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Ssri 5 Htp Facts
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Ssri 5 Htp Facts in Q&A
Why do SSRI's and 5-HTP not have the same effect on depression? So I was wondering.. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors cause more serotonin to be floating around the brain by blocking the absorption mechanism. The extra seratonin relieves depression. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, so therefor if you take it daily, and the right amount, you should have more serotonin floating around your brain.. Why then do they not have the same result at the end of the day? (I know some people use 5-HTP for mild depression..)

J G replied: "Yes it is a precursor to seretonin, but first off, how effective is it at crossing the blood/brain barrier. And once in cells, if the level/production of 5HTP is not the cause of the depression, then it cant help much. If there is already enough 5 htp and production of seritonin from 5 htp is what is the problem, or the release of seritonin, or evenjust that it is taken up too fast, then excess 5 HTP wont help. It only helps it the cell is wanting to make the seritonin from the 5 htp, but does not have enough 5htp availible to do so. Think of a printer. And if its the end result of getting stapled packets of printouts to different places. If the printer is out of paper, it cant print anything, or if you are feeding paper into the printer slower then it wants to use it to print it slows it down........but if it has enough paper to print at the max rate that it can...putting more paper in isnt going to make it go any faster....the only things that can speed things up are things after that step....stapeling the packets together, and taking them where they need to go, and making sure none are lost in the prossess so you dont have to make another to make up for it. Thats pretty much what is happening.....5htp being the paper.....minor depression may be helped because of the level of 5htp being a little low for optimum seritonin production, but that is most often not the main problem. The amout that 5 htp can boost availible seritonin is relitivly small....and really is comparable to how exersize, good diet, good sleep schedual, doing pleasurable things will boost seritonin levels is would help minor depression, but not major. Which is why stopping reuptake helps with raising the seritonin far more then 5htp does."

Az R replied: "Basically goes like this. SSRIs have other mechanisms of action beyond altering serotonin - notably they alter the brain's production and use of a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor which controls how neurons grow, divide and survive. They also seem to enhance the replacement of cells in certain areas of the brain that atrophy in depressed patients. 5HTP is a biochemical precursor to serotonin (5-HT). The chemical processes in the body that change one molecule to another are regulated - this is called homeostasis. The body attempts to maintain a constant internal environment. When things get too high, wether it be your body temperature or the amount of sugar in your blood it responds by decreasing them, same goes when they get too low. By loading the brain with 5HTP you are essentially attempting to push the reaction that converts it to 5HT forward. Allowing this to happen in an uncontrolled manner would wreck havoc on your neurochemistry - so the brain has processes to limit how much 5HTP converts to 5HT. In the clinical practice there's a very small benefit to 5HTP - believed to correspond to your brain only allowing a small amount to actually be converted to serotonin. Trying to phrase it kind of simply. Remember, not all of this is understood, and if I start talking about the addition of ubiquitin to proteins and gene expression it's going to go over a lot of heads."

Experience of 5-HTP vs SSRI? Those who have tried (or know someone who has) tried both - did the 5-HTP work as well as the SSRI? Try to be more specific and write more than just it's better. Write how you felt when on it and with which SSRI do you compare 5-HTP? Thank you.

DJ replied: "yes its reall good. probably better"

Why does it say on 5-HTP bottles not to take with an SSRI? Does anyone know? I've been taking it for over a year now with my SSRI (both prescribed by the doctor) and just now noticed that on the label. Curious...

~ Ternie ~ replied: "If you go to and use their interaction database, it will tell you exactly why NOT to use them. Every medication is different, so I couldn't tell you exactly why, but it's usually because you run a higher risk of heart problems."

sctag1015 replied: "SSRIs serve to prevent the reuptake of serotonin at specific synapses in your brain. This results in an increased amount of serotonin at the synapse, which in turn results in a change in the sensitivity of your brain to serotonin. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin (5-HT), and tends to increase the amount of serotonin produced in your body. This can result in an increase in the amount of serotonin released into the synapse at any given point in time. In the absence of SSRI medications, this excess serotonin is removed from the synapse through a variety of reuptake processes. When you take 5-HTP and an SSRI at the same time, you run the risk of having an abnormally large amount of serotonin present in the synapse with no reuptake occurring. If you've been on SSRIs for a while, you'll have fewer 5-HT receptor sites, causing the flood of serotonin to have a stronger impact. This radical excess of serotonin can result in a dangerous medical condition called serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome can result in symptoms along a spectrum of severity that reaches from almost no perceptible symptoms all the way to death. Severe symptoms include severe hypertension and tachycardia that may lead to shock. Severe cases often have agitated delirium as well as muscular rigidity and high muscular tension. Temperature may rise to above 41.1 °C (105.98 °F) in life-threatening cases. Other abnormalities include metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, seizures, renal failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. I'd suggest you consult your doctor about this potentially dangerous interaction immediately. In particular, you should question the prescription of 5-HTP, as it has not been shown to treat symptoms of anxious and depressive disorders in clinical studies."

Has anyone had a bad experience from taking 5-Htp? I had very,very bad experiences with SSRI's.? With SSRI's I would wake up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and a little dizzy and just kind of out of it. SSRI's made my anxiety SOOO much worse. I took 100mg 5-Htp last night. I woke up in sweat and felt a little funny but was able to go back to sleep. I don't feel more anxious today though like I did with SSRI.

KILO replied: "i take 5 HTP all the time mostly with and after an XTC experience because of the serotonin booster but ive never had any bad experiences with it"

C C C replied: "I never heard that about 5 htp. I think it will pass..but be careful Science is showing that the best treatment for depression is to learn technques that stop it. This is better than any pill. You can still take the pills but still learn the techniques and heal. The Why you don't want to live" report is right online and it is teaching people how to stop depression on their own with no pills at all. Also see this called THE DANGER THAT LIVES IN DEPRESSED PEOPLE" It shows the importance of healing this and how to do it on your own"

Lynn replied: "You must realize you're working with two COMPLETLY different things here. SSRIs are not natural; they were never meant to be in your body in the first place. Sure, they're aimed at "fixing you," but your body will respond to them in some crazy ways. Trust me, I know. Yes, it's safe to say I'm a psychiatric drug opponent, but only from experience. I've tried, unsucessfully, just about everything out there. Xanax, cymbalta, seroquel, klonopin, trazodone, lamictal, on and on you name it. And my conclusion - you dont have to agree with me - is that we should NOT be messing with them. Anyway. 5-HTP, on the other hand, is naturally-occuring. It's the same kind of thing as St. John's Wort and SAM-e. So that's why you're experiencing such a radical reaction from your SSRIs. I've experienced it too - Cymbalta sent me into dry heaves, insomnia, cold sweats... hell. Effect on my mood? Zero. It only left me feeling poisoned. So please, try the 5-HTP if you like. I think your body is still getting over the SSRI, and that's what you're feeling. I've been on 5-HTP for over 2 months now, with no negative results. I've had good results with St. John's Wort, so give that a shot. I'm about to switch over and try SAM-e. Good luck Forgot to ad: All of these drugs/supplements are only meant to aid you while you're in the process of recovering. If you know your issues are the result of a traumatic experience or something from your past: get yourself to an EMDR practioner right now. Read about it here, and it WORKS - Also, I cannot recommend enough to get involved with a D.O. (doctor of osteopathy (sp)). They actually realize that your body is connected. (Duh, psychiatrists.) These things saved my life."

is 5 htp a safe alternative to ssri's? for anxiety?

Jack replied: "I'm not a doctor, or any kind of medical professional. But I used to take 5HTP because I don't agree with the use of psychopharmaceuticals (long story, i think they help, but i think that they are being used to replace therapy and thats not right) Anyways, I personally felt that the supplement helped me. But it's always a good thing to call your doctor's office and ask them."

suhail510 replied: "This is a question for a doctor because many anxiety/depression drugs have withdrawl effects, and SSRI's are among those drugs"

AutismisReal replied: "A western medicine doctor is going to tell you that supplements like 5 HTP aren't going to help you. It has been recommended for my son (Autism with anxiety), but I've read about some negative reactions (more anxiety) so I've not yet tried it. L-theanine, a component of green tea, is also used for anxiety without the side effects I seem to see for 5HTP. You can buy capsules. High dose Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to help some people with depression and/or bipolar disorder. Take a look at the work of Andrew Stoll from Harvard. You'd need to take over 2 grams/day of EPA/DHA. I'm sure it helps me. Anxiety is a part of depression for some."

Jenny Jo replied: "certainly try them. nothing can be as bad as SSRIS. and dont ask the doctor they are bound to tell you otherwise and scare you off. they have done me a world of good with no side effects."

Can Saint John's Wort and 5-HTP Help With Anxiety And Depression? I have biological anxiety and depression. These last three days, I've started to take Saint John's Wort (600mg 3x Daily) and 5-HTP (100mg 3x Daily). I was wondering if these 2 will help combat both my anxiety and depression? I've tried numerous other medications in the past including Benzodiazepines and SSRi's with very little success.

M.L.E. replied: "I personally haven't had any luck with those. They are more for people who don't quite need meds. What meds specifically have you taken? Because there are 3 chemicals in meds that help and you may have just not had the right combo. Always try natural before chemical, though, I always think. If they would have worked I would've been stoked. Good luck!"

cathywyo replied: "Continue to take these for 3 weeks. At the end up this week, if you are not feeling any different, try increasing the St. John's Wort to 900 3x daily. If no change in 4-5 days, increase the 5-HTP to 300 3x daily. After that take them for 2 more weeks to see if they will help you. If not, you might want to go back to your doc and ask to try some other meds. There are more than just SSRI's, there are NDRI's, SNRI's, TCA's MAOI's and tricyclic antidepressants. Many of the antidepressants also include some "help" for anxiety. If you are positive that your anxiety and depression are biologically based the only thing that will help you is medication. If there is any possiblity that there may be some situational causes, there are things that you can also try. These may help the antidepressants work better, even if biologically based. Trying some relaxation techniques, meditation, guided imagery, soothing music, are just some. You can also take time each day to ground yourself, make sure that you are focused on what is going to happen in your day so that you will not get overwhelmed when something does happen. Exercising can help, even with biologically based, because it naturally increases serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine levels, which is what is causing your problems. Good Luck! ! !"

saurabh m replied: "U Can try this it might be effective but it depends upon how much safe these are.there are another safe mode of tretments as YOGA /homoeopathy/ayurvedic. Anxiety can be defined as: Anxiety: Painful apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over impending anticipating ill.It can b felt under diff.cond.;when alone after eating/drinking wid other physical n mental complains abt financial/bznss matter/in a particular environment. Common in Yng adlts Psychological Factors:As a result of failure :A fear Response Clinical Manifestations:Referable 2 N.Sys imbal n commonly include palpitations,shortness of breathlessness,dryness of mouth,heaviness of head,giddiness n blurring of vision,xcessive sweating particularly in palm and soles Psychological Manifestations:Irritability n a morbid fear as if something dreadful is going happen. Management: Hospitalisation-acute anxiety. Anxiolytics Yoga and meditation Homoeopathic Medicines: Aur,Aur,Bry,Calc,Merc.c,Puls,Veratrum alb,Phos These medicines can be taken symptomatically under guidence of homoeopath. It can be managed by having proper homoeopathic treatment log on 2"

can you take 5-HTP with Wellbutrin? I am on Wellbutrin and off SSRI meds and had good results with 5-HTP in the past and wanted to know if I can take it with Wellbutrin. Just want to know if there is any reason not to?

oldtimekid2 replied: "Your best (and safest) bet would be to ask a pharmacist if there are any interactions listed between the drugs and supplements you're taking. Doctors and pharmacists both have access to a database of drug and supplement interactions and they can tell you quickly if you can safely take them together or not.... anyone here will just have a best guess from searching on the internet (which isn't always accurate, as we all know) ;-) That being said, taking a Serotonin supporting product with an SSRI (which prevents Serotonin from being absorbed back into the system) may not be a good idea. Good luck!"

Taking Zoloft with either 5-htp or Vitamin B complexes, or L-Tryptophan? I am going to take an SSRI called Zoloft. I was wondering, if it is okay (or safe) to take either 5-htp or Vitamin B complexes (Vitamin 1,3,... 12, etc) or L-Tryptophan. Can I take them all together, or should I take one of them, or should I just take nothing except the Zoloft? I wish to do so because I want to make my serotonin making rich. thankx I meant to say, is taking Zoloft enough itself? I must say it honestly, because in this way, I get the right answer. I am taking Zoloft because of the heavy ecstasy use before, damaging neurons.

Dan S replied: "Zoloft whose generic name is sertraline is serotonin specific reuptake inhibitor (s.s.r.i.). manufactured by Pfizer. by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin, more is available because the concentration between nerve cells is enhanced. More serotonin usually lessens depression. The Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties (C.P.S.) is the "bible" for Canadian physicians. (which is the equivalent of the American Physicians Desk Reference (P.D.R.)) has the following to say about taking amino acid precursers. (more specifically serotonin (5 hydroxy tryptophan), precursers.) together with the drug zoloft. "Coadministration with tryptophan may lead to a high incidence of serotonin-associated side effects. There is no experience with the concomitant use of sertraline (zoloft) and tryptophan in depressed patients or patients with panic disorder." The C.P.S. zoloft entry, (monograph) was prepared by Pfizer. And I am fairly certain that the P.D.R. says the same thing. In other words, the manufacturer pharmaceutical company does not recommend taking the supplements that you have listed in your question. A vitamin B complex tablet or multivitamin, should be o.k. because the tryptophan concentration, in that pill, should not be so great as to cause serotonin overload. You may notice that taking zoloft, takes several weeks to settle down in your system as your body adjusts. Also, if you are switching from some other drug to Zoloft, your doctor should consider a cross-over regimen for the taking of both drugs. Going cold turkey with your "old" drug, (abrupt cessation of use), & abruptly starting zoloft may not be a good idea. Dan the Answers-Man."

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