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Robitussin With Codeine Resource
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Questions and Answers
How well robitussin with codeine works? ? I have an awful case of bronchitis and my doctor told me he could prescribe robitussin with codeine so I can actually sleep at night. Are there any serious side effects? Is is possible to get addicted to it?

carrie replied: "robitussin with codeine works well, i've taken it before and no if taken the way prescribed, you wont become addicted, and trust me the docs don't give you very much of it anyway. only a few days worth. side effects can be anything from nausea and vomiting to difficulty breathing but that is rare, have you taken codeine before?? if you've ever had your wisdom teeth out--dentists usually always prescribe codeine for that pain. usually it just makes me feel a little tipsy--like i've had a few beers. don't take it if you know you have to drive somewhere or if you have real little kids (and are the only adult at home) because you may sleep right thru their crying. hope this helps!!"

robitussin and codeine does that give you a stomach ache? I don't have a gallbladder either.

lullintraffic replied: "i'm sure! painkillers on their own can hurt your stomach."

livn4themin replied: "Codeine kills my stomach, can't hardly take it. Robitussin AND codeine... yup..."

I have a serious cough from my sinus infection, and was prescribed robitussin with codeine, however? It isn't helping at all, I've taken two doses in the past 6 hours along with using my albuterol inhaler. Does anyone have any advice for what I can do? It's a heavy dry hacking cough that just wont quit

Freeway replied: "You should probably call your doctor's night line and ask for advice. Until you get a call back, try keeping your throat moistened. Sip small amounts of tea or even warm water and get some steam in the air. A hot bath or humidifier will help ease your problems. You need to stop that cough reflex, but you need to do it safely. Take care."

twist of lime replied: "add some mucinex in it? but ask your pharm before u start this as well. i would try to drink some hot tea too!"

zero21764 replied: "it spreading around quick in some areas. Try thoat spray and follow up with your doctor. You may have something serious also."

book writer replied: "Eat a little dry salt, this will help the hacking cough really quick, about as soon as you eat a little salt!"

Is it OK to take Tylenol 3 with Codeine and Robitussin (the plain, decongestant one) within a few hours apart? Hello, my nose is a little blocked today, and I usually use Robitussin, the one with Guafenessin, to help with that. The problem is that I am taking Tylenol 3 with Codeine right now before I go to bed (at about 10:15 AM), and I do notknow if it'll be OK to take both of them, albeit a few hours apart from each other. Do you know?

sheila replied: "Yes it is fine."

jcann17_2002 replied: "I would say that it is ok. However, if you feel bad you should immediately contact poison control or the hospital. Over the counter Tylenol isn't very strong compared to the real stuff."

Justin R replied: "Depends on the dosing. Acet.. is a dangerous drug that can cause liver damage. The both (i beleive) contain it. You should never go higher than your doctors perscription. You sure cannot take them at the same time but 4 hrs apart will be okay."

W W D replied: "Guaifenesin is next to useless, so it's no big deal, but there is a prescription Robitussin DAC that contains both a decongestant and codeine (used as a cough suppressant), so they're safe enough together."

Star Glazer replied: "Robitussin plain contains an expectorant. Robitussin CF contains an expectorant, anti-tussive, and decongestant. If your nose is blocked, then you need a decongestant. An expectorant will not do anything for nasal congestion. Sudafed-PE is a decongestant you can buy over the counter. Sudafed is a stronger decongestant that you can buy at a pharmacy counter only. Tylenol #3 has acetaminophen and codeine in it. It is not related to any decongestant. Therefore you can take them both together. However, decongestants tends to perk you up. Therefore it may keep you from falling asleep."

drug store selling robitussin with codeine in santa cruz manila? drugstore selling robitussin with codeine in santa cruz manila or in the philippines replied: "I <3 them Then ~~~~~Sincerely, Psych31~~~~~"

my doctor gave me robitussin with codeine but i don't have a cough? I went to the doctor today cuz i had sinus pain and stuff in my head and eyes. i also had a really runny nose. i didn't have a cough. if i don't have a cough and i take codeine, could this hurt me? btw im 14

Sarah B replied: "lol you can get high. I'd keep it. Btw, my advice is not very helpful, I know."

Steffie replied: "Is your chest tight? Could be your Dr. gave you an expectorant because you need to cough. Who knows?"

Amanda S. replied: "Did he prescribe other meds for you? When the sinuses clear they sometimes tend to drip down your throat making you cough non-stop. So maybe he gave it to you in preparation for what is to come."

My friend just drank Robitussin and Cough syrup with codeine!? She drank 3 oz. of Robitussin and 1 oz. of cough syrup with codeine!!!!! She's a huge junkie. Will she be okay? She couldn't get LSD so wanted a Robohigh or something? I'm really worried. :[[ It was Robitussin DX or DD or something. She's not just my friend she's my family. I didn't ask you to tell me I need to disown my family. I asked you if it was poisonous.

Ash replied: "Emergency room. Now. And you should really find some new friends whom you don't describe as a "huge junkie." Whatevs, if you want to watch the people around you die of liver failure, be my guest. I'll be over here having a good life."

accident prone replied: "takes more than 3 oz to robo trip. and i dont think either of those kinds of robo will work anyways."

Whoa replied: "the DMT in the cough syrup is gonna make her trip her brains out, but it it very easy to overdose on cough syrup and die from liver failure, it might be a good idea for her to go to the hospital because it really isn't safe at all."

Hush replied: "If in doubt call poison control, in the U.S. 1-800-222-1222. Tell your friend's parents (or have your parents tell her parents). She needs help. Also, find some new friends."

Poppy replied: "Your friend is a moron, you need to choose better friends. But I don't think she has too much in her to be any harm( don't tell her that though), all I'm saying is I don't think you need to worry about the dose. Just worry that she is not too bright, find someone else to hang out with. She will eventually kill her duck ass."

Mind Explorer replied: "Your friend will be fine. let her do what she wants unless shes saying shes purposely going to overdose.. the amout you said sounds like she went through he cabinets and took what she could get, because its barely enough to even work. ive taken 34 of the coricidin tablets and im fine, but i also did them every day for like 3 years..."

how many mg of codeine are in 100ml of Robitussin A-C? and is it codeine like tylenol 3's or is it like hydrocodone?

Shelby ♥ replied: "hmm. i would like to know the answer to that question too."

Just Breathe replied: "200 mg There's 10 mg in a teaspoon (5 ml)."

brendalee replied: "There are 10mg of codiene in 1ml of robitussin ac. The tylenol has 30mg. I am a nurse, that is how I know. That is also how they are able to sell it over the counter in my state and other states (Arkansas) as a schedule 5 narcotic that does not need a rx."

Holly p replied: "Well in one teaspoon (5ml) there is 100mg of Guafinesin and 10mg of codeine. so in 100 ml which is about 20 teaspoons.. there would be 200 mg of codiene. and yes, there is actual codeine in Robitussin AC, the same as tylenol 3... just in a liquid form"

DynoDiKk replied: "And since no one answered this part. Yes Codiene is what is in Tylenol 3's. 30mg. And no it is not as strong as Hydrocodone."

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