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What are the chances of Men's Rogaine Extra Strength Topical Solution working on a receding hairline? It says it is meant for balding on the vertex (Top back of the scalp, try searching google images for FRIAR HAIR). I want to know if it will work on a forehead receding hairline...

SueZQ replied: "Doubtful that it will help at all. It sometimes will help male pattern baldness, which is the vertex as you say. Receding hairline is different. Other balding "treatments" available, seem to be the same way, i.e. Kevis or the pill propecia"

is it dangerous to apply rogaine extra to ur eyebrows? i heard from a show that it helps ur eyebrows grow better casue i have really few eyebrows thnx

bbaerse replied: "Just get rogaine, but apply VERY little to your eyebrow with a Q-tip. If you need to grow out your eyebrows then DO NOT tweeze them for a couple weeks. It's hard because your eyebrows look weird up close after you stop tweezing, but you can fill them in with a good shade of eye-shadow."

Has anyone tried Rogaine Foam (extra strength) for hairloss? I would like to know if anyone has tried Rogaine Foam to treat hairloss. Does anyone know if it really works or not? Does it work for everyone, and how long should I wait to see results? Also, what are some of the side effects of using Rogaine? I hear that initially you will get some hairloss before anything. But then you will see results. I'm not sure how accurate I am about this but thats just what I hear. Anyways what is your experience with Rogaine?

Beaner replied: "What you need to do is ordered a powered wig from Great Britain."

Kerri replied: "I know a couple people using it and they had me research a little for them first. It is the most effective of all types of Rogaine at (I believe) 87% seeing positive results (it was a while ago I looked this up, so I could be a little off, but it's high). They say it only works on the vertex, but you CAN see results anywhere there are follicles so that would be one side effect, to be sure to follow instructions carefully and to wash any area that you get it on that you don't want hair.. just in case. They say only vertex because that's the only place they put all of their research into. There is also a chance of palpatations, irritations etc, the list is on the box, but there is risk of anything, so just go to their site, read everything and if you are ok with the warnings, I'd say go for it. You should always give anything you use at least 6 months to know for sure if you will get results or not. Rogaine says two months and that may be so, but I wouldn't give up yet at that point if you haven't seen results yet. You will get what they call a "dread shed" and for how long depends on the person (some don't get it at all).. this is the product working to enlarge the follicles, pushing out the old and making way for the new. So don't be surprised when you see healthy hair falling too. Lastly, do it as often as it says. It is a drug and will only be effective 12 hours at a time. Use it religiously or not at all. It is the only medically proven product out there to get results. Good luck!"

i want to use rogaine foam to regrow my extra thinning hair? My question is can i used some shading creams like ( Couvre Mask ) after using Rogaine to cover the thinning hair areas?

Sheba replied: "You should really go to a medical doctor, and take rogaine . It has a medical name [Minoxidil] It is also used for reducing high blood pressure. It does regrow hair, but if you stop using it. Then what you have started will stop. That is the only draw back."

Sal Collaziano replied: "Let the Rogaine dry and you can use whatever you want on your hair..."

Why can't women use men's Extra Strength Rogaine? I read somewhere that it might cause facial hair growth, but it doesn't even touch your face? Have any women tried this?

uisignorant replied: "Ragaine will also cause birth defects even if you handle it and are not taking it."

ragnar1000 replied: "it has chemicals in it that will change your sex hormones. this will make you grow hair where you dont want it and it could even make you want to be gay" replied: "Duh its for Men r u a man?...... No i didnt think so"

will rogaine stay in your hair after you wash and shampoo your hair? i put rogaine liquid 5% extra strength in my hair in the mornings, but i like to take showers at the gym after i work out and i was wondering if when i do take a shower and shampoo my hair does it completely remove the rogaine or does it stay in or what?

daevan01 replied: "I believe the label says apply after shampooing. Yes it is washing out. Apply it after every shower for best results."

Question about Rogaine Hi. I am 18 and have been loosing hair on the entire top of my head for the last year. It has gotten to the point where it is extremely thin everywhere but the sides. I started using Rogaine extra strength a week ago and have noticed a big increase in hair loss. If I run a wide-toothed comb through my hair I consistently get 10 to 15 hairs. Is this natural or should I stop using Rogaine to stop further loss? thanks

nicealbanyguy replied: "Rogaine will not cause you to lose hair. It will stimulate more hair growth if you have classic male baldness. I would recommend you continue to use Rogaine since it actually works but also see a dermatologist about your hair loss. It sounds like you may have some thing else going on in your body causing your hair to fall out. I worked at Upjohn when they accidentally discovered Rogaine and it worked very well."

Anybody use Rogaine of Follicare? Hi, I'm 21, noticed I'm signaficantly losing my hair, decided to start using Rogaine Extra Strenght, been using it since May 1st, today I found out about Follicare, and it looks better and easier to use. Has anyone used this, and does it actually work? I checked the website, it looks too good to be true, makes me wonder why I see any bald people, with the results it promises. Just wanted to know, if anyone heard anything, Rogaine I trust as it's results dont look unrealistic, and it's been around for so many years.

mark185 replied: "I've used Rogaine for the past 16 years...I still have a head of hair."

ilovenuyawk replied: "Somewhere on the outer packaging, Rogaine's instructions mention it is intended for those Men who's hair loss began at the crown of the head. Those guys such as me whose loss began at the hairline above the forehead derive NO benefit from using this medication. Beware."

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