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Multivitamins Cause Acne Posts in Q&A
Does Multivitamin cause acne? It took me 2 years to figure this out. I take Centrum everyday. It gets my healthy and give what my body needs. However, when stop taking it maybe about a week, my acne goes away!!! So could this be the cause of acne? I only take 1 vitamin a week. The last sentence, when I said I take once a week. I USE to take everyday, NOW I take only once a week. Does that still give the vitamins what my body needs??? On the plus side taking it once a week gives my face less acne unlike taking it everyday...

orli74 replied: "Is not common that a vitamin cause acne, however acne can come from: Allergies, Skin problems, Type of food like: seeds, greasy food, fries, white bread. The most common is for the type of food we eat, normally this is teens are more affected by it as a result parents take them to the doctor who provide an medicine for it. Most of the time acne is not understood and the answer is simple, acne is the reaction of your body to clean his self out from toxins. If all the toxins are not expelled when the person goes to the bathroom (stools and urine) the body try other ways such skin (acne) nose (sinus problems) other way to clean your skin is to sweat by performing a sport. The healthy way to treat acne is first to clean your main organs from toxins Skin, Liver, Colon, Kidneys, Bladder. My daughter had this problem we got really informed and we obtain really good results, we use some products from"

do suppliments cause acne cause it looks like it did for me? today i really took notice of how bad my acne is. my back has alot and my face is not bad really is juss marks there, but my back is horrible. it wasnt this bad ever to make it worse im getting acne on my chest not good becuase i have a nice body and i cant show it off now. my sister told me suppliments cause acne breakouts. i take multivitamins, protein powder, and weight gainers. ive heard in the pat as a myth taht suppliments casue acne breakouts but is that true or not? do suppliments cause acne? is yes then wat should i do because i need thease suppliments for my training. does it? really?

Tigger replied: "Some suppliments MIGHT cause break-outs. But it really depends on the suppliment, and the person taking them. Without knowing what suppliment you're referring to, I can't say more than that."

Moussa replied: "Ok my dear, I am a pharmacist, I can tell you that any high fat content supplement can cause a breakout of acne... Yet to resolve this issue, it is not hard, but smells bad... Garlic increases immunity, it can resolve acne very rapidly, I don't where you are from, but some supplements contains garlic and just garlic can be found in a pharmacy... There are other drugs for this, but I am telling you the easiest way, if you don't mind the smell of garlic, you can say goodbye to acne..."

yo, whattupsky replied: "some do, yes. why take supplements? just eat the healthy way"

77loyal replied: "You have asked this question. Pl. stop them and watch your acne. Read all about acne here-"

Can vitamins cause acne ? I'm concerned with a breakout of acne on my face in one area that won't go away. I take 500 mgs of vitamin c and a multivitamin every morning, could that be the cause ? I've been using some nutrogena acne wipes, and the acne clears up for a day or two, then it comes back. At first I thought it was my razor, so I bought a new razor and changed my shaving cream, but that didn't help. Have any of you ever had this problem, and if so, what should I do ?

mlgable replied: "Acne is caused by the staph bacteria. It has nothing to do with what you use or don't use for vitamins or face wash. THe staph bacteria is the cause. If you acne is really bothersome then see your doc and start antibiotic therapy to get it under control. If it is mild just continue with the acne products and keep your hands away from your face."

ravensfan172003 replied: "Vitamins in excess can cause acne, but it may come from your diet or a chemical imbalance inside of you. It's very common for younger people to have breakouts. It's ideal to see a skin doctor about the situation. They can get to the bottom of all this."

Billie77 replied: "Sometimes vitamin A or beta carotine in a multiple vitamin can cause people to have breakouts. Stop the vitamins for a couple of weeks, but continue using the vitamin C.. And see if there is a difference. If not I recommend you see a dermatologist."

yuliyasa2003 replied: "It maybe from your vitamins, it could be sort of allergy to some component of them. For example, i can have the same when i take multivitamins called Multitabs! But as soon as i stopped taking them it all gone, and i just changed to different. good luck"

KB replied: "VITAMINS do not cause acne. Eating chocolate does not cause acne. Dirt that clogs your pores causes acne. Bacteria causes acne. What you need is a GENTLE regimin of cleansing your face morning and night, and using a moisturizer to keep your skin from drying out. Dry skin reacts by producing MORE oil, and if your pores are clogged, that oil builds up and can cause acne."

is gelatin in a multivitamin bad for my acne? ok so i take a multi vitamin but i also have mild acne, i heard that gelatin and iodine in vitamins can make acne worse, is this true? also i wanted to take a skin hair and nails vitamin but they have alot of gelatin so does anyone know if it really does cause acne? thanks so much!!!

Emmy replied: "No, it doesn't. Gelatin is just a protein. Basically, it's the clear outside of the pill, like really stiff Jell-O. It IS really stiff Jell-O when you get right down to it. It will not have any effect on your acne."

Does Centrum cause acne? I'm 16 years old and i'm a male and i have been taking centrum for a couple months and i thought taking vitamins such as Centrum Multivitamin/Multimineral supplement will help my ance. But idk if it has affected me. Does Centrum cause dots on my skin or irritation?

TeenageBoy replied: "good question, i have acne and i take vitamins too... hmm i think i take flinstones or w/e. im 16 aswell."

At what age should i start using antiaging products? I will be 22,and i see alot of young women are starting the process.Is it too soon?.SO far all i do is eat healthy excersize daily,and take a multivitamin,and at night i apply vaseline around my eyes to prevent wrinkles.I cant seem to find a good sunscreen thats oil free,and wont cause acne.Any Ideas ladies.ANy tips...Thanx One more Q...any idea why my left eye is a little poofy?

Tom C replied: "You are to late."

jaymmzzs replied: "never eat right"

Leena replied: "Probably yesterday. I find smoking makes you look young, it reduces your stress level which makes you look old."

SleepingBeauty replied: "I started using them at 13."

JuicyFree replied: "Well, from what I've been told when you're like late 40's is when you can use Anti-Aging creams. As for the non-oily mosturizer, try Neutrogena non-oily mostruizer with SPF 15."

Bernadette replied: "you should have started at 2 at least because according to the Anti Aging Society, its never too early"

gothicgurl 47 replied: "i think wemen should start using antiaging products at age 40"

tanya c replied: "the earlier the better, prevent aging, dont wait until it happens.I like to use ponds cold cream at night, it removes make up and moisterizes, truly an excellent product. i'm 30 and i started using it about 5 years ago."

bigclaire replied: "I started moisturizing and using eye cream everyday when I was 19. Most people guess my age at 25 but I'm quite a bit older. It's not too soon to practice good skin care. For sunscreen I us Aveeno Ultra Calming lotion and it doesn't cause me to break out ( though I am acne prone)."

sleepingliv replied: "Many water based moisturizers contain SPF now, and it's never too early to start taking care of your skin. I wouldn't go as far as using anti aging products at 22 because they are emolient rich, and you mentioned breakouts. Go for a water based moisturizer with SPF."

bronzediva replied: "All you need is a good moisturizer that contains a sun screen. You are doing the right thing. My key to looking much younger than I am, is using aloe vera gel (purchased from the health food store) every night."

jennifer j replied: "The day you are born you start aging ... years of smiling laughing...frowning ... stays on your face it is never to young to start. MAry Kay has really good anti aging products I use it all the time! it works wonders and makes my skin feel great. I am 24 years old. I also know that using any kind of facewash with scrub particles in it is bad for you it will actually speed up the aging process. THe sand particles in products like Apricot scrub sctually scratch your face ... But will not show until you start aging dramatically. Email me if you would like a contact for MAry Kay products I know oane of the Directors that work for the company. She could actually send you information if it isnt available online. Heres my Email address-"

impossible says:I'm Possible replied: "It would be better to keep a distance between those chemical products that claim to keep u young, eventually they make you look old even faster than you should have cause they want their customers and when u use them u feel good, if not then u start depending on them.. I would never use all that so early ..I am 25 and I try all natural stuff like... - Small slice of banana+olive oil for moisturizing skin - Sandalwood powder+rose water - fresh skin and many more..... u can always get natural tips online."

alisongiggles replied: "It's never too early, and find that sunscreen, that's the surest way to keep aging at bay. Go to a dermatologist that offers laser and they'll have an excellent sunscreen for ultra-sensitive break-out prone skin. Also, start a little account to save for "Maintenance". I recently had laser treatments for rosacea, but the treatments were FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC! for reduction of sun damage/wrinkles/hair growth and generally making my skin look great. It took a good 10 years off me and I can go without foundation again. Haven't done that in years. Your savings will cover the costs of that sort of thing, as well as the dental upgrading and such that becomes needed in your 40s."

AtheistsAreSmarterThanChristians replied: "My advise would be right away! I'm not talking anti-wrinkle cream just yet if you don't want to spend the money now....but it wouldn't hurt. My mother always used creams and moisturizers and she is on her way to sixty and looks great. I myself stared using Oil of Olay products after the birth of my daughter, at 23 because I was worried I would age too quickly from the stress. LOL. I'm 28 now and I still get carded whenever I buy alcohol or cigarettes. Yes, I am a smoker. Just keep your skin hydrated, drink lots of water and use SUNBLOCK EVERYDAY. I have a moisturizer that has sunblock included. No skin discolorations, no freckles and only a select few laugh lines that we all get on our way to 30. Good luck. Aging is a terrifying thing. I'll pay anything to keep my youth on the surface...but don't go too far. If you obsess too much, you'll stress yourself and stress ages you quicker. It's hard being a woman"

naking01 replied: "wtf Leena, smoking makes you look younger? if you are eating right, i think you would be just fine without any aging stuff but, 22 isnt too early if you really want to"

KELJO replied: "Sunscreen is the key to delaying the signs of aging and to prevent redness when you are older. Look for sunscreen that is oil free like Neutrogena. Sometimes if you try to get rid of oiliness by overwashing, what you skin does is go into overdrive trying to make up for the loss by producing way too much oil. So any kind of moisture is going to be good for your skin. You need it even if you have oily skin. My face is very oily too, but I use sunscreen daily for the UVA and UVB protection. If you don't know what UVA and UVB means I will tell you. UVA helps to protect you against the aging effects of the sun and UVB helps protect you from the burning effects of the sun. So remember A is for aging, B is for burning. Be sure to buy sunscreen that has both in it. Good Luck to you!"

mary j replied: "you should be using a skincare routine now , cleanse tone moisture twice a day always remove make-up . you can start using anti aging products at 25 as this the age the skin starts to age . hope this helps good luck x"

iirockmadmuch replied: "wll u first have to start by th eyes wearing for the dark circles that are gonna come up and u build from there and DON'T SMOKE disregard what she said she is lying it actually makes u look older"

Shelley L replied: "Neutrogena daily face lotion SPF 30 is awesome! Not greasy at all. And, yes, 22 is kind of young to start buying anti-aging products. I started at 30 because I thought I was seeing lines. :) Just take care of your skin now and you can probably put off the serious anti-aging stuff until you are at least 30."

mary r replied: "night cream and attitude at 20."

Exy replied: "never ever try smoking... it will make you look even worse with yellow teeth and you wont live long..."

shezee replied: "live stress free life and use a good moisturiser"

orangebanana replied: "never they destroy your natural skin collagen which makes your skin elastic if you eat lots of vegetables and use sunscreen you will be fine"

Kim B replied: "ladies these days are using anti-aging products when they are so young. You need to wait till your 30, too even think about that. Your really healthy you have nothing to worry about."

ellymae replied: "Stay out of the sun and use sunscreen."

Increased acne caused by iodine intake? I have read that too much iodine in the diet will exacerbate acne. (I also know that some people in my family-- my mom and my sister-- have experienced this in real life. They didn't know this, started taking a multivitamin that contained iodine, and their faces broke out.) However, a friend told them that if you keep taking the same amount of iodine (like if you stick with that multivitamin for a few weeks), the acne will calm down and it will be exactly as it was before you started taking the iodine, no worse. (My mom and sister stopped taking the multivitamin long before that, so they don't know if it would have happened that way.) I can't really find reports of this online... does anyone have any experience with this? Does iodine make your acne worse? If so, if you keep taking the same amount of iodine each day, does it eventually clear up? Thanks!

hr replied: "I'm studying to be a dermatologist. First, I'll tell you what some of the main causes of acne are: Hormones, Stress, Heavy or Oily Make-Up, Diets, Genes, Sweat, Dirt, Oil, Picking, Plucking, and Squeezing, Oil from when Your Hair gets on Your Face, Clogged Pores, Irritation, and Certain Face Washes. What you always need in your acne wash is Salicylic Acid. Not very many acne washes have this (surprisingly) except for Clearasil and and Neutrogena. I use Clearasil and it has definitely worked for me and I noticed a difference in just one week. When you start using a new acne wash, it's a good idea to only use it once a day and gradually increase to two or three times a day. You should wash your face before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning and of course whenever you get sweaty (after sports, work, etc.). After you wash your face, wait 5-15 min. before you put anything on your face. The water could still be on your face or in your pores even if it's not visible, so you have to wait for it to dry. Once you've waited, put Benzoyl Peroxide on your face (can be found in Clearasil Creams). The Benzoyl Peroxide will reduce zit size and redness and prevent acne from coming back. Be careful when you use Benzoyl Peroxide because if it gets in your hair, it could bleach the part it touched. The only good part about it, is that it will bleach facial hairs and make them not as visible. You also should not put on Benzoyl Peroxide if you are going out in the sun. If the sun has contact with the Benzoyl peroxide it could bleach your skin and leave a mark. Do not put on Benzoyl Peroxide if you have a sunburn on your face because it will dry out the sunburn and cause pealing. It's best if you use the same brand of products. I do not recommend using toners, astringents, or pads. Exfoliaters are not good for your face unless you have really dry skin. If you don't have a lot of dry skin, don't use exfoliaters because it can irritate your acne and cause more acne to appear. Do not pick or pop acne because it will only irritate it and create more acne. Also be sure to stay on a healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Good Luck!!"

zitdr_02 replied: "There are several conditions which mimic acne; one of these is called halogenoderma, in which iodine, chlorine and bromine cause an acneiform eruption. So, strictly speaking, it's not acne vulgaris, which is the normal acne caused by hormonal changes. But, it is a pustular reaction that occurs around the hair follicle, just as acne vulgaris does. You need a certain amount of iodine in your diet for good thyroid function; however an excess causes some medical problems, among which is the acne-like eruption."

Acne/pimple question? Please help? First off, thank you for taking the time to read this question. Now on to my question. I do not have oily skin by any means, in my opinion, yet I have acne. I would classify my acne as mild because it's under ten at a time. But, I get a breakout and by the time it heals I get one or two more before the others can heal. I sometimes get ones that are very sensitive and hurt very badly at times but that it probably my fault seeing as I pick at them a lot. Now that I've given you some information, here's the actual questions: 1. Since I do not have oily skin, is the cause of my acne most likely hormones/stress (I am 16 and am a pretty studious student therefore under a constant amount of at least mild stress) and there's nothing I can do? I use the AcneFree system, a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment, face scrub, alcohol, blah blah blah. What am I doing wrong? 2. I do not hardly drink any water and do, however, drink what you might call a lot of soda. I've heard that drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day can help with acne and also that soda is a big water-depleter. Since I do not have especially oily skin, could this be the problem? 3. My father tells me that I don't get enough vitamins, so I started taking a multivitamin today. Could I see any results from taking this? 4. And finally, what other things could I be doing? I've heard many home remedies but most seem like they're for oily skin, which I do not have. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry for the length of the question!

? replied: "I come from a long line of pickers! Try not to pick. Put a little bit of neosporin on them and let them heal. By all means - drink more water. The person with the most beautiful skin I have ever seen in my life drank soy milk - gag! If you eat real food don't waste money on vitamins. Oxy face wash is excellent for keeping pimples to a minimum!"

Kris85 replied: "First things first, start drinking at least 2Litres of water a day and try to get at least 8 hours sleep a night (I know that is easier said than done when you are a student but it is called beauty sleep for a reason) and yes lay off the soda! Also take a Blackmores Bio Zinc (as well as your multi-vitamin) tablet everyday which helps manage acne and maybe look at taking a Ginseng tablet which you can buy from a health store and that can boost your energy levels and relieve anxiety and stress, which can cause acne. As you don't have oily skin the Acnefree and Benzyl Peroxide can be harsh on your skin, maybe try the clean and clear oil-free cream cleanser and for a toner look for one that is for sensitive skin and use the clean and clear oil free moisturiser and then use a gentle exfoliater once or twice a week the Saint Ives apricot scrub is very good, in regards to a spot treatment I highly recommend the Clinique Spot Treatment, its gentle yet effective and won't dry your skin, oh and try changing you pillow case daily. I hope this helps"

How do I know if acne is Hormonal based on my problems? Can my acne still be caused by a hormonal imbalance, even though I don't break out more than usual around my period. Also, my acne is not confined to the lower part of my face(jaw, lower cheek area)but is pretty much everywhere on my face(mostly on my upper cheek area, however I do have acne on my back(and recently got a few tiny pimples on my chest, which is usually clear). I improved my diet and started taking a multivitamin + in addition B12, vitamin C, zinc, acidophilus, flaxseed mix in kefir, 1teaspoon of turmeric(try to everyday but sometimes don't take it), bee pollen(not everyday), chlorophyll(not everyday), and sometimes virgin coconut oil. A month since I changed my diet I have seen drastic results, but I still have pustule type pimples on different areas of the face. My face has improved so much, but two days ago it started to break out again(mostly on my cheeks)and I'm worried that it is going to get progressively worse. *I did try Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for 2 1/2 months a few months ago which didn't seem to improve my acne(maybe I should have stayed on it longer or maybe it is a different hormone problem than the hormones in the birth control pill?) Is it okay to try evening primrose, vitex(chaste tree berry), or saw palmetto when I'm not a 100% sure I have a hormonal problem or even sure which kind I could have???(please don't answer telling me to just go see a doctor~not an option right now~) I know this is a lengthy, boring read so thanks if you got through it and please help : )

Kelly W replied: "Hormonal acne usually breaks out on the cheeks and jaw line. If you have digestive problems then it breaks out in your T zone. Stress causes break out on the forehead."

Christy J replied: "Iv done this and it helped me!!!"

laugh_alot replied: "Acne is hormonal. Based Your diet will change your hormones, changing your acne. Exercise will change your hormones, changing your acne. Stress with change you hormones, changing your, what was it now? Acne. People will tell you to regulate your hormones, but seriously - girls and hormones, easier said than done. Just do what you can. Try to keep a clean (or cleaner) diet, don't stress, and do the things that make you happy without caring what people think you look like. Everyone gets pimples and would only be expressing their own insecurities by making fun of you."

Milk or Multi-Vitamin? milk causes acne... but since im a teenager, i need the calcium can i just take multivitamins instead.. i have moderate acne in the summer becuz of milk everyday , now im at a stage where my face is almost clear and i would not like to do anythign that might break out again... so if i take multivitamin will it make up for the lack of calcium from the milk..

Bianca R replied: "Either a multi-vitamin, or calcium pills."

kelly replied: "Well,since you develop reactions to milk which cause you to have breakouts,I would suggest you to be aware to any dairy products that could cause your allergy to strike up again.About the supplements,it is better for to take calcium tablets since it has all the sufficient amount of calcium that you need rather than taking multivitamin.This is because in multivitamin,the calcium you get is not sufficient enough for you to replace the calcium you can get from drinking milk.It is best for you to try taking calcium pills instead. P/s:You could also consult a dietitian regarding this and ask whether you could get a meal program to replace your calcium intake.Plus,do remember to cleanse,tone and moisturize since these are the basic steps for you to get a great skin complexion.Hope I helped(:"

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