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Risperdal Consta Injection Information
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Risperdal Consta Injection Information in Q&A
how long does risperdal consta injection stay in the system? i think i know why the doctors gave me the injection but how can i know when its completly out of my system because i am turning completely crazy

Andy replied: "Well the injection is given once every two weeks so I know it would take at least two weeks into your system so it would be longer than two weeks to be out of the system. How long exactly, I don't know. I hope you find an answer soon. Speak with a doctor or pharmacist. They may know better..."

I use Risperdal Consta Injection. Now I feel like I am getting choked and suffocated.? Do you think this is from Risperdal or is it psychological ?

Simon S replied: "I think you need to see a doctor fast! It may be a symptom of anaphylaxsis, a mild one but it could be a possible symptom of it. You need to see a doc and get their view, in the mean time I wouldn't suggest taking any other meds like Benadryl as there is no telling what will happen. Some times, taking other drugs during an allergic reaction may cause you to become allergic to the new drug. End of the day it may well be something else but as I understand the injection lasts for some time and you may just need some kind of OTC anti-allergic meds."

Would taking antipsychotic medications, antidepressants and getting Risperdal-consta injection shorten my life Would that shorten my lifespan please provide concrete details or a link. thanks

julesen replied: "only if you commit suicide"

I'm taking 2 antipsychotic medications. why 2 instead of just one? Risperdal consta injection + seroquel? My psychiatrist who says is extremely accurate and intelligent gave me prescription for seroquel and i already take risperdal. can anyone guess why 2 antipsychotic medications instead of one? thank you!

Heron By The Sea replied: "I don't know but I know that I've been on 2 antidepressants at a time before. And they told me that the reason was because they both worked in different ways. So one made the chemicals I needed, and the other kept them in balance. I also have heard of people taking more than one antipsychotic medicine at once. I don't know, but I would assume that they both work in different ways, and as such, one might be augmented by the other. You may wish to ask your doctor if you don't get an answer here, or the Pharmacist."

hopefulmom replied: "Perhaps the psychiatrist feels that adding the seroquel will help the Risperdal work better. If you experience any stiffness while taking either medicine please let your psychiatrist know right away."

howlincoyote replied: "As the other answerer said sometimes it does take two different medications to make one right one? The question to ask yourself is are they working? You basically need to take them for at least six weeks to get a real analysis of how they are working, at that time if you are not feeling better, then talk again with your doctor. You may need to try many different ones before the right one or combination works for you.Best of luck to you and hope you feel better about things soon."

Neda replied: "Risperdal is an older antipsychotic with more side effects. If you are already taking a mid-high dose of it like 37.5 to 50 mg every 2 weeks, and you still have some of the symptoms you can't seem to get rid of, then it is common practice to add a second agent. Seroquel is an exellent medication. It will help you sleep good. It also has some serotonin effect which will help with anxiety and depression, if you have any. 600-800 mg of Seroquel is the max, on Risperdal usually 50mg is the max, just to give you an idea of where you fall in the range. Hope you feel better."

Consta Risperdal injections!? I currently have the Consta Risperdal injections and experience tremors and rigid muscles in the back of my legs. My doctor is not familiar with this and I am wondering what I could take to relieve this symptom please? Amanda thank you! You are a life saver. Amanda thank you! You are a life saver.

Amanda replied: "Muscle Rigidity and Tremors are common side effects of many anti-psychotic drugs. Ask your doctor to prescibe you Benzotropin or Cogentin. This is what is commonly co-prescribed with anti-psychotics to rid you of the rigidity and tremors. Good Luck."

Risperdal Consta question? Why does the injection take 3 weeks to start to work? I know the pill form of risperdal is instant, so why does the injection take so long?

Joy S replied: "Gosh Bob, that is a good question but maybe not one someone online can answer unless they have access to the Medical Journals online. Those are usually only accessable at a University. You might call your local University library and ask them if they have such and are willing to let you use it. Or better yet, call the doctor who gave you the shot and ask him/her."

3 psychiatrists have a different diagnoze on me, schizoaffective, schizophreniform and schizophrenia. who's ri How do I know who is right? some weird symptoms that I have i noticed is that when I turn on the lights and head upstairs I feel someone is following me. Another symptom I have is that I am suicidal someday and someday i'm doing excellent. Another symptom that I have is that I think god is controlling my thoughts. Please let me know how i'm doing. By the way I take risperdal-consta injection, seroquel, lithobid (lithium), ativan and prevacid. thank you very much 10 points for the best answer.

Diane H replied: "Wow! I'd be careful what you do with the answers you get on a site like this. My best advice is pick the diagnosis that seems most right to you and your family. Because of the nature of your illness, you are wise if you listen to your family and friends. They notice things that you can't. It probably doesn't matter as much what label you put on your symptoms as it does that you pick a doctor, stick with him/her, and stay on your meds. Be accountable to a family member for this. It's a common problem for people to feel better and get off the medication. Consider yourself like a diabetic, that you will need to continue to take medication in order to stay well. But it shouldn't cause you any shame. Just take it like it's your daily vitamins!!!"

erinb replied: "keep seeing more doctors! dont give up on helping yourself!"

onelnthemorning replied: "That's WAY too many meds at the same time. You should only be on one or two and lithium isn't for either disorder. It's for bipolar disorder. I think it's time to stop seing all three doctors and get another opinion at least until you have a diagnosis that matches one."

psychgrad replied: "There is so much overlap with schizoaffective disorder and schizophrenia that the treatment is basically identical. The primary difference is that schizoaffective disorder usually includes a Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode. From your medications, it sounds as if they are treating you for Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type. For schizophreniform disorder, your symptoms are episodic and last at least 1 month, but less than 6 months. The diagnosis is mostly for insurance reimbursement and to help organize treatment. But since these diagnoses are similar....I wouldn't say they are meaningless, but the differences aren't that important. Basically, I wouldn't be concerned over what diagnosis or label they give you...its just that, a label. As long as you are doing well on your medication and have a good psychiatrist, then who cares whether you have schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, or schizophreniform disorder?"

Anyone on risperdal? I'm on risperdal consta which is the injection. It's been 5 days and I feel nothing. My doctor said it takes 3 weeks until it works? I know the pill form of risperdal is instant, so why does the injection take so long?

A replied: "It has to be absorbed from the injection (wound site) and its coated in material that takes time for the body's fluids to dissolve. Any how you'll know when it is working when you can no longer ejaculate properly at least when you are on the 37.5 mg/ 2 weeks. (Seriously)"

Amy H replied: "well why did you get the shot if you take your risperdal for aspergers you probleby be throwning a fit about a shot i take the pill i did not know there was a shot well i used to take risperdal buty now i take risperdone i think mabe the shot takes longer to work so thats why it problably is taking so long you could talk to your doctor about the patch it is another medicine for autism and you don't have to swallow a pill or get a shot is the shot soposed to last a lifetime"

SchitzAfective- Any one else been diagnosed this? I have been on medication for this for over 3 yrs,(risperdal consta) injection and frankly i am sick and tired of it, I hear a voice, but it is not a bad voice, or saying bad things. I am sick of all the thoughts that go thru my head, analysing everything trying to come up with reasons why im even here. My only cormfort is music! Help does anyone feel so worthless, even though you know deep down that your not. im only 23 and ive been into about 10 phyc wards, rehabs, chained to beds, run down streets naked. its not good. luckilly i havent touched any illicit drugs and havent relapsed in 12 months. I still feel like s***, most of all LONELY. i feel like giving up... its SchitzoAffective, and is this any better worse than schitzophrenia?

suespie471 replied: "I had a step-son with the same. Get a good Dr. proper meds, support from family and friends and love from as many people you can. You may not get cured, but you will improve. Go to talk therapy, Confide in a reverend or Priest. It is very important what you have conveyed here. Even a support group is good. Talk, talk, talk, to you trust and will be there for you. We dont know how you feel so it must be conveyed in honest feelings and words. It is ok to have something you were born with, none of us are perfect. I will pray for you. "

scuba pants! replied: "A friend of mine was diagnosed schizophrenic, then bipolar and then schizoaffective. I asked the psychology instructor at my university about it. She said something along the lines of schizoaffective disorder being more of a personality thing than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder although it includes traits of both disorders. She also said that the outlook for someone with schizoaffective disorder is in some ways worse because of this. Personally, I'm not sure and she was just a graduate student working on developmental psychology not clinical and the class was not a clinical or abnormal psych class, so my source? Not so good. As for my friend? 2 hospitalizations in two years. She seems to have found the right medications, has the support of her seemingly awesome family and is doing okay. Not great, but who the hell is?"

angary&confused replied: "babe, I know exactly what you feel. but you need to look up risperdal because i think my ex boyfriend took that and now his shoulder jumps all the time. but if you need to talk, I am right here even though you don't know me. I know how it is to not have anybody to talk to. here is my myspace address: and here is my"

aspergerskitty replied: "At one time, my therapist was considering this as a dx for me, but after further testing she said it was just part of my Asperger's."

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