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Std And Arthritis Resource in Answers
Is it possible for an STD to cause rheumatoid arthritis? I don't have it, but I was just curious.

Giedrius M replied: "Some diseases that cause permanent damage if untreated. I think syphilis can cause this,but not sure."

Pam1962 replied: "Yes it is. "Venereal arthritis is part of a group of conditions known as infectious arthritis, which is inflammation of the joint caused by a germ -- a bacterium, a virus, or a fungus. Some cases of infectious arthritis result from food poisoning via salmonella bacteria. Others are caused by viruses such as mumps or infectious hepatitis. Most cases -- including those involving gonococcal arthritis -- can be cured if they're treated promptly, but chlamydia-associated arthritis is less predictable. Chlamydia -- whether it causes arthritis or not -- can be symptom-free or cause such mild symptoms that a person may not suspect anything is wrong. Men may have a slight discharge and pain during urination, especially in the morning. Women may also have a slight discharge, feel frequent urges to urinate, and experience some pelvic pain. Often, a woman doesn't know she has chlamydia until she has her annual gynecological exam, and then only if her physician tests for sexually transmitted diseases. Because chlamydia is so elusive, researchers believe there may be a wide gulf between reported and actual cases. This gap may also account for imprecise figures on the number of chlamydia cases that turn into arthritis. In 5 to 20 percent of cases, the bacterium known as Chlamydia trachomatis, a tiny organism, migrates from the genitals (or throat, from oral sex contact) to one or more joints, usually in the lower limbs: the knees, ankles, or feet. In about half those cases, chlamydia remains in the joints. Sometimes it leads to a condition known as Reiter's Syndrome, which includes urinary tract problems and conjunctivitis. The symptoms of chlamydia-associated arthritis also vary greatly. "Some people might just have an annoying pain in the knee, or just have one or two joints swollen, not dramatically so," explains Ralph Schumacher, chief of rheumatology at the VA Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Schumacher oversees a clinic on unexplained arthritis and is an expert on the chlamydia-associated variety. "Others can be very, very sick." Schumacher, who is Heller's doctor, adds that he has seen people go into remission for years. "I have a couple of patients who are up fishing in Canada right now, and they've had [the disease] for 30 years.""

a friend gets weird headaches suddenly or arthritis like pains every now n then, std? what co? could it be? he never got it before and lately more and more and itll just b anywhere its weird, mainly its that, usually just there but sometimes it gets a little bigger where hell like notice it... then it just goes away, he says its not migraines since its not in the front usually like in the back of his head but erally just anywhere i said dude maybe an std, what could it b really tho, and docs r out of the question because my moms a doctor and she said he was fine but still i mean its gotta have an explanation... doesnt it?

bugaboo replied: "Get a second opinion. Check his blood pressure and circulation system. Before he has a stroke."

Tequila replied: "Something is wrong out there! There is a huge amound of headache complaints recently, i my self suffered a headache this morning, can't remember yesterday much, although i woke up with a sicky taste in my mouth, i didn' go out drinking, or do anything???"

The alchemist replied: "Have him check his circulatory and blood pressure as someone else said. From chinese medicine point of view stabbing pains are Qi stagnation. Arthritis-like pain is blood stagnation. I would like to know how you link headaches with STD though? As for your mum being a doctor ... it won't hurt him to get a second opinion. It will in the long run if he doesn't."

sparkle replied: "Well, I don't think its an STD. I think a second opinion would be best. Something isn't right."

sweetu replied: "Headaches can be caused by minor problems like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reasons like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can have harmful side effects, so it is better to modify your lifestyle. More information available at"

Can i know names of all std's and general disease in which we may have these problems? 1)Extreme fatigue,headache,eyeache,legache,fever which comes again within one hour after eating of tablets. 2)slowly weight loss 3)Feeling sleepy everytime 4)10 to 20 kg weight loss within some months. 5)Feeling chill/cold even when all people feel warm/hot. 6)Lost of memory(In respect of education/college education) 7)Lost of ability and power in sports(This may be any sport) 8)Gore problem 9)Extreme shortage of breath 10)When i sleep than it is very difficult to get up and i feel whole day sleepy. 11)Lost ability to do work/hard work. 12)Loss of 50% blood and hair loss slowly Because of all this problems life has become worst and i have fear about future.Hiv is also nagative.Rheumatoid arthritis is nagative then what problem do i have?It's very difficult to find out for anyone even for doctors.Two blood tests r clear/nagative.Do u think that this is because of genrall disease. Note:All this happening after unprotected sex again and again but this may be general disease also.Problem is that what disease do i have?Is it little or dangerous?I also want your suggestion,advice and help.

Ambie replied: "what is anyone on yahoo answers supposed to help you with? if you have a disease you need to be at the doctors getting medicine..."

Joint aches all over body at once... help? Around a month or little longer ago, I started getting more achy than usual (I've always had aches in my knees) and I thought it was from humidity like usual. But it ended up in one elbow, which I at first thought was a sprain, and then it moved into the other elbow, into the hands, the shoulders, legs, knees, ankles, and now the whole body. About 5 days ago, it started hurting all over so intensely that I did not sleep for 2 nights from the aching. And I kept getting flashes of on and off weakness that made doing the simplest things difficult, like all the strength in my hands drained and I couldn't write, then I was fine, or the same in my knees, etc. I went to the hospital, thinking it was a virus, but they said it could be arthritis, an std, etc. However, they said to get checked at the family doctor to get tests, so I will soon. But it will be a while til my appointment is available. The hospital doctor put me on a muscle relaxant for the time being which minorly helps. Does this sound like anything you know of? I think it could very well be arthritis, as its in my family, but I am worried it could be something else too.

Sandra replied: "If your joints are inflamed, ibuprofen may help, in addition to the muscle relaxant. There are lots of causes of joint pain in addition to arthritis. I suggest you not scare yourself to death by doing too much research, and wait until you see your doctor. I don't know where you live, but the infection called Lyme Disease, which is tick-borne, has similar symptoms. It is treated with an antibiotic."

What is wrong with my heart? My resting heart rate is 120 beats per minute but my blood pressure is ok, 114/72 I used to be 305 lbs and am diabetic, I have completely changed my life and am now 188 lbs. I eat properly and excercise regularly. I have talked to my doctor about this and she is perplexed and sent me to a Cardiologist and he said I was fine. But the high resting heart rate can't be good can it? I have been tested for cancer, arthritis, hyperthyroidism, STD's (I don't take risks but it was done just to be sure) and am found to be healthy. Does anyone have an idea?

john e russo md replied: "This is an easy question that any physician - family physician or cardiologist - should have been able to answer. The normal resting heart rate is 50 to 90 based upon several hundred ambulatory blood pressure and pulse studies. This corrects the previously quoted and occasionally still misquoted normal range of 60 to 100. A resting heart rate in the range of 120 is called sinus tachycardia. It is autonomic in origin as opposed to reentry. The latter is more serious but an autonomic tachycardia must be treated. Failure to reduce your resting pulse to the 50 to 90 range increases your risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke and heart attack. Beta blockers are the preferred drugs. Examples include atenolol and metoprolol tartrate. The latter is $4 for a monthly supply at WalMart. So what is autonomic tachycardia? The body has many 'set points' where 'thermostats' establish a variety of body functions. These include body temperature, metabolic rate, blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, and many others including the neurologic, endocrine, and hormonal systems. An autonomic tachycardia means that your set point for your pulse has been set too high in your central nervous system. This does need to be treated as noted above and it is indeed remarkably easy to treat. I wish you the best of health and may God bless."

Why Am I So Paranoid ? I've always been afraid of spiders, bugs, insects & any creepy crawly's for as long as i can remember. I'm constantly checking every inch ( i.e , corners, tables, chairs, ground, ceilings and even myself) of where I am for bugs. But roughly around 3years ago, I became very "frightful". If someone appears ( in a typical situation like at my house if im watching tv and a family member comes into the living room ) i jump and scream and my heart races very fast. This is constanly happening to me, I don't know why as they are not sneaking up on me or anything, but I still get a huge fright and they get angry at me and yell at me. Also recently I've become very paranoid about my health. I think I have a brain tumor, cancer spread through-out my ENTIRE body and chronic arthritis and STD's. I've become so paranoid about my health, I don't sleep. I stay up worrying if I'm going to make it through the night, every night. This is driving me insane. Can anyone help please !!

Lissa M replied: "The best thing I could offer you is to seek out some help, maybe talk to a counselor or therapist. This sounds more extreme than anyone on Y!A would be equipped to deal with unless they went to school for this sort of thing. So I'm sorry that you're having this much trouble, but seriously, you could benefit from having a professional help you out with this. Best of luck to you."

Peter D replied: "I am very sorry for the way you are feeling, but it is more common in this day and age,than most of us think.Blame it on our lifestyle.Please, seek professional help quickly. Your local G.P. is the first step in the line and he will assess the right approach. Alternatively you can seek assistance from your local community health centre,they usually have a mental health social worker or will access help for you.You should also talk any of these problems over with your family and this will help the process.They can understand the problems you face and give added support. If you cannot talk with them speak to your local minister or pastor. Hang in there,there is hope."

What causes massive muscle weakness? ? I can barely type this msg, my hands are so weak. I walk at a snails pace. My heart keeps skipping beats on me. I'm 26 male, 6'2, 200lbs. I've lost about 15 pounds. I 've always been 215-225 lbs, use to do cardio everyday, now after going for a run, i feel as if i'm dying, and my heart will skip beats on me about 20 times for a few hours after a workout. My throat is bothering me, no pain or anything, just feel like it's about to swell up, but never does. my doctor checked, my liver, kidneys, blood sugar, arthritis, parasites, lyme disease, hiv, std's, thyroid, blood count. only thing that showed up is an allergy to gluten. as well as I keep getting infections. Sinuses clogged, a big puss bubble, a intestinal bacteria, all treated with moxicillan and 500mg ciprofloxacin. my heart beat is so weak right now. Should I head to the hospital? Do they take major muscle weakness seriously? feels like i won't last much longer. i haven't taken a proper bowel movement for a few days now, my digestive system doesn't move, i keep peeing, i wake up dehydrated every morning. when I wake up it take me like 10 minutes to even get out of bed, because my mind keeps wandering off on me.

Doctor J replied: ""The only thing that showed up is an allergy to gluten..."! That is huge! You may have Celiac Disease! It would be wise to demand a referral to a specialist in Celiac Disease for thorough testing and proper treatment. You also need to rule-out Intestinal Dysbiosis and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). But, I am willing to bet your fundamental issue is Celiac Disease. Best wishes from a life-time Celiac that went undiagnosed for 50 years!"

Exiled in the Midlands replied: "You depressed, boy?"

margie k replied: "Was your potassium level checked ? low potassium can do this ( muscle weakness - it can be fatal if too low). you should go to the hospital, and mention this."

Lisa A replied: "It really sounds like hyperthyroidism. Did you really get your thyroid checked? (T3 and T4) Or did you get your pituitary gland checked? (TSH)"

stillkickin242 replied: "This sounds like how i felt when I had low potassium. Ask you doctor to get your potassium levels tested. Its only a simple blood test so It can't hurt to investigate! :0)"

disability for pregnancy I am rheumatoid arthritis and i am just 5 months prego. I went to my reumatolist the other day and he was shocked that i was still having a hard time with my ra cause it goes away. but in my case it is getting worse. i sit at a computer and type all day and am not allowed extra time for stretching or getting up other then my 2 10 min breaks and my 3o min lunch. I have also been having severe back pain that i know isn't ra related but more sciatic. Anyways my Ra md wrote me a note that says that due to active RA I am not able to work. the only problem is is that i need to get my ob gyn to pull me out in order to get std. DO you think its poss able that i can get pulled out of work for my last 4 months due to RA and will my obgyn go for it? i can work half days at my work i ave already tried to ask for that with Dr's notes. I cant handle the pain all day any more.

Q replied: "Yes. YOu can have your rheumatologist talk to your gynecologist."

Ben K replied: "That probably depends on what type of disability insurance you have and how long you have been working there. Generally, you have to be working at least 10 months prior to going on maternity leave. Personally, I think it's crazy that you can't stretch or walk around for 30 seconds during work if you need it! Call your OB/GYN and tell him/her what's going on. I think s/he'll go for it. Remember his/her expertise is OB/GYN, not RA, and in this case your RA doctor knows best. Call your disability provider. All you have to say is that you are x# of weeks pregnant with a complicated pregnancy and your doctor is only allowing you to work half days. To might start recieving benefits. This SHOULD NOT jepeordize your maternity leave. I hope that answered your question..."

Name That Disease? Please Help!? Hey everyone, first off, I like many today, have no insurance. I was wondering if anyone can help me naming the illness I may have. IDK if it even is an illness. I am constantly tires, and I have body/joint pains every day. My shoulders, back, neck, knees, ankles, all I ever wanna do is sleep, and I am in pain. I don't know whats wrong with me, its not an STD, By the way, I am a virgin, and its not rheumatoid arthritis either. I am only 22 years old, why is this happening? What is it? I also have dizzy/disoriented spells somtimes. If that helps. I'm not anemic, I KNOW that I dont have arthritis, because before my insurance ran out, My doctor said it wasn't, but I'm open to Ideas, Diabietes does run in my family, and my father has lupus. SO, IDK?

Elle Bee replied: "It could be Anemia!!!!!!!"

The G replied: "Marijuana?"

Chrys replied: "how do you KNOW you don't have arthritis ??? you could have lupus, MS, the flu just about anything... you CAN see a Dr...just take yourself to the nearest clinic (they have free ones you know)"

Wendy S replied: "Have you had a physical lately? Could be your blood pressure."

Gaspode replied: "Could be a lot of things. A blood disorder (one of which was mentioned above), lyme disease, diabetes, a combination of things, mononucleosis, the list is very long."

kcBby♥ replied: "ive been feeling the same way lately by the way; & i think that you should get about 3 days just for yourself sleep in, go get a massage [ all over ], check what you eat [ make sure its healthy ]"

Denese replied: "You could have chronic fatigue syndrome, or fibromyalgia. But it could also be depression, which can cause physical pain, and feelings of constant fatigue. Try to find a free or reduced cost clinic to get checked out. Not much can be done for fibromyalgia or CFS, but depression can be treated, and many depression medications are not very expensive, and can actually help with the other two conditions. So that is the first thing I would look into. Good luck."

Longoria replied: "yeah most likely iron d. anemia. i had symptoms or that and now i am prescribed iron pills and multi vitamins daily. and you should try to get insurance, not for this but just incase something happens. i suggest taking one multi vitamin every morning and see how you feel after work and when you get home. if there is no change then stop taking them and see a doctor. good luck."

Ze helper replied: "you still could have arthritious but u could have a pinched nerve in your back which is giving you all the back and down problems. trust me even something this little can cause serious imflammtion. or you could always have the ongoing cold. body aches, fatigue and naseasa/dizzy, everyone gets a little virtigo every now and again"

Jezrella replied: "You have to see the doctor. There are a lot of possibilities here, unfortunately. You might play with your diet for your and your doctor's information. What happens if you cut back on sugar? What happens if you eat less/more protein? If you add/cut back on coffee? What times of day are toughest and why? But you sure can't diagnose this through strangers on the internet."

minx replied: "mold toxicity??? it did that to me too........ MoLd buddy ........ go on a mold hunt around your house ...... under carpets, behind cupboards, behind bedheads, under sinks, under furniture ....... the affects mold can have on your bounce and vitality are positively toxic to say the least ............check out these links, they may be of use to you............ i would also suggest that you ring the Real Estate AGents that you are leasing from or purchased from and ask them if they can provide you with the contact number for the Health Inspector and get him/her to come out pronto and inspect your house. If exposed to elevated levels of indoor mold, some or many residents and workers can experience one or more of most common, mold health symptoms: allergies, asthma, bleeding lungs, breathing difficulties, cancer, central nervous system problems, recurring colds, chronic coughing, coughing up with blood, dandruff problems (chronic) that do not go away despite use of anti-dandruff shampoos, dermatitis, skin rashes, diarrhea, and/or; Eye and vision problems, fatigue (chronic, excessive, or continued) and/or general malaise, flu symptoms (chronic), sudden hair loss, headaches, hemorrhagic pneumonitis, hives, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, irritability, itching (of the nose, mouth, eyes, throat, skin or any other area), kidney failure, learning difficulties or mental dysfunction or personality changes, memory loss or memory difficulties; and/or Open skin sores and lacerations, peripheral nervous system effects, redness of the sclera (white of your eyes), runny nose (rhinitis) or thick, green slime coming out of nose (from sinus cavities), seizures, sinus congestion, sinus problems, and chronic sinusitis, skin redness, sleep disorders, sneezing fits, sore throat, tremors (shaking), verbal dysfunction (trouble in speaking), vertigo (feelings of dizziness, lightheadedness, faintness and unsteadiness), and vomiting....... gaaah, what a flaming scary list that is hey....... i moved out of a house contaminated with mold 5 months ago and i'm positively leaping out of my skin with energy whereas when we lived there i was always flagging in energy, my two littlies had constant ear nose and throat infections, my little girl's hair started coming out in big handfulls, my bones were always aching, my husband was constantly getting colds ....... freaking mold is so very bad for your health luv .... likely that's why they repainted the house before I moved in ........... they prolly painted straight over it ...... any odd musty old odor would be mold buddy ........... check the drains in the bathroom tub and sink too ........... could very well be a bacterial or moldy growth in there ....... check all your drains and put a cup of bleach down it and close the door to that room and open the window to air it and leave it overnight to torch the vitality and health destroying bacteria. ~ ~ and if it is mold and you've got the money ....... cut your losses and get out immediately ........ Landlords and Real Estate Agents really don't care or want to know about mold. good luck. peace baby ♥"

Is it possible to have a test that is not in your body/system? In 2008 my doctor told me i had a false positive result for syphilis that has been showing like that since 2004. She said that the syphilis wasn't in my body, so i went to a clinic n some lady gave a list of things on paper that can cause it to show up like that, for examples Rhe.arthritis n stuff like that. Nothing was listed on there as an STD. Is there anyway possible i can get it to quiet showing up as a false positive result to be out my body? I asked the doctor n the lady at the clinic should i take something for the syphilis showing up like that they said, "no it shouldn't be a reason to take anything for it, because it's not in your body." I have a 14 month old girl, after i had her they tested her for it n she doesn't have it, so what can i do or take to make it quiet showing like that? They doctor told me it would always show like that. Please help me is there anything i can do to make it leave my system for good? Every year i take my pap smear it's normal n nothings wrong. Thanks n all serious answers please

STD & Skin Clinic, Dubai replied: "STD Clinic Dubai, ZACK, The screening test for Syphilis, VDRL / RPR is not specific for Syphilis. It will be positive in Syphilis and many other conditions. Pregnancy can make the test reactive in some. So the diagnosis of Syphilis is never based on VDRL test alone. If it is reactive, one should undergo the specific test for Syphilis. They are TPHA & FT-ABS (Treponema pallidum hemaggulutination test, Fluorescent treponemal antibody test) If the specific tests are negative, no treatment is necessary. There is no medicine to make the false positive VDRL negative. But if the false positive status is because of another disease, say Lupus or Rheumatoid arthritis, then it should be treated. False positive VDRL can occur in a perfectly healthy individual also."

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