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About Switching From Zyprexa To Abilify in Answers
Will switching from zyprexa to abilify help me lose weight? i put on one and a half stone on zyprexa. thanks. x linzy - i am already off the zyprexa...

Linzy replied: "i would definately not suggest using zyprexa.. i work for a law firm and it has caused very serious health problems. The best way to lose weight.. is to eat 5 small meals a day.. only 2 sources of protein per day ( must be lean meat) and there are FUZE drnks which help your metabolism and help increast the amount of energy you get from food. Also swimming is excellent cardio and a great work out... it works out every muslce in your body. I swim because i hate the gym!! Also, if you hate sit ups but want to flatten your tummy.. like flat on your back on the floor, raise your feet into the air about 6 inches, and hold it for 20 seconds. Do that about 30 times, and you'll feel the burn honey!! Good luck, GET OFF the zyprexa. Also watch wht types of carbs you take in, if you eat too many carbs, your body will start using them for all your energy and store the fat (which is the usual source of energy)"

nightmight replied: "i suppose it's possible, but it's honestly doubtful. the medications are fairly similar"

ObservantMom replied: "A common side effect of Abilify is also weight gain. But it's worth a try."

555 replied: "i did exactly the same as you switched from zyprexa to abilify and it hasnt helped me loose weight what so ever, well i lost about 6 pounds then put it straight back on again, zyprexa is the worst for putting on weight, just diet loads and loads and exercise and in time it should come of but dont expect anything shortly it takes time :) x x"

Simon W replied: "Zyprexa made me fat, tired and depressed, so it is a good idea to try something else. I get on fine with Chlorpromazine and Prochlorperazine."

phillip b replied: "yu could be on these kind of things for years without any improvment be really aware that the conventional treatment for this can be hrrendous and you can go on for years with no improvement Do read this very carefully and try and understand the principles behind what is being said This will help you vastly and educate you on our health care system and its dire limitations All treatment recommended by the doctors should be tested and approved and quite rightly so. That makes sense right Obviously it costs vast sums of money to test and approve treatments because of the possible damage to people.. Drug companies Fund most research and will only and I mean only look at treatments, which show the promise of good deal of a profit, --they will actively dismiss any therapy which does not have profit potential— thus your doctor will only recommend therapies with profit in them. Despite The fact that some of these other therapies mentioned below do have overwhelming benefits some, which have saved needless amputations, needless pain and trauma, needless kidney failures and much loss of life. Drugs are not the answer for depression with mind altering chemicals or any other mental illness. This is a fundamental principle and unless you grasp this fully –you could /will have years of suffering ahead of you . This does not help you though when you are ill and suffering—not hearing about therapies which can help from a person you look up to and trust Have you heard your local doctor recommend, Massage Spiritual healing, Herbs, Light therapy,Colour therapy,the violet ray therapy, Osteopathy, Electrical Frequency devices. These therapies will work for many complaints of a so called mental nature we have thousands of testimonials and results showing years of successful applications .Please make no assumptions or cast aspersions unless you have studied the material at hand . Do this and I will guarantee improvements to you inside a day its that simple, of course getting these things in place can be much harder. But we have personnel experience of the effectiveness of them and they do work. Every one of them can have a very beneficial influence on you. Print this all off save it and enact it and share it --- of course someone to help you get these therapies in your life is invaluable but do not be swayed by them trying for short cuts …. 1,get someone to massage your back and legs at least 3 times a week use peanut oil or a mix of 50-50 olive and peanut oil. 2 use the violet ray machine an edgar cayce device google search this --- 3 times a week on the other days especially on the spine….we use it every day with very positive results 3.get a tent sleep out side 3times a week utilising earth energy - nature can help big time especially with how you feel how much energy you have 4 study and apply good nutrition adequate minerals all of them particularly calcium and magnesium iron essential fatty acids as well omega 3 6 9 protein etc 5 ensure your thyroid is working well 7 ensure you do at least I hr per day some kind of voluntary work when you are able..the reasons you are ill , or poor or have allsorts of bad things happen to you is because of karma -----usually from past lives but some from this one –voluntary work will offset your mistakes--- how much it offsets well that is down to god and how much you do. Healing us is in direct proportion to the help we give others ie your healing comes with helping others achieve theirs so if people are doing very little in helping others ---they suffer more and longer...and if they are doing a lot they get well now you know what to do ,,and like a lot of us are already doing being of service. 8 be amongst people who are giving, friendly who have time for you who love you , choose your friends well 9 be or get to a place which personally love or like 10 get and do some work which you like or love 11 ensure you do no acts which hurt or inflict on anyone –don’t want to add to your karma do we !!! 12 spiritual healing yes and reiki -. 13think good positive thoughts, laughter, look at comedy, play good uplifting music, 14avoid at all costs exposure to violence, murders, suffering ,death ,tragedies, this is what is pumped at us and they call it the news ..feed upon good things , uplifting things, things that feel like a breath of fresh air.. 15 Positive affirmation- that’s right programme your self in the mirror , thoughts are things words are things actions are things , all have influence, few people realise these things can have an effect on themselves . 16 a detox ------ toxins can influence how you feel big time 17 hugs get plenty of them in your daily life you would be amazed at how people feel after a few decent hugs…. 18 loads of exercise running walking climbing but something which you enjoy 19 rid yourselves of all aspartame laden foods and drink and many additives get back to a wholesome organic diet diet A total cure howe"

LIzzy replied: "I think they all make you gain weight really. Exercise helps and a good healthy diet. I tried a lot of medications (olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone) and now have an antipsychotic INJECTION in my bottom every 2 weeks instead of tablets. That's because I have a horrible psychiatric nurse and psychiatrist who thinks that this is the best for me. You are lucky to be on tablets! Sounds like you are being listened to, rather than 'being done to'. If that makes sense."

Possible medication switch (from zyprexa zydis to abilify discmelt)? Ok. Here is my current situation. As some know, I'm currently taking Zyprexa Zydis 5mg/day. With Zyprexa, I am still getting some side effects. The worst one (though not too bad,... yet) is weight gain. I've gone from a size 32 to 34 and now the 34s are starting to get a bit tight. I'm also getting some regurgitation in my mouth (not sure what's causing that). It's hard for me to get up in the morning. Before zyprexa I would be able to get up and go @ 7am. Now I'm asleep until 9 - 10 and it takes about 15 minutes to get myself up and going. One time I slept till 11:30am. Because of the sleeping late, I think it's affecting my ability to get to sleep at night. I go to bed between 10 - 11pm. In addition (though I hate to be gross), it's hard to go #2. I'm like forcinig it to come out. I also think zyprexa is increasing my anxiety levels slightly. Now, the zyprexa (dispite all this) is doing good. I'm not irritable, screaming or hollering, or yelling @ my mom. Things are more peaceful. Now what I'd like to do is (again) retry abilify, but instead of taking the pills, take the desolving tablets (abilify discmelt). The main side effect I got from abilify was restlessness (akathisia). I believe that won't happen (or be less severe) since I'm at a stable dose with cogentin. I remember my mom telling the doctor I was calmer on abilify and cogentin together. The only other side effect I remember from abilify is insomnia but I have lunesta that can take care of that like I did before. What I'd like to know is if I switch what should I watch out for? How can I ask the doctor to let me try abilify again? Will there be concequences from stopping zyprexa zydis cold turkey? Should I ask about a short term benzo treatment to help make the move easier? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Thanks agian, Andy...

telby67 replied: "Don't let medicine run your life.. YOu can control it... bye switching to another ... keep trying something till you find the right one for you.. with little side effects... good luck"

sctag1015 replied: "First off, don't drop zyprexa cold turkey. You can probably switch to the abilify discmelt, though you'll need to discuss it with your parents and your psychiatrist. It's important to let them know about your current side effects. As for drug combinations, lunesta doesn't have any known complications. As for cogentin, I don't know. Regardless, simply tell your psychiatrist that you're interested in trying a different medication because your current medication is causing undesirable side effects."

Will Switching From Zyprexa to Geodon Help Me Lose Weight? I am diagnosed as being Bipolar II, and have trouble with my mania. My doctor put me on Zyprexa maybe a year ago and I gained 20 pounds. May not sound like much, but I'm barely 5'2" and used to weighing under 100 pounds. I used to have a high metabolism, so when I get on the Geodon and off of the Zyprexa will my weight go back to normal? Anyone have any experience? (Abilify was like a placebo to me.) Thanks in advance. Thanks for the compliment! :o) I really hope I lose the weight. Sorry you had issues with meds, too. Sometimes it's difficult to outweigh the good effects vs the bad ones. UGH! Your weight is neutral, so you're telling me I'm probably gonna have to work out to get back to where I was? I need to anyways, I just wondered if my metabolism would kick back into high gear after being off of Zyprexa. ??

YA Junkie replied: "First of all, I like your screen name. I had a weight gain problem with Seroquel that was even worse than yours---I put on about 20 pounds in 2 months! Plus there were other complications. That was the end of Seroquel for me. Back to you. Yes, Zyprexa is known for weight gain. Most of the mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder do lead to that problem. Take a look at the link below. It is less likely that geodon will put on weight. Even if a person puts on weight, it is usually less than with Zyprexa. The good news is that switching to Geodon will probably help you to lose weight. Hurray! EDIT: If you have a question like this in the future, google "zyprexa weight gain" or "depakote weight gain" or whatever the drug may be."

lexi m replied: "Yes, you should lose the weight. I'm on Geodon 40 mg for the past 3 years and it's weight neutral."

What are your experiences of Aripiprazole/Abilify? i am switching from olanzapine/zyprexa to aripiprazole/abilify for psychosis. what are your experiences of this? if anyone can compare the two drugs with their experiences too that'd be great. i will be going up to 10mg and i'm coming off 10mg zyprexa because the weight gain and sedation have been unbearable. x

Mister Darko replied: "I was in the exact same situation. I was on 10 mg olanzapine, and switched to 5mg aripiprazole (I started off at 5, but then they put me up to 10 again). Anyway, I haven't noticed any changes at all. I don't feel as hungry as I used to, but that's it. Sorry I'm not much help, but you haven't had anyone else answer so I thought I would. Oh, and I put on 4 stone after being on olanzapine for almost a year, so that was why I switched. I've lost a stone in just over a month now though, so I've started losing weight."

Susas replied: "Darko is only losing weight because he is intentionally starving himself. I told him to stop it. I use 5mg for depression and I am slowly coming off of it. Abilify can also cause weight gain and sedation, but in my case I think it is the other medication. I can not compare the two drugs."

Ms Kitty replied: "I was never on Zyprexa but I loved Abilify!! It was the first time I felt great in years... sadly I had to stop because it was giving me horrible insomnia..... But it was great while it lasted."

karmarange replied: "Hi, started on olanzapine and seroquel (quetiapine) and then switched to seroquel and risperadol. After 4 years of being a zombie and putting on over six stone I switched to albify 15mg. It felt great to be alive again, i started to want to do things around the house again even decorated but with all the plusses came the negatives, I was irritable, snappy and started hearing voices again but was not able to deal with them, I became violent and ended up under the care of our crisis team at the local hospital (I've just been handed back to my cpo today). As it happens my "crisis" was a good thing cos I finally seen a psychiatrist with 35 years experience behind him instead of trainees who swapped posts every 12 months and hes managed to get rid of the voices properly for the first time in 4 years. I'm now on albify 10mgs and amilsulpride 500mg. Feel fantastic. You will just have to wait and see how it is for you, and maybe they'll have to tweak it a bit like I did, but for now just try to enjoy being alive again. Take each day as it comes and be aware of what your body is telling you. I started with irritability, then I started sniping, and it carried on till I lost control. Oh yeah, was initially diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder with psychosis but when I had my melt down was told it was either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. (pardon the terrible spelling). Its working for me along with my other meds but on its own it left me feeling like I was all alone with nothing to keep me grounded. Good luck and I hope it works for you!"

Will these hallucinations be chronic? I took zyprexa for 4 years as a mood stabilizer. I had never had hallucinations. My doctor switched Zyprexa with Abilify. I have insomnia now. I started having auditory hallucinations. Will these hallucinations be chronic?

Mr. James replied: "No, it won't be, it's just that you're not getting enough sleep from the insomnia, which causes hallucinations. Hope this helped"

abilify? i just got prescribed ablilify 5mg for the 1st week.? my new dr is switching me from zyprexa to ablilify. i am trying to lose some weight. i've been on zyprexa for 7 years and gained over 60 lbs. i want desperately to lose weight. is abilify as good a drug as zyprexa? i took abilify last night and woke up real early this morning. i guess it takes some time to get used to. maybe i should take it in the mornings with my other meds.

Troy D replied: "doesnt cause weight gain like zyprexa. Re benfits to mental state, that will take awhile before you will know how well it works for you"

katie2008 replied: "Ask the doctor who prescribed the medicine....don't take chances with any meds and/or revise the dosage, etc."

insanew/nasty intervals ofsanity replied: "hi there, i have been on abilify for almost 2 years. i havent noticed any weight gain for abilify. i do have to take the med in the morning because it causes me insomnia, and restlessness. i feel awake when i take it. my pdoc told me to take it first thing when i get up. i must say my mood is much better stabilized with abilify then when i was on zyprexa. if your side effects dont taper off in about 3 to 4 weeks, i would contact your doctor. my side effect still occur to a certain extent, but they just arent as intense. sweetie, i wish you all the best with abilify. feel free to email me anytime. take care! hugs (( )), Lesli"

rasheed laimbeer replied: "i just got off of it. it made me moody, and cranky but mentaly it helped. physicaly i do excercise eat good and sllep well but it made me dead tired. and i took the same amount as you. all the caffein in my house couldnt get me to stay awake or have any energy at all. but who not all meds are for everyone so try it out and stay good"

can i get my libido back? I take paxil, abilify, xanax, wellbutrin. i just switched from zyprexa to abilify and it's not going well. i can't sleep. how can i get my libido back?

darling replied: "Speak to the doctor prescribing your medications. explain to their your issues with the medications, they will be able to give you clear, helpful recommendations..."

Gary replied: "I am not surprised you have lost your libido from taking all of those drugs. You will have to discuss with your doctor and weigh up what is more important the drugs or your libido. Also don't stop taking those drugs abruptly either because you can get nasty mental and physical withdrawal effects."

vanda replied: "Try natural herbs products. There are a few herbs that can boost vitality and increase sexual desire for both men and women. These herbs are all good for health as well. 1. Tongkat Ali Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), also called Longjack and Pasak Bumi, is a tree that grows in Malaysia and Indonesia . The root of this tree has been used in these regions for many years as an aphrodisiac and to treat various sexual dysfunctions. Scientific research in recent years has shown support for the libido enhancing and sexual health qualities of this herb. Tongkat Ali has been shown to increase the body’s natural production of testosterone, the male sex hormone. Testosterone is responsible for the development of the male sex organs and maintaining the health of those organs. It is also responsible for the male sex drive and secondary sex characteristics such as facial hair and enlarging of the larynx (resulting in deepening of the voice.) Females need testosterone as well, although not in as large a quantity as males. Testosterone is responsible for a healthy sex drive in women and increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zones. Both males and females need testosterone to help stimulate the metabolism, support fat burning, produce red blood cells and stimulate muscle growth. 2. Ginseng Ginseng may improve sexual dysfunction in both men and women and has been used for thousands of years in China for this purpose. The active ingredients, ginsenosides, are again believed to facilitate the release of nitric oxide in blood vessels which increases blood flow to the clitoris resulting better orgasms. Ginseng is known to possess phytoestrogen activity and is believed to help the body adapt to stress, which again helps female libido. 3. Cordyceps Cordyceps is believe to improves Libido and Quality of Life in Men & Women, Fights infertility, Increases Sperm Count, Increases Sperm Survival. Cordyceps is an extraordinary family of mushrooms with fascinating natural BIOACTIVE ingredients and properties found in no other herbs. It is because they live in the severely harsh environments found at high, cold, and arid mountains (over 15,000 ft) that the Cordyceps mushroom have evolved a complex chemistry that is found nowhere else in nature Others: "

TriPolar replied: "excercise everyday"

zyprexa 5mg once a day? Just looking for anyone who takes it or has a child taking it. My son was on Risperdal but was having asthma attacks and gaining to much weight with it, so they switched to abilify which made his sleepy during the day so he was cranky and emotional all day. The Dr prescribed Zyprexa 5 mg at bedtime for him to try and we go back in two weeks. I was reading about it online and got scared of all the adverse reactions listed especially seeing suicidal stuff on there several times. He is 6 years old and diagnosed with PDD.

spacejunk12 replied: "the best thing i think you can do is phone the dr who prescribed it. and tell him your concerns. hell understand your concerns and if he thinks advise able will change them medication. hopefully it'll settle your mind."

David D replied: "You have nothing to worry about except for weight gain. Zyprexa is a safe drug and at 5 mg. day there will probably be no restlessness which goes away anyways. I've never heard of Zyprexa being associated with suicide. If there is, it's very rare."

AlexanderRex replied: "For a time, I was on Zyprexa (5mg), but a bulletin in a Canadian Medical Journal forced Psychiatrists to find alternative treatments. What the bulletin said, or in what publication it could be found, I don't know. My psychiatrist simply told me a clinical study had been done, and we had to get me off Zyprexa right away. I didn't notice any adverse effects from Zyprexa, other than massive weight gain. (I probably put on 50lbs.) He quickly switched me to Risperdal (3mg) and that worked well. I have since come off all medications (I was diagnosed as BiPolar 2), and am in perfect physical, emotional and mental health. My concern here is this: I was told at the age of 33 that "We need to get you off Zyprexa immediately". I spoke to my Family Physician about the change, and he echoed the sentiments but, again, did not fill me in on details. It was only after I had been on Risperdal for a while that I found out the truth: a class-action suit had been brought against the manufacturer of Zyprexa (Eli Lilly) in Ontario, Canada claiming that the drug caused diabetes, and that there were clinical studies to prove this was a side-effect. Simply search "Zyprexa Diabetes" on Google ... you'll find a shocking number of hits (172,000) If this occurred to me at the age of 33, I have concerns about your 6 year old son. Best wishes to you both."

holey moley replied: "All medications have listed side-effects; the FDA requires the drug companies to list all side-effects noted during clinical trials or those reported by physicians who have prescribed the drug and have seen side-effects in their patients. The trick is finding a medicine that has the fewest for the individual who's taking them. The worst side-effect I had while on Zyprexa was weight gain. Was he on the lowest dose of Abilify, or did he not have good control unless he was on the higher dose that made him sleepy? I would think that trying Seroquel might be the next choice. The suicidal thing in kids and adolescents has been very hard to tease out-- it's kind of the proverbial "chicken and the egg" scenario. Were the kids driven to suicide from too low a dose, such that they didn't have the desired results of suicide prevention (perhaps due to parental objection to "too high a dose", or "I don't want to medicate my kid")? Was it the medication that drove them to suicide? My vote is for the first scenario. I doubt suicide would be likely in a kid with PDD; it wouldn't even occur to him/her in most cases because they have so little insight into their disorder. Hang in there. It can take a lot of experimentation to find the right drug to manage a patient's symptoms."

beetlemilk replied: "I have serious concerns about zyprexa used on a 6 yr old with PDD. First off, its not FDA approved for children, and it is more likely to have a weight gain side effect than risperdal. I don't like abilify either for him as it is not approved either and I don't see it used in this area for PDD kids. I live a hop skip and a jump away from top autism facilities like kennedy krieger, and we are at the forefront of psych meds here for this specialty population. What I see working for this population is risperdal, lamictal (mood stabilizer), and xanex (anti-anxiety) What I don't see working on PDD kids are stimulants. Focalin, vynase, ritalin, strattera I am not concerned about suicidal ideation. This only affects 4 percent of the population, and I am certainly not concerned in a patient so young. I like seroquel but haven't seen it used in kids, it is usually used in adults with bipolar or schizoaffective disorder and they are usually insomniacs that are manicy and somewhat paranoid I suggest getting a second opinion"

What is wrong with my bowels? I have narrower stools for about a year now. Recently I am having 4-5 bowel movements a day. I used to take zyprexa daily and now I have switched to abilify daily. The 4-5 bowel movements a day occured (and are still occuring) a few days after starting the abilify.

Peachie replied: "Please see a doctor. he may want you to undergo a colonoscopy. Never meaning to scare you, but, a cousin's husband had this and they found a tumor which was why his stools were so narrow. His, thankfully wasn't cancerous, but they did tell him it could have grew larger and ended being an obstruction in his bowel. Yes, see your doctor as soon as possible. This may not be anything like that, but, you'd at least have peace of mind."

Should I tell the psychiatrist? How should I say it? (i'm currently switching meds from anti-psychotics olanzapine/zyprexa to aripiprazole/abilify) basically this month i haven't had a period... and i'm wondering if this is a side effect of my medication. i was only on olanzapine for 3 months but i don't know. do i need to tell my psychiatrist? the thing is i have a severe anxiety disorder and talking about that sort of stuff would be really difficult because i still get embarrassed by it even though i'm 18. what shall i say? how can i word it? or shall i write it in a letter? thanks x oh also the thing is i saw the psychiatrist about a week ago and he asked me about this stuff and i said no because i thought maybe i might come on but i haven't and its now been a whole month and a half without one. so i'm worried he'll ask me why i didn't tell him before.

Wireless replied: "The meds can and will cause that."

mr.bigz replied: "Just write a letter or hand him a note-they are probably used to this type of thing and they are paid to understand and help people."

Kerri replied: "If you're uncomfortable talking about it, maybe writing a letter would be best. You can say things in a letter you wouldn't dare say aloud. and once you hand it over, you can't stop or take it back. Your health should always come first, don't be embarassed by it. Just remember, someone out there has had something worst & weirder happen. Its the doctors job to help you, not judge you. Good luck!"

VanessaFas replied: "a) Yes, tell him, this may be a medication that does not belong in your body. Different people are sensitive/allergic to different things. (I once had an anti-anxiety/anti-psychotic that made me lactate!) b) If you don't feel comfortable discussing with him, are there other things you also do not tell him? You should feel 100% comfortable and trusting to this person. If not, try to fix relationship, or find another psychiatrist, perhaps a female one? Good luck."

Sarah replied: "You need to tell a Gynocologist. Your Psychiatrist will probably not help you in that department."

tiggy replied: "Meds can do all sorts of crazy things to your body. At one time I went six months and no period. Could you possibly be pregnant, then your doctor needs to know so he can lower, change or even stop the meds to protect your unborn child."

julie_spendlove replied: "Put it all in a letter. I would think that this has been the way many people get a point across. Re. the bit about being worried about not telling him before, explain your reasons for that too. Im sure he will fully understand and be sympathetic. He will be able to sort things for you. Good luck hun x"

chazxoxo replied: "First of all stop worrying, your talking to a doctor, remember they have heard it all before and far worse, remember that while telling them. Just tell them exactly whats wrong and then they can sought it out, it'll be fine. :) xoxo if he asks you why you didn't tell him before just say you thought that was a normal side effect and would come back after a week or so."

rott replied: "Yes, you should tell your psychiatrist, and if he asks why you didn't tell him before, just be honest. No need to feel embarrassed, health professionals have heard just about everything imaginable and no, they don't go around telling every one about their patients. They have to follow the rules of confidentiality. You did not mention whether or not there is a possibility of pregnancy. In that case your Dr. definitely needs to know. And hopefully if you are sexually active you are using condoms and possibly even another form of birth control. Some of these meds aren't safe for babies whose Moms are taking these meds while pregnant or breastfeeding. If you really are uncomfortable with this Dr., you may want to talk with him as to why and what you both can do to make you comfortable, otherwise he may even help you find someone that you feel more comfortable with. You can write letters, many patients do that. Some even keep journals and let their Dr.s read them to help understand what goes on in between appointments. Good Luck!"

samantha d replied: "You should definitely tell him- anyway you need to leave a phone message, write a letter or just say to him that in whatever number of weeks I have not had my period and I am worried. If he asks you why you did not say it before (he probably will not) then explain that you were waiting- most persons cycle will vary based on a lot of things. So a late period or two can happen. Just chose a method (letter, message or in person). write down what you want to say, then take a deep breath and deliver it."

Lilith replied: "Yes. You should tell your psychiatrist. If you are having any side effects he needs to know. Just say," I was embarrassed to tell you, but I haven't had my period." One sentence and it will be over and you can stop worrying."

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