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Question about Prednisone - Diabetes - High Blood Sugar - Frequent Urination? I'm a 16 year old male. I have a brother who has type 1 diabetes. I was put on 60 mg of Prednisone for poison ivy on my face. I was put on that 5 days ago, and am now done with my treatment. At about day 3 of my treatment, I noticed more frequent urination. I tested my bloodsugar with my brother's tester, and I had a reading of above 500. Later that night I was 495. In the morning following I was 219. Later that day after continuing my normal habits, I was 184. I'm concerned because I don't know if the sugar readings are because of my eating habits [Lots and lots of soda, all the time. And I had ice cream and dinner before I tested and was 500.] I've been testing for ketones and have come up negative. I'm just wondering if I'm over reacting by thinking I may be diabetic myself and it is just a reaction to the Prednisone. Should I wait for a while to see if the frequent urination, chest pain, and high blood sugar [all known side effects of the drug] are nothing more than side effects Something I really should mention; I myself am not a diabetic. I have tested my blood sugar years ago and was in normal range all the time. And about 500 blood sugar having me in the emergency room [It was RIGHT after I had a bowl of ice cream, two pepsis, a cheese buger, and chips] And also, just a side story, my younger brother, when first diagnosed with diabetes, had a blood glucose level of 1,700. Yeah, rediculous, right? He was in THIRD GRADE. haha.

Alex replied: "Yes, Prednisone will make your blood glucose levels high! Test in the morning before you eat or drink anything. You should be back to normal."

mark replied: "you should call your Doctor , and give him those readings . If you had no previous symptoms I would hope its a sign of the prednisone and possibly bad meter readings . A true sugar reading of 500 should have you in the emergency room."

bride to be2008 replied: "Side effects are upset stomach, headache, dizziness, trouble sleeping, or weight gain may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Remember that your doctor has prescribed this medication because the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: black stools, bone pain (fracture), "coffee-ground" vomit, easy bruising/bleeding, heartburn, increased thirst and urination, irregular/fast/pounding heartbeat, menstrual period changes, mental/mood changes, muscle weakness/pain, persistent weight gain, puffy face, seizures, signs of infection (e.g., fever, persistent sore throat), slow-healing wounds, stomach/abdominal pain, swelling of the feet/ankles, thinning skin, trouble breathing, unusual hair growth, unusual skin growths, vision changes. A serious allergic reaction to this drug is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist."

Maple replied: "You should not bother testing yourself when you have just had a heavy meal. Test in the morning, before eating anything. That is the number that will tell you if you have a problem with sugar. It is wise to check this way regularly (3-4 times a year) if the disease is in your family, but the readings taken right after a meal are meaningless, and checking several times a day is really excessive. You should consider improving your diet for the sake of your general health. And there is some strong evidence (not proof) that eating a lot of sugar can hasten the onset of diabetes in people who are genetically susceptible. Prenisone has very nasty side effects when used long term, but the short-term use you describe should not cause any major trouble. Test before breakfast. If the reading is over 124, test again before breakfast the next day. If it's still over 124, go to a doctor. Do not test at any other time of day! If your before-breakfast reading is normal, don't test again for 3 months. Good luck!"

My dr put me on prednsione. how high will it make my blood sugar? I am on 30 mg of prednisone until friday. I am insulin resistance and take metformin once a day. How high will the prednisone raise my blood sugar?

G replied: "You really should ask your doctor, not Y!A. If they're not available, ask a nurse or your pharmacist."

ml88b replied: "I agree with the first answer. You really should ask your doctor, not the people on Yahoo Answers. I can tell you, from personal experience, that when I was on 15mg of prednisone my blood sugar was between 350 and 400mg/dl for a day or 2 until I figured out how much to increase my insulin dosage to. I ended up doubling it (2 units of insulin for 15g of carbs instead of 1 unit) I also noticed that my blood sugar spiked pretty high right after I took the prednisone. But again, ask your doctor. Everyone is reacts differently to drugs(prescription drugs that is:)"

Emily replied: "speaking as a diabetic(type one, though) who's had that steroid before, i can tell you that your sugars will skyrocket. i had my doctor adjust my basal rates to counteract the medicine, and i would recommend you do the same."

Someone help me control blood sugars? I am on a steroid called Prednisone and one of the side effects I'm having is high blood sugars. Eventually, I'll be tapered off this medication. My blood sugars are always really high at night. I go to bed at precisely 10:00 P.M. and I eat a BIG dinner (which is usually a SMALL bowl of brown rice with some fish, protein, a lot of veggies and a soup) at around 7:30 to 8ish. What can I do to stop having high blood sugars at night? Oh yeah a couple of more things: I was taken off Lantus (Long-acting insulin) because my doctor says I didn't need it anymore. Not going to take cinnamon in any shape or form!!!! Never mind the cinnamon thing. I'll ask my doctor about the cinnamon and/or try get my mom to buy the cinnamon. In the meantime, anyone else have any suggestions?

SonnyB replied: "Go get a bottle of cinnamon capsules and find the the dose that works for you. I'm a diabetic and it kicks the hell out of my sugar level. It's 3x's more potent than insulin."

dan k replied: "Rice has a lot of carbs, cut down on the rice add more protein- take a long acting insulin which works to lower your blood sugar during the night"

carmeliasue replied: "I was on prednisone. I was taking high doses daily (80 - 100mg). My BG's were high, I was at 1400 when I was diganosed in March 09. They immediately started weaning me off the prednisone. As I came off the steriod, my BG starting major improvements. I was pulled off my insulin before they completely stopped the prednisone, because if they don't you will drop way to fast. When I did stop the prednisone (after coming off insulin), I also had to stop taking my 5mg of glyburide daily, as that was causing lows. I am currently taking metformin, and that is all. My numbers are real good. I got my A1C from March (which was 13) down to 6.8 on May 29th. There is no way to stop the high readings while taking prednisone, and you don't need to try to 'lower' your numbers at this time. As the prednisone wears out of your system your numbers are going to go low on their own, and you don't need to go too low. That isn't safe, and if they are weaning you off now, it won't be long before your numbers improve. Just hang on, follow your doc.s advice, continue to eat right and take your other meds as directed. As far as your diet goes, eat the number of carbs your doctor has told you to eat. Do not eat lower amounts, I made that mistake. Just make sure you are eating healthy carbs. Also be careful exercising. Coming off the prednisone can really cause some lows, and that you need to be careful of. Once totally off the prednisone for about 2 weeks, your doctor can and will probably adjust your carb allowance if needed, and readjust your other meds if you are on any. They had to put me back on prednisone, AFTER I had my numbers under control (85 - 110 were my readings) and after 3 days, my numbers were back up to the 300's. So just give your docs time to get off the prednisone."

simplistic_wonders replied: "I suggest you tell your doctor about this. In the mean time, cut the rice and increase the protein (cutting carbs and increasing protien will decrease blood sugars) and get yourself back on insulin. at least while you're on this medication and if your diabetic in any form."

Ms. T replied: "There are many things that can be done to help control blood sugar levels like regular exercise, understanding how foods will affect you, medication, and natural supplements to help fill in the nutritional gaps. Regular exercise helps in many ways some are that it improves your body's insulin use and burns excess fat and calories which will help to improve insulin sensitivity in your body. There are many things you should know about how foods will affect your blood sugar levels many know about carbohydrates, but don't understand the effects of coffee, fruits and vegetables, and proteins. It's important that you learn about these and many others. Some doctors believe that diabetes is a nutritional deficiency disease so if you are not getting what your body needs from foods that you eat than perhaps looking into natural supplements will fill in the gaps. Cinnamon, alpha lipoic acid, and b-complex are a few of them that will help control blood sugar levels. There are many others that also have benefits for diabetics. Here are some webpages that will give you more information to help you learn about diabetes and all of your options."

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