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How Much Is Relenza Facts
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Popular Questions
What is a rough estimate for how much Relenza costs without any insurance? ? What is the generic name for it and what is the cost for that?

kcin replied: "Just bought it today without insurance from wallgreens, it came out to $72.99. 5mg and 10 doeses. I live in Dallas, Texas so I don't know how much prices vary from place to place. I don't think they make a generic for it though. Hope you feel better!"

What is your experience of Tamiflu or Relenza? Have you taken Tamiflu or Relenza for swine flu? What, if any, side effects did you experience? How long did you feel unwell - from the flu or side effects? Do you feel you made the right decision taking it?

M A SALAM replied: "•More than half of the children in England taking the swine flu drug Tamiflu capsule / pill (Roche -oseltamivir) suffer side-effects such as nausea, insomnia and nightmares, delirium, psychosis and hallucinations. •The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which found 103 cases of "neuropsychiatric adverse events", including the DEATHS of a 17-year-old boy who was killed after jumping in front of a truck and a 14-year-old boy who fell after climbing on a balcony railing. •The government says about 150,000 people in England have received Tamiflu via the National Pandemic Flu Service, which was launched last week. •Pharmaceutical company wrote to US doctors warning that "people with the flu, particularly children, may be at an increased risk of self-injury and confusion shortly after taking Tamiflu and should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behaviour". •Tamiflu : 40% reported gastrointestinal problems including nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach pain and cramps, while 18% reported a "neuropsychiatric side-effect" such as poor concentration, inability to think clearly, problems sleeping, feeling dazed or confused, bad dreams or nightmares and "behaving strangely. •The most common side-effects for Relenza (GlaxoSmithKline - zanamivir) inhaler - which is being given to pregnant women - include a cough and ear, nose and throat infections. •Three Japanese adults committed suicide while on Tamiflu while five children died. Since 1999, when Relenza was approved, there have been 115 reports of psychiatric events, of which 74 were children. "ALL DRUGS HAVE SIDE-EFFECTS. IT IS ALWAYS A CASE OF DECIDING THE BALANCE BETWEEN BENEFITING A PATIENT FROM A TREATMENT AND THE SIDE-EFFECTS.”"

If the swine flu becomes a pandemic, who will get the tamiflu and the relenza? Who will have first priority? Government officials?

dingobluefoot replied: "Whoever has the most money and influence."

Ed J replied: "Only your doctor knows"

♥Socially Awkward♥ replied: "It takes months to come up with a new vaccine, if even that. The government officials would get it first of course. (They'll probably test it on a few of us normal folk first to make sure it's safe.)"


Cherry replied: "Babies, elderly and anyone that has a health problem."

Big Bear replied: "Democrats first it so you do not have to drink the kool aid. Remember that's a republican Company that is providing the juice"

ruth replied: "Probably the highest risk group, whatever that is deemed to be. The year they ran out of flu vaccine, my child got one and I didn't. I thought it was stupid that the worker/care-giver could get sick but not the child. Whatever."

snoopy_0752 replied: "You have to ask? Of course they will get it first."

Monkey Pig 2 replied: "Dont worry, the stupid brain dead idiot that Obama appointed as Homeland Security says dont worry, They will let sick people in and not check and let it spread. The Libs will do anything to destroy this country. They really care about us dont they!!"

BladeRunner replied: "first will be all medical personnel etc etc, as well sick people will go to them and if they get sick they will need medical help and the last thing we want is all the medical staff getting ill on us when we need them!. then obviously army, governments then when it comes down to just the general public people with health problems such as asthma will be the first dragged in for treatment, I have asthma and every year my doctors surgery litrally hassles me into coming in for flu jabs etc etc(infact by the tones of their letters and calls Im pretty certain that if they legally could they would walk into my home and drag me by my ear to the nurses office, i hate needles :( lol!), because this is a respiratory infection asthmatics and people suffering from conditions that weaken their immune system will be first to be called in from the general public well thats what we hope anyways, the goverment is very unpredictable lately."

Swine replied: "Well, it didn’t take long for partisan Democrats to blame the swine flu outbreak on the Republican Party - And President Obama can once again invoke his time-tested alibi: He inherited the problem. o_O"

Do you have to have a prescription for Tamiflu and Relenza? My family and I have been looking everywhere for this stuff and no luck. Was it ever available over the counter? Or did they wipe it off the shelves for the hospitals? Nope,my family doesn't have it. We just want to have some on hand incase we would have to treat ourselves or something. Dr. ain't gonna give it to us if we don't have it.

Smiling Costs Nothing :) replied: "You need to see your GP, they will prescribe you some :)"

avatar replied: "Its only available through prescription its highly demanded you will never find it. Just go to the doctor. I wish I had some as well."

soap replied: "yer if you think you have swine flu then call your doc. and they can treat you cant buy it in a pharmacy"

U?U replied: "Yes, in the US (as well as in EU), you do need a prescription for both. These drugs were never OTC. As far as availability goes: both drugs are very specific; quite expensive. Since even during the seasonal flu period the demand for these drugs was never really high, the retail pharmacy normally would stock only a few packages (if any at all). Now is a different story."

Kalibasa replied: "Please don't buy it- if you get sick it will be given to you, but otherwise you will just be taking it out of the hands of those who truly need it."

kay kay replied: "no not yet"

Half My Love Is In Iraq replied: "No because it's a prescription and of course they're going to hoard it for the people who get the illness. Yeah I know it sucks. I got so worried that I actually thought about not leaving my apartment until the epidemic was over with, but then I remembered that I had to go grocery shopping :("

Whats the better anti-viral to buy in case bird-flu starts spreading person to person. Relenza or Tamiflu? The only 2 anti-virals that work against the bird flu virus. Relenza and Tamiflu needed to be taken early on after getting infected. I'm going to be travelling and want to have a dose of the drug prior to leaving the country. I want to know which one is better?

dybydx01 replied: "In a recent study a doctor was pretty disappointed with tamiflu's performance. Have a read:"

muncie birder replied: "Better plan on getting your affairs in order if it does spread. I do not believe that either works very well. Your best bet will be to stop feeding the birds and remain isolated. Maybe that way you will be one of the lucky ones or unlucky depending on your outlook."

is it NECESSARY to drink tamiflu or relenza to CURE H1N1/swine flu? What im asking is it the ONLY way to cure someone with swine flu? Or can a lot of rest, other medications, good intake of vitamins make a patient with the swine flu better?

Cat55 replied: "I have no idea. I know that most of the cases we have had in Canada mild and went away . I have heard Dr. Oz say that intake of vitamin D, might help people NOT get swine flu. Hope you do not get the flu. Be well."

manda replied: "Many cases have went away on there own but if you have under lying issues you may need meds"

Michelle B replied: "Tamiflu & Relenza are NOT 'cures' for the flu strain H1N1. All they do is relieve the symptoms and help cut recovery time by a couple of days. I am so sick of hearing about Swine flu now. Its the same as Normal Flu People. Chill out!"

ufoblogger replied: "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY ..... First : Please have look here : Medimmune Patented H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Back in 2008 About Tamiflu : UK TV presenter my daughter 'almost died' after taking Tamiflu Tamiflu and Relenza 'unhelpful' in children against H1N1 Finally: History of the synthetic H1N1 flu virus "

onlymatch4u replied: "You need to realize that all this hype over the SWINE FLU is just that, hype. Just like the SARS or the BIRD FLU, the same people are back at it again trying to extract as much money from people as they can using scare tactics, intimidation and fear as their weapons. More people will get the flu from the vaccines than from the disease itself and this is typical of most vaccines. Drugs are not how the body builds good immunity. That is a myth that is being propagated because there is no money in building real immunity for them. Modern medicine has become BIG BUSINESS and is NOT about health at all. All you have to do is look at the statistics to realize that. We do know that people living closer to the equator get far less incidences of the flu and that is primarily due to the excess vitamin D3 they get in their bodies from eating tropical foods like coconut oil and getting good sunlight each day. NOT USING sunscreen is important as well. Since the inception of sunscreen in 1988, the skin cancer rate has more than doubled as a result of using that junk. It blocks the UVB rays of the sun that mix with cholesterol in your blood to make vitamin D3. Statistics show that the farther north you go, the more incidences of the flu happen. This stupid vaccine these guys have designed is genetically engineered to fight the genetically engineered flu. The whole idea that a vaccine builds immunity is NOT GOOD SCIENCE and many people in the health care industry are refusing to get the vaccine themselves for good reason. Doesn't it make more sense to build your immunity against all diseases rather than picking some virus and trying to build your immunity against that particular virus that will mutate anyway and make the vaccine ineffective? Look what they are putting into that junk besides the LIVE VIRUS that is giving many people the flu: 1) ALUMINUM (two variants) - directly linked to Alzheimer's Disease 2) AMMONIUM SULFATE - an inorganic chemical compound used a fertilizer and "protein purifier"; known to cause kidney & liver damage, gastrointestinal disfunctions 3) AMPHOTERICIN B - an "antifungal disinfectant", damages the urinary tract, bowels, heart functions 4) RE-CYCLED ANIMAL TISSUE (multiple) - the building blocks of Mad Cow Disease 5) FORMALDEHYDE - used as "a preservative & disinfectant", known to cause cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the body's immune system 6) MSG - now known to cause cancer in humans, also linked to obesity 7) PHENOL - a highly toxic disinfectant dye, attributed to liver, kidney, heart & respiratory damage 8) PHENOXYETHANOL (ANTIFREEZE) - proven to have extreme neurotoxic side effects 9) THIMEROSAL (MERCURY) - a neurotoxin linked to psychological, neurological & immunological problems. Nervous system damage, kidney disease, birth defects, dental problems, mood swings, mental changes, hallucinations, memory loss, nerve damage and inability to concentrate can occur. Symptoms also include tremors, loss of dermal sensitivity, slurred speech and, in rare cases, even death and paralysis. This additive alone was the catalyst for another recent Class Action Lawsuit organized by mothers of children born with Autism & the many related behavioral disorders associated with it. Autism is now occurring at levels never seen before in history, 1 in 67. The average used to be 1 in 20,000. What in the world are they doing by putting MSG into your blood stream? Don't they know that combining that with iron in your blood causes brain damage? Ammonium Sulfate? What has that got to do with giving you immunity? Last year, 106,000 people died in hospitals that were given FDA approved medications that were doctor prescribed for the ailments they were suffering from. What investigation was launched to find out why? NONE. Why not? Doesn't it make sense that when 106,000 people die as a result of FDA approved medications that someone should be asking questions? We are flooded with indoctrination by these people everyday. You hear it on the T.V. and radio constantly. Kill this, relieve that, but is it really working? We now rank 39th in the world according to the World Health Organization for health. Guam is ahead of us. 38 countries in the world are healthier than the U.S., yet we consume 70% of all the drugs made in the world. In 1905, the CDC reported that less than 5% of ALL Americans were chronically ill. In 2005, the same CDC reported that more than 53% of ALL Americans were chronically ill. Does that sound like progress to you? In 1922, a guy named Bernays, Sigmond Freud's cousin was named the "Father of Spin." He convinced people that cigarettes were good for you and the medical profession allowed doctors to tell people that cigarettes were good for their digestion and then doctors went on to tell people what cigarettes they were smoking and which brands were better than others. Not until recently did that change. Amazing. Doctors even recommended that pregnant mothers smoke to relieve their anxiety. These same people are out in force again promoting garbage that they have been indoctrinated with and it is so very sad that they are being listened too. These people are telling us that Autism is not a result of vaccinations. Yet, cultures around the world and in the U.S. that do not vaccinate have Autism rates way over the 1 in 20,000 range. Yet, today, 1 in 69 children have Autsim and that statistic is getting progressively worse every day. good luck to you"

girlie replied: "i got over swine flu with no meds at all - all you need is rest and let your body do what it does best - heal"

Mitchell W replied: "I do not know if it is the only way to cure swine flu, but i certainly now that tamiflu helps, me cousin recently purchased it and now she fills fine. The only think that made me worried first is that she had to order it with some overseas pharmacy based in London. but it was not expensive, thanks God"

Can tamiflu or relenza be normally bought in U.S. drugstores? I´m asking for people living in the U.S. If you get sick with swine-flu-like symptons, go to a doctor, and he does prescribe you tamiflu for it, is it possible for you to buy it normally in a drugstore or, did the government take the medicine out of drugstores and is the only possible source for it? I´m asking because here in Brazil, the medicine was taken out of drugstores and I´d like to know how it works in the U.S. Thanks!

inLiNk replied: "No they can not, and to keep working against the popular myth (arising from unwarranted fear), Tamiflu is not a cure for the flu, nor can it save your life if you have a deadly case; . The drugs mainly being stockpiled function to hasten the course of the flu in one's system in order that one won't be contagious for as long, thus to prevent spreading and re-spreading (i.e. re-infection of populations by new strains) of the flu."

All of the following are correct aboutTamiflu and Relenza EXCEPT...? a. they should be given early in an infection b. they prevent assembly and release of the virus c. they are used to treat infections by influenza A and B d. they are effective prophylactics for influenza

novangelis replied: "d. they are effective prophylactics for influenza"

how do you pronounce tamiflu and relenza? how do you pronounce these medications???

PA replied: "Just like they are spelled. Tam-i-flu and re-len-za"

(:beejay's:) replied: "idk where you're from but down here we say tam-a-flu not tam-ee-flu. idk if that's the right way to say it or not"

Each1Teach1 replied: "tam-i-flu re-len-za"

How efficient is the French Oscillococcinum against flue? On the scale 1 to10 - how would you rate the Oscillococcinum against another so called "helpful" antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza? This new info is much much better. Thank you very much SDr.

Soul Doctor replied: "Well I searched and found a few links on "Oscillococcinum" here they are I hope they help you in your search :- Alas despite trying I could'nt find anything apart from product by Boiron, I guess I will have to prove the remedy myself to get to know exactly what it is all about. Take care and God bless."

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