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Mix Amoxicillin And Alcohol
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Mix Amoxicillin And Alcohol in Answers
can you mix alcohol with amoxicillin antibiotic? I have an ear infection and i have been taking amoxicillin antibiotic for about a week now and im going to a party this weekend and i was wondering if it is over to mix alcohol with the medicine..

Daniel S replied: "It is extra hard on your liver and may cause liver damage."

sal1970 replied: "actually amoxicillin is excreted by your kidneys. there would be no harm in having a drink or two but getting drunk is not going to help your body recover from an ear infection. i recommend you limit yourself to two drinks. if you can't have a good time at the party without having more than two drinks, you should stay home."

Alcohol and amoxicillin antibiotics mixed? I was drinking last night so i wasnt sure if i should take my dose. I hate it twice a day. once at night and once in the morning. i was unsure of the side effects. Is there still alcohol in my body? should i take the pill? thank you for your help !

Linda M replied: "Hi! I'm speaking only from experience from my own life & from advise from friends that are nurses or Drs. You won't have any side effects from it. BUT what actually happens is the alcohol diminishes the effect of the antibiotics. In other words, it's a waste to take them if you drink. They become diluted & are useless. So you'll be fine to start back on them today. The problem is you won't get better if you continue to drink while on them..OK? Oh yeah, I was a Bartender for over 30 yrs. so I know all about this thing. LOL Good luck & get better! just don't drink til you're done your meds"

LINDA R replied: "In my opinion, people who are taking any prescription medication should not drink any alcohol. Mixing alcohol and prescriptions could be dangerous, or at the very least, could make the medication less effective."

Can you drink alcohol after taking Amoxicillin antibiotics? i am 15, and im on these antibiotics. i took one at 7 and then had a hot chocolate at about 10ish but i put a bit of baileys in it but then had a bag of crisps after. will i be ok am i at any harm? i am really freaked out because my boyfriends mum died in her sleep because she mixed antibiotics and alcohol. help me.

Shanks replied: "No, you'll be fine. Baileys is a liquer and you mixed it too."

BrianOblivion replied: "Your IP has been logged and your parents are going to ground you."

laziboi75 replied: "sure drink all you want since your only 15 and your underage! and your bfs mom died from it WHY NOT! GO AHEAD! *no sarcasm at all*"

swflsteelerfan replied: "You answered your own question in the last sentence. Mixing alcohol with antibiotics is a definite no no."

Foehammer replied: "If you're 15 you don't need to be drinking alcohol anyways. And no you shouldn't drink it with any antibiotics. That would be why they have the GIANT ASS LABEL THAT SAYS NO ALCOHOL on the bottle."

Colby replied: "no it should not interfere with the amoxicillin, but it is not a good idea to drink alcohol when you are sick any way or at your age, sorry if you have heard that already....."

omegajb24 replied: "Notice the only person that cited an actual source was Colby. Colby is right. I have been taking Amoxicillin at least once a year for my entire life due to frequent sinus infections. Some times I did not drink on the pills and other times I did. There was no difference in their effectiveness. I have talked to my Dr. about this and she told me that it is a common myth. Some antibiotics do in fact interact with alcohol but Amoxicillin is not one of them. It will not kill you and will not diminish its effectiveness. If there were a chance that it would kill you by mixing it with alcohol don't you think it would be put somewhere on the label or pamphlet? At least on my prescription I don't see such a label. Drinking a little Bailey's with your hot chocolate is not a big deal and should be a decision made between you and your parents. If they are ok with it every once in a while it isn't going to cause you any harm in moderation. Don't listen to clowns that just go on what some other clown told them."

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