would be ever so thankfull.

gfyhjbst j replied: "if u wana lose weight at home without exercising......u can refer to this website and u will find so many tips for weight loose and weight loose reciepes.u can try them and lose weight at home easily."

lys replied: " I get my Hoodia from here. Also, if youre ever going to buy Hoodia then make sure you buy a product containing Hoodia Gordonii, its the only one with the active agent that assists with weight loss." replied: "Have you tried Holland & Barratt (UK)? I don't mean to come across condescending but have you tried conventional (or even non-conventional) diets? I know first hand that the Atkins diet works wonders if you can keep it up - I know of people who've lost 100lbs in a year (one of them is on Youtube is you search 'Atkins Diet'). Best of luck"

bybmaf replied: "check ya email inbox"

kate replied: "Check here: You will find what you like! Good luck!"

where can i buy Genuine quality Hoodia diet pills in Singapore? Hoodia diet pills .

RobsVision replied: "Have them shipped from the U.S. This brand is genuine hoodia."

Jill B replied: "Internet. Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. **** VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO GET RIPPED OFF --- #1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting! #2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia & not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!! #3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times. #4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it! Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa. Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times. You can read a good article about how it works at: "

Does this Hoodia stuff REALLY work? Where can I buy it in UK/Ireland, (I mean GENUINE Hoodia) thanks folks!? Read all about it, Seen it on Ebay, is it to good to be true?? (probably) if anyone can give me a wee bit of advice it would be GREATLY appreciated! I aint too fat but want to shed a stone, and quickly!!!

dizzybee&searanger replied: "No Hoodia works, none of the products on sale are genuine. The formula has not been released into the market yet and hundreds of companies are selling rip-off brands. They used diluted cactus, not even hoodia sometimes. I bought some and it does nothing. As l said, real Hoodia, chemist name P57, is not on the market. Try Reductil instead (or just dieting) and remember the quicker you lose it, the quicker it goes back on so do exercise at least 3-4 times a week to keep the weight off. As l said, don't believe any of the hype, you will lose £££££'s not pounds Lbs !"

cate replied: "Did nothing for me"

Jill B replied: "I tried 100% Hoodia and...... Hoodia has worked for me...and with no side effects. Check with your doctor before starting any weight loss program. For all you doubters, here is the prior feedback for another Answers user who followed my advice: Asker's Rating: ***** very good comment i lost 2 lbs in a week i think i can almost get in my leather dress, i can hit the town in no time **** VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO GET RIPPED OFF --- #1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting! #2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia & not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!! #3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times. #4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it! Hoodia (HOOD-ee-uh) gordonii - A genus of 10 to 20 species from southwestern Africa. Hoodia gordonii is the stoneage wonder plant found throughout the dry arid regions of the South western African continent now on the verge of making history in the fight against obesity. It is a genus belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family which consists of approximately 20 species. Used to stop hunger, quench thirst, and provide energy among other things since prehistoric times, Hoodia gordonii was first discovered by the San tribesmen and women to get through the most difficult of times. You can read a good article about how it works at: "

take two replied: "No very good"

is hoodia gordonii effective? where can i buy it in the uk + how do i know if it will be be genuine? has anyone used it? what were your experiences?

LR replied: "never heard of it"

Jill B replied: "I tried Hoodia and...... Hoodia has worked for me...and with no side effects. For all you doubters, here is the prior feedback for another Answers user who followed my advice: Asker's Rating: ***** very good comment i lost 2 lbs in a week i think i can almost get in my leather dress, i can hit the town in no time **** VERY IMPORTANT NOT TO GET RIPPED OFF --- #1. Be sure you are buying pure Hoodia...look for the import certificate on the website. No matter the price, if they do not display this, you really do NOT know what you are getting! #2. Be sure it is 100% Hoodia & not mixed w/other herbs, etc.!! #3. Keep in mind it stops your hunger pangs…you MUST remember to break your habit to always eat at certain times. #4. Drink a full 8oz. glass of water with it! You can read a good article about how it works at: "

Mrs star replied: "You Can buy it on the net it does work just type in Hoodia Gordian and all the websites will come up."

Candy Mamii replied: "I tried it and it worked for me. I have to get another bottle"

Jay Jay replied: "I've been using the herbal supplements from Healthy Direct for sometime now and find them a good company. I've not tried their hoodia but I know they sell it. Check it out at"

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