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Questions and Answers
has anyone taken klonopim with prozac to treat postpartum depression? I got on prozac 20 mg this week is ok to take it with klonopim for severe anxiety, i can't control. did anyone experience this? severe anxiety? for nothing.

Black Diamond replied: "I take prozac and I've never experienced that. answer mine?"

D replied: "It sounds more like you are having a common postpartum depression as a result of thyroid imbalances... so you may experience this as 'anxiety'... you need to have your TSH checked , it should be .3 to 2 range, so ask, because anything out side that range could still be effecting you... see below I hate prozac, it caused severe depression and anxiety in some people... Also a resource b elow with groups for post partum depression , run by doctors, and info"

andrea W replied: "I wouldnt mix drugs without a doctors prescription. You never know how drugs will interact with each other and everyone's chemical makeup is different. Just because one set of drugs work for one person, another person might have a completely different reaction. You should ask your doctor."

Terri replied: "if your anti depressant is working and you are getting a proper dose and you have been on the medication long enough to get a therapeutic blood level,then you shouldn't need an anti anxiety which is what klonopin is.You can take them both together.If you don't get results with prozac then ask doc to try something else.Paxil helps me tremendously but I do have to take an occasional xanax which is a miracle drug to treat anxiety but unfortunately because of abusers it is difficult to get a doc to prescribe it.Try imagery and relaxation exercises.Anxiety is horrible."

Ren Hoek replied: "Obviously, I have never experienced PPD, but I have been on Klonopin for years and also, Lexapro (Celexa "double strength") which is similar to Prozac, but much better. The nice thing about Klonopin is that it is mild and its hard to cause harm with it. A good dosage range for Klonopin is 0.5 mg or 1.0 mg twice or three times a day. Be sure and remember that Klonopin kicks in slow and stays with you for long time. Xanax is very effective, but can trigger aggressive and even violent behaviors. NEVER TAKE XANAX WITH ALCOHOL!!"

has anyone tried prozac for postpartum depression? i've been battleling with ppd for 9 months finaly i decided to tell my doctor and he prescribed me prozac 20 mg. I'm so scared to take this medication but i need to get better for my baby. I need encouragement, please.

Danielle replied: "I was on 10mg of Prozac for a couple weeks. It helped me out A LOT when I was first on them. But then I started getting BAD migrains and the dosage I was on wasnt helping. My body got use to them. I would have had to go back and got my dossage upped. But the headaches were so bad- I took myself off of the pills completely. Everyone reacts to them differently. I say give them a shot. They will help."

mommy to a princess replied: "I don't have ppd but a close family member of mine does. She suffered for 5 months and didn't do anything about it. She ( after I encouraged her ) went to her doc and he gave her prozac. She's a month into it now and she says she feels like she did when she was young ( she's 33 lol ) she loves it. She feels just like herself but without the sadness and it took the edge of her anxiety. Go for it! If it doesn't work out you can try something else. It's trial and error. You'll eventually find one that works for you!"

Rae replied: "I battled the same, and I feel compelled to tell you it does get better and you will get through this, thank you for stepping up and getting help... too many of us don't. I was afraid to tell anyone how I felt because I knew it was wrong to feel that way but could not help it. SO good job mommy! I let mine go for too long and it developed into a Bi-Polar II disorder and was placed on Abilify. Which helped but is not for just any depression.... If the doctor gave you prozac, take it for a while and let him know if it is not working or making you feel or react badly to anything. Just keep doc in the loop, you may have to adjust doses or try new meds until something behaves well with you. But do try it."

Artie Lange Fan replied: "Just take it, millions of people take prozac, and 20 mg is a very small dose. It will take a few weeks to work though so don't get discouraged if you don't feel better right away. And you aren't going to really feel yourself getting better, you just will get better. And there are many other anti-depressants so if for any reason you have any side effects just let the doctor know and they can change you to something else. What else are you going to do? You can't just go on the way you are feeling, and it could get worse if you don't do something. Anti-depressants can make a world of difference for most women suffering from PPD. Do it for you and your baby. Good luck!"

What kind of secondary effects have you had with Prozac? I'm a first time Mom.. and I was prescribed with Prozac for Postpartum Depression.. Recently I had to increase dosage, and I feel like weakness, and nausea 1 to 2 hrs after I take the capsules.. Have somebody feelt like me? or it's only that I'm feeling nervous? What are your seconday effects taking Prozac?

hatingmsn replied: "I had a friend who had the same thing happen..she was switched to a different brand"

moongoddess209 replied: "Definitely sounds related. My big problem with Prozac was major loss of libido! Those are side effects of Prozac. Side effects: (most of these fall under the extremely rare but possible category) Nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness, sweating, or yawning may occur. unusual or severe mental/mood changes (e.g., agitation, unusual high energy/excitement, thoughts of suicide), uncontrolled movements (e.g., of the lips/tongue), shakiness (tremor), restlessness, inability to keep still, decreased interest in sex, changes in sexual ability, blurred vision, numbness/tingling. bloody/black/tarry stools, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, easy bruising/bleeding, fainting, fast/irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness/spasm, seizures, change in amount of urine. hallucinations, unusual restlessness, loss of coordination, fast heartbeat, severe dizziness, unexplained fever, severe nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, twitchy muscles. A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing."

How did you do on welbutrin for postpartum depression? Well, I finnaly asked my doctor to give me something for my PPD.He sugested Prozac(antidepresant) but I am allergic to celebrex(pain med) and it is related so he prescribed me Welbutrin(antidepressant).Has anybody used this for PPD and how did it work for you?I am a bit scared.I didn't want it to come to this and tried everything else I could think of first.This was not my first choice.My son is 3.5 weeks old now.I havn't picked it up yet but will tonight with the groceries.So please tell me how you did on this Welbutrin.Good or bad.Thanks. Hi Again.My mom took it to quit smoking and she liked it.Made her happy too. Doctor said he will start it at lowest dosage and up it if needed to.

Arachnidfreak4u replied: "Welbutrin sounds familiar. You shouldn't rely on other peoples answers on there reactions to it and think you will do the same. Everybodys body is different. For instance, I took prozac and it made me more suicidal! For other people it worked just fine. I was taking zoloft, but just got off it."

cindy loo replied: "i felt suicidal."

CBJ replied: "I took welbutrin to stop smoking (it is the same drug as zyban the stop smoking drug, but my ins only covered welbutrin)- I call them my happy pills. They completely altered my mood, and nothing brought me down. It wasn't a "high", just a good mood. However I was not struggling with depression, so I am not sure how it will affect you. Also, it did make me a little spacey the first week, a little "airheaded", but nothing I couldn't just blame on the blonde hair! It went away after about a week... Good luck, and don't listen to those like tom cruise...this is real and I am glad that you are asking for help! :-)"

justme replied: "The previous poster is right, try it, give it a shot, and see how you react. Everyone is different. I tried it to quit smoking several years ago. At the same time a co-worker was also. It was great for her, gave her a complete, "I don't care what goes wrong, I'm happy" vibe. I cared about EVERYTHING. Anal, crabby, moody, you name it. See, different people?? Good luck. Give the med a couple of days, and if it isn't helping, or is making things worse, call your doc."

Jackie replied: "Everyone's body chemistry is different and we all react to medications in different ways. I have taken Welbutrin but it did not do much for me. I am on another medication now that I love. is best to try it out...I am sure your Dr. gave you a lower dosage to start out on. One thing to remember is that it can take up to 4 weeks to notice a change so be sure to give it the full months chance and then decide if this is the medication for you. Good Luck with it and there is nothing to be nervous about."

I think i have postpartum depression... afraid to see a doctor? I have a week old baby girl and since the 3rd day, I have been completely depressed, anxious and panicky. I really don't want to take meds, but I know I might have to. I should call a doctor but I'm afraid that he will prescribe me an antidepressant that will give me thoughts of suicide again. I used to take Prozac for depression and anxiety and I quit taking it once i had suicidal thoughts. So i was wondering... is there an antidepressant that DOESN'T have the side effect of suicidal thoughts? That only makes it worse, obviously.

kari t replied: "It's almost NORMAL to have suicidal thoughts on prozac. Prozac is evil. My friend was prescribed lexipro for post pardum depression and did very well on it. Wellbutrin is cool as well"

barbara replied: "There are many antidepressants without the side effects of Prozac."

Loner Girl replied: "Anti-depressants will not directly make you suicidal. As they begin to work, they will give you more energy so you're more at risk of acting on suicidal thoughts you may have been too low to do anything about previously. Prozac especially has stimulating properties. Many people have to experiment with anti-depressants before finding ones that are suited to them. Prozac on it's own did not help me, I now take Mirtazapine on top of it and my mood is much more balanced. You dont have to be on anti-depressants long term. Use other support as well. Let your family know you're struggling a bit, the extra help from them might really help you. You may also want to consider counselling as well. Good luck, hope you feel better soon."

cl replied: "Prozac is an old drug. There have been a lot of medical break through s since then. If you don't want the drugs, lt them know. You need to see someone about this for you and your baby. There are alternative methods. But find a doc that will help very clear about your previous medication issues. Best of luck."

Joy S replied: "You need to call your doctor asap. Post-partum depression is even more common in women who have been depressed before. It is dangerous to you and can effect your baby's well being now and in the future. There are lots of different antidepressants out there and all of them effect different ppl differently. Unfortunately it is a little bit trial and error so you need to tell your doctor every thought or feeling you have (keep a daily diary) once you go on the meds. It might help to start keeping one right away so you and the doctor will have a baseline with which to compare. And tell the doctor about your reaction to Prozac and he/she will prescribe something that is a different chemical formula. Why don't you want to take meds? They are not evil. They help sick ppl get well and other sick ppl live more nearly normal lives. Yes some have side effects that are dangerous, and suicide or harming your baby are certainly dangerous. But if you have a sickness (and depression is a real chemical disorder!) you take medicine for it don't you? You wouldn't withhold medicine from your baby would you? Please seek help from other sources too. You husband, baby's daddy, parents, friends, support groups for new mothers, (write this same question in the category of pregnancy or parenting too), church. You well do better with all the help you can get."

Blessings replied: "Postpartum depression is something that a lot of women experience after childbirth. Your harmones are still a bit out of whack, Are you still taking any vitamins? Vitamin B-6 is great for depression, or If you take a B-Complex 100, and calcium and minerals, your depression ought to leave. Having a new baby is so exciting and it is terrible to feel so depressed at such an exciting time. Don't be afraid to go to the Dr. He might offer suggestions to get the harmones back in full swing again. Your body just went through a major thing and it just needs time to bounce back."

Help with prolonged Postpartum depression? I was diagnosed with postpartum depression three years ago and was prescribed Prozac at the time. I never took it. Three years later, I don't feel depressed, but I suffer from severe anxiety (have been to the ER more times than I can count). I also have abnormal thoughts, and am always worrying the worst will happen. I recently went back to the dr and he prescribed generic zoloft, which I'm scared to take because of the stories I've heard. I don't want to feel like a zombie, and I'm terrified of getting worse. I just want to be normal again......What is your opinion/advice on this?

patricia c replied: "first of all WHY ARE YOU WASTING YOUR TIME TRYING TO GET AN UNLICENSED PERSON TO FIX YOU!!you have been to several Dr.don't you think they know what they are doing?at a time like this ,you need to get started on these pills and start counseling now,to help you understand what you are going through,it will take several days for the medication to build up in your body to get to a level that will have you feeling partum depression is serious and you must have a young child,you are missing out on the happiest time of the child's life,and you don't want the kid to only know the sad side of please think about others,if you have a husband or significant other let him know your fears of this Drug and he will notice the change,if its a bad change then he will get you to a dr.and get this stuff out of your system and then you can try something different.don't waste another minute get started."

Terry O replied: "At this point it would appear that you are suffering from sometimes accute anxiety. It might have been triggered originally by the postpartum syndrome, but that is long past. I can understand your reluctance to use the drugs and endure the side effects, especially if you are able to function as you need to without them. Assuming that you have no destructive behaviors, then your best option would be to find a clinic where they either have or can refer you to professionally conducted group therapy. Your first goal in your therapy will be to control your anxiety, the next goal is to resolve the trigger causes of it, and your ultimate goal is to define your purpose and direction in life so that you can feel some fulfilment and satisfaction in the present and the future. It can take a few years of therapy to accomplish all of that, but it is what it takes to have a life again. You should also start with a good foundation of nutrition supplements and exercise habits. I have found a family of products that have been a key to enabling me to have a life again. Email me if you would like particulars."

Michelle replied: "Post-Partum depression can and has been dealt with successfully through proper nutrition...if the pills aren't working and you are getting worse...see a Licensed Nutritionist...they are worth EVERY Dime you spend...Don't Take my word for it, see for yourself...Get yourself to a Nutritionist! Proper diet,exercise and the correct and proper Nutrient intake can change your life!"

What should i say? my boyfriends says im crazy just cause i was prescribed with Prozac. ? i am 36 weeks and just started taking Prozac since i am at high risk for postpartum depression.Well now everytime my boyfriend and i have an argument, he says its my fault and for me to take my medication cause "im crazy". what should i say the next time he says this?? IM sick of it. :(

miley cyrus lover!!! replied: "i think that is very offensive. i take prozac and im not crazy"

♥ ::pяeg gιяℓιє w/ pcos:: ♥ replied: ""F__K YOU!" no, seriously. "crazy" is something a woman should NEVER be called. if men don't like us calling them "dead beats", "crazy" is right up there! congrats on the little one! good luck w/ the boyfriend!"

mermaid replied: "I think the doctor that prescribed it has more info than your boyfriend. Let him know people don't take prozac because they are crazy. Suggest that you will find an answer for him if he has an intelligent question. If someone is taking medication, that person is not "at fault". If I were you I would read up and have some answers ready. You should have his support, not criticism."

Prozac and musle pain.? I'm taking Prozac for postpartum depression and I've been facing a lots of muscle pain, specially in my feet and shoulders. Could this be a side effect of Prozac? I suffer from PMDD and usually have muscle pain around my period time, but now I have everyday. Thank you so much for your help.

Chase W replied: "Prozac and other ssri's can cause an array of symptoms. These symptoms range from migraines, weakness, nausea, muscle pain, and even suicidal ideation, these side effects can last during the entire treatment process, but tend to occur the most extreme between weeks 1 and 8. So depending on how long you have been taking fluoxetine you should be able to scale how the effects have changed. These drugs like prozac are prescribed for all sorts of reasons mainly any mental disorder, because they "are said" to have the least amount of side effects and tend to help in most occasions, but there are many accounts of symptoms becoming more severe and even causing some people to commit suicide or murder."

j sizzle replied: "yes"

Gard23 replied: "Both muscle and joint pain are possible side-effects of Prozac, they are not as uncommon as you might think because many don't link the pain to the medication. It's listed on the Prozac drug sheets, under varying terms."

Prozac and Breast feeding? I am breastfeeding my two month old daughter exclusively, and today my doctor prescribed Prozac for postpartum depression. He assured me that it was fine to breast feed while taking this medication, but now that I'm reading about it online I'm starting to panic because most of what I'm reading is saying that Prozac is the not a very good choice for breastfeeding mothers. Has anyone taken this medication while breastfeeding? I'm not looking for alternative options for treating PPD, I want to know specifically about this medication before I talk to my doctor about getting it changed to something that is more positively regarded for breastfeeding mothers.

goofy1804 replied: "ask the pediatrican they will know more about it than any of us"

Rule of thumb replied: "No but I was taking when I conceived and my OBGYN took me off of it for the first trimester but assured me it would be safe for 14 weeks and beyond including breast feeding. Some OBGYN's prescribe it to mothers who have a history of post partum depression 30 days before the due date since it takes 30 days for the full effects to be felt. ETA according to my OBGYN wellbutrin is the least desireable anti depression to take while pregnant/breastfeeding. Since it is a class D narcotic."

This mommy makes pretty babies replied: "Fluoxetine and its breakdown product, norfluoxetine, are found in breast milk in amounts estimated to be 10 to 20 percent of the amount of the drug in the mother’s blood. There are several small studies and case reports regarding the use of fluoxetine during breastfeeding. Most reports found no problems in breastfed babies. However, in a small number of cases, irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or decreased sleep were seen in newborns. These symptoms were thought to be due to the mother’s use of fluoxetine while breastfeeding. One study noted a slight decrease in weight gain; however, this decrease would likely only be significant if the infant’s weight gain were already of concern. One small study showed that babies whose mothers took fluoxetine while breastfeeding scored no differently on neurodevelopmental tests than other babies. More studies need to be done to determine if breastfeeding while taking fluoxetine causes any long-term effects on learning or behavior. Other antidepressants like paroxetine or sertraline get into breast milk in lower amounts than fluoxetine and therefore may be better to use while breastfeeding."

Starsfan14 replied: "I have heard that Prozac is fine. Although I have heard that Zoloft is considered a little better for breast feeding and pregnant mommies. I took Zoloft in my last trimester and for the next 6 weeks after she was born. I had really bad PPD last time and my doctor was trying to prevent that. And it helped. I am breast feeding and it didn't have an effect on my daughter or my milk."

Dr. Phil with boobs replied: "Prozac is fine but Wellbutrin is the best antidepressant for breast feeding mothers according to the nurse practitioner at my OB's office."

do you think i have postpartum depression ? are these some signs? do you think i need to talk about those signs to my doctor ? i gave birth last September, my baby is 8.5 months old . i had a major depression before, that was 9 years ago . took Prozac and felt good till i gave birth . i don't know if i have another major depression ,because ever since i had the first episode i promised myself never to fall into it again . i don't know if i am just fighting it secretly and not admitting that i have it ! here are the signs : 1-some days i am extremely sad ,other days happy ! before my period , i get soooooo depressed ! 2-i find myself never sitting down ,playing ,inventing stuff to do ,places to go ,my husband says it is like a defense mechanism ! 3- little things just makes me blow up. then i calm myself and think straight . usually i am take a deep breath ,but now i can't . i find myself fighting with my husband over little things that i usually just ignore ! 4- it is hard to sleep .at night i get more depressed ! but may be tired ?? 5- i can't cry ,even though i cried my eyes out the night i gave birth .. i wish i can cry ,but can't ! 6- i am losing my sense of humor , usually i find funny stuff even through the worst situations 7 -i love my baby , i am very happy when i play with her and hold her ..i don't think of harming her or myself ... 8- losing weight , i don't feel like eating . i feel like doing stuff is this normal due to the change of my life style or is my depression is back in disguise ???

Josephine replied: "No "i am very happy when i play with her and hold her". One of the most common things with PPD is not connecting emotionally with the baby."

animal32306 replied: "My doctor told me that the chances of having postpartum depression after the 6 week check up is almost zero. I had these same issues and ended up having major panic attacks. He said it is just normal depression and put me on Zoloft which seems to be working quite well. I'm pretty sure it is just the depression you had before back again. It may be caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, and the change of having the baby now. I'd go see your doctor about it."

Angela replied: "After I had my 1st my PPD was triggered by fear. I would have deams of something happening to my daughter and me being seconds too late to save her. Or I'd be having a normal day and some random thought would come into my head, like if I tripped while carrying her down stairs, etc. Either would have me depressed and worried the remainder of the day. After birth, all of those 'feel good' euphoric hormone levels drop drastically, leaving you feeling kinda standoffish and empty. You're the best judge of what thoughts and feelings are extreme. Remember to smile, you just had a beautiful baby. Hang in there!"

leea g replied: "u could have it. I had after 2 of my children. but i didn't know it till years later. My ppd w/ my daughter was bad i had all the same problems but couldn't connect w/ her. Now w/ my son the same thing but me and him have an amazing connection. It can vary from women to women and pregnancy to pregnancy. The best advice i can give you honey is if ur really concerned go talk to some one. I didn't and it made my life and my child and my husbands life a living walking hell. i had a history of depression to. I wish i had gotton the help i needed. to go talk to someone please. cause what could seem like nothing to turn into some thing awfull."

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