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how long does it take the drug keppra to take affect in your system after the dosage is increased? once a person is on the drug keppra for seizure disorder , how long does it take to take affect in your system once the dosage is increased

versantly replied: "ask your neurologist."

Does anyone know the long term effects of Keppra? Its an epilepsy medication and my son is almost 2 yrs old and has only been on it for about 2 wks with no side effects yet. Just wondering about the long term like after he goes off the medication? Any info will be greatly appreciated............

katwoman65_99 replied: "my son was on keppra for about 3 mths with his seizures, hes 11 and the side affects he has was it made him very angry all the time"

matador89 replied: "Some people have reported helpful effects from Keppra. They say they can think and concentrate better and feel more alert. It's hard to be sure whether these benefits are from the Keppra or from having fewer and less severe seizures. If you have just started taking Keppra (or have just started taking a larger amount), be careful doing anything that might be dangerous until you know whether you are feeling sleepy, dizzy, or uncoordinated.There are no known allergic reactions to Keppra. The long-term side effects of Keppra are not yet known. Hope this helps Matador 89"

mamaofens replied: "My daughter has Epilepsy too, but is not on Keppra. I have heard from other parents that the side effects changes the patient's attitude, making them more unpleasant to be around. Sometimes vitiamin B6 is used to counteract this side effect."

How long will my stay be in the hospital after leg surgery (putting a rod in my leg to hold my fibula togethe) Additional Details i had ankle surgery 2 months ago. - additional issues: i have a seizure disorder (on lamictal, keppra, ativan) he is taking 2 screws out from the first surgery for my first surgery they had me in there for 3 nights (but that might be because it was after the injury).

brianwv64 replied: "usually a couple days. Once PT sees you do Ok on crutches, the doc. will usually let you go home."

Jazzy replied: "Most likely you'll be there for 2-3days. It depends on what time you are checked in."

jacksonlytle replied: "Why hasn't the doctor explained this to you yet. I'm a nurse and it's normal for doctors to explain how long they will keep your previously!"

What are the side affects of sizure medicine, and how long should they be on them? The medicines I have a questions on is Keppra and Clonazepam

grandeyeglass replied: "Did you ask your doctor? Those aren't drugs you can get over the counter without a a doctor must have been involved at some point. Linked info from WebMD on both drugs below:"

cute_blondie_angel replied: "I was also on seizure medicine for Epilepsy. The main side effects that i have had are sleepiness, usually around the nighttime, because thats when all the medicine starts to really kick in. Another side effect is increased appitite. I personally hated being on the medicine, because it made me feel like a zombie, tired and sluggish. I gained about 20 pounds while on it too. But, it is very importnant to take the medicine if it has been prescribed. There were a few days that i would forget to take my medicine, and it would make the side effects worse, because i would have to start all over. Stopping medicine for seizures without a doctors order is very dangerous. I was finally able to stop taking my medicne. What the doctor did for me was wean me off the medicine, by cutting the dosage in half, then into 1/4, until i was done. This process took about a year. And if i got any worse while being weaned, he upped the medicine again. Some people have to be on this type of medicine for the rest of their lives. If the seizure was just a one-time thing, which is actually quite normal in children, then the neurologist will probablly just have him on some medication for a few months, monitoring his blood level at the same time. Good luck"

Keppra the new anti seizure med? I am slowly being taken off my med , tegertol, that I have taken since 1994 and put on Keppra. This med kicks my buttt and am having a different type of seizure now. I had seizures that I would responed to touch and soft talking to help me come out of it. Now I am going out all the way. Being by myself I not sure how long I go out for. Is anyone else having this affect taking Keppra? I stumble, can't stay awake and my life has become scary. No matter how many times I tell the Doctor< we have office visits over the cell phone so I do not have to drive 3 hours, He has told me my outcome if I can't get them under control will be "They are going to kill you" Thanks Doc, makes me feel just great knowing this. May as well drive off a cliff, getting depress. Any Keppra users are so welcome to answer. Thank You all in Answer Land.

kittyg29 replied: "Try a new doctor, closer to your home."

gedd500 replied: "I was on lamictal and Depakote for several years for complex partial / petite mal seizures, but changed to Keppra after I had a grand mal seizure about three years ago. Since then I have had one more grand mal seizure but that was two years ago. I've had about two or three occasions where I had the aura type feeling, but nothing more than that. I've also finally gotten my driver's license. That hard thing with epilepsy is that every case is different, and everyone reacts differently to different drugs. I would keep bugging your doctor about how things have gotten worse, and if that doesn't work look for another doctor. I had a similar problem when I was first diagnosed. Every time I had another seizure he would just increase the dosage. After three years of that we found a different person. One thing to consider is what the doctor usually treats. The first guy did neurology in general, my new doctor specializes in seizures and one or two other things so she knows a lot more about what's going on. Hope everything comes out all right for you."

how long should my medicine last? i am take keppra at 500 mg twice a day (and im 16 if you need that) but i was wondering how long will it take for my medicine to be fully out of my system.

Vampire_of_Death replied: "My guess is going to be around 30 days, but for a solid answer, I would ask your doctor as I don't know everything about you and what medical issues you have, etc."

jon_arronuk replied: "it could last about 6 months,depends how old you are"

Auras. Does anyone know what they r. I have them and they're creepy. How do I stop them? I am on keppra for epilipsy and not long ago had I think was like an unpleasant aura. I want to know if anyone out there has them andd if they know hoiw to stop them. I don't know if its the tablets as I have never had them before I went on these tablets. I just want to stop the auras as I would rather be dead than keep having this creepy feeling like someone is trying to take over my mind. I have always thought that there is a spirit in this house that we have been renting for nearly one year now as my cats sometimes keep looking up at the walls and ceilings. Its freaking me out. I'd love to know how to stop them.

roscoedeadbeat replied: "In spirituality and New Age belief, an aura is a subtle field of luminous multicolored radiation surrounding a person or object as a cocoon or halo. An aura may be held to represent or be composed of soul vibrations or chakras, and may reflect the moods or thoughts of the person it surrounds. Skeptics such as Robert Todd Carroll say that although there is no scientific evidence for supernatural perception of auras, auras may be seen for explainable reasons such as migraines or synaesthesia."

Angel_Blue replied: "i am on keppra also!... nice to find someone to relate to... first, what do you mean by an aura? those preclude a seizure, warning you that one is on its way. at which point, you should go some place where you won't hurt yourself. if you don't have seizures after these auras you mention, then they are not auras. on the other hand, there IS a creepy sort of seizure, where you'll be walking along, and suddenly feel as if two raw wires just touched each other for a nanosecond. i HATE it when that happens... THEY freak ME out.... but i'd rather have them than the seizures i DO have. last one, i was on the stairs, fell really hard, and broke both my ankles... one in 2 places. and i'm sorry if you feel like you're losing your mind, but i doubt its because of the keppra.... then again, it MIGHT be some sort of weird sensitivity to the drug if you've never had it before. personally, i am so happy to have keppra: nothing else worked on me -- none of them -- and i was born this way. as for your cats.. they're cats. maybe they wish they could jump that high, think they see something moving [even if it was just dust or a cobweb]... maybe they see a shadow... could be anything. but i doubt you are losing your mind. for one thing, you wouldn't even remember HOW to type, or what the Imternet was...."

License suspended for seizures, can't get to work, can't get health insurance help? My doctor suspended me for having Grand Mal so I can no longer get to and from work. I live in the middle of nowhere in PA. My main issue is now that I am not working I have lost my health insurance. My anti-seizure medications consist of Keppra and Topamax for a total of over 1k a month out of pocket. I can get unemployment but I will break even. I also have to call 911 for every seizure due to brain lesions that need monitored. Does anyone have any ideas? I have been down the welfare path, I make too much on unemployment. Help please? Thanks.

annabelrn replied: "we need to talk, I had the same situation, are a nurse too? I don't know how to contact you, so please email me at. Also, you may want to check out a group called cnobml under yahoo groups, I'm not advertising, but I know this can help you."

versantly replied: "talk to your voc rehab counselor about updating your job skills -this will allow you to apply for a job that offers benefits. till then, apply for state aid."

candy11 replied: "Have you ever thought about getting your SSD or SSI? Also there are programs that you can get on, according to income and get your medications for free. Since you are on unemployment I'm sure you would meet the income level. Go on the internet and look up the drug company that makes both of your medications, and there will be a short form to fill out to see if you can get it free. If you can, go to your doctor, and his nurse should fill out the forms for you, because it has to be signed by your doctor. And the medications will be sent to your doctors office, and then all you have to do is pick up your med. there.Type in on the Internet: Drug company for Keppra and then do the same for the Topamax. Also the doctor will have to send a prescription with the form, to the drug company that makes the drug. Have you applied for food stamps, and medicaid? Hope this helps you. I know this information because my brother is on SSD and he gets most of his medications like this. I send my best to you."

Methuselah replied: "Okay, this might not be your preferred option, but you should at least consider moving. If you lived somewhere with good public transit, or very close to where you work, not having a drivers' license would not get in the way of your working. Maybe a nice city apartment? Maybe somewhere you have friends or relatives? Also, I am from Europe, and over here we think it is absolutely crazy that this kind of situation could happen in America. In Europe it never ever would. That's because we have good healthcare systems that don't leave vast numbers of people without health insurance. In fact, they generally don't leave ANYONE without health insurance. Moving to Europe (or somewhere like Australia) might be a little extreme, but it would at least be worth supporting initiatives in the US to reform healthcare provision so it is not tied to employment."

My son has been moody all day long and i am getting frustrated? My 6 year old son has been moody ALL day long. Well that is sense he has been up he woke up around 1pm today but he went to bed around 9om last night. So i am not sure why he slept so long. But they just started him on a new drug for his Epilepsy last week but it is not helping. the drug is keppra and he takes 100mgs and my son only weighs around 89lbs. But he had his neurologist appointment yesterday and they want him to undergo brain surgery which would get rid of his Seizures all together. And i tried to explain to him and he just got really upset and started screaming and crying. And well today when he woke up he has been moody and any little thing has set him off into a screaming and crying mess. He has never been like this before. And it is starting to frustrate me to no end. Advice?

Succeed4Sure replied: "First the moodiness may be due to side effects of the Kepra and / or to his disrupted sleep pattern. At the same time I would be pretty scared and upset if I'd been told I needed brain surgery - even if it was to get rid of the seizures. Its scary enough having epilepsy to start with, but does he really believe the surgery will help or is he frightened his brain will be damaged or he might die in surgery? Seems pretty natural to be upset if you think about it. Try suggesting to him that you'd be upset and scared in his situation and see if he will tell you how he's feeling about the whole thing. If you need more help theres a really good resource at"

Albanian Lobster replied: "Give him space, be nice to him."

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