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Tapering Off Methadone Facts
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I recently have been tapering off methadone, and took my last dose of 14 mg two days ago.? In order not to get too sick I have been taking percocet. I cant even feel them. (I have them for migraines) How long will my tolerance for opiates be high? Until the methadone is completely out of my system 48 hours or longer? Thank you for your help.

lolaeatspeaches replied: "I'm pretty much in the same situation as you. After taking methadone you will basically never feel opiates again. And if you do it is very subtle."

Charlie replied: "Your not getting sick from stopping using a low dose like 14mg of methadone dude. When you get down that low it's in your head. You'll get over it pretty fast. The problem will probably have will be with sleeping once you get off the perc's and the methadone. It's just a little scary because you are afraid you are going to get dope sick. It's perfectly normal to feel like that. Everyone I know that has kicked methadone goes through the same crap. But you really should try to get off the perc's if you are worried about staying addicted to opiates. But getting off the methadone is the best thing you ever did trust me. I was addicted to the crap for awhile and it took me almost a year to lower the dose until I was at 15mg. then I just stopped. But I tried to just kick cold turkey once,,, it was worse than heroin withdrawls. Methadone in my opinion is a bad drug. I've seen a lot of people go down the tubes from using it. I If you really want off the percocets too here are a few links that can help you with the migraines. And here is a good site that you can find out about the latest research and treatments Good luck"

answergrrl replied: "Once you quit both percoset and methadone you will have normal tolerance probably within a week of no usage but moreso the longer you go without. percoset is basically heroin so if youre taking it you are defeating the purpose of getting off methadone."

Tapering off methadone vs tapering off a benzo (klonopin)? I was on 120mg of methadone for about 2 years. I started tapering dowm on the methadone pretty quick and came off in 3 weeks! Its been 2 weeks now since I had any methadone. I cant tell you tapering down on methadone over a 3 week period from 120mgs wasnt a picnic. It was hard but it was definetly manageable. I didnt get much insomnia and the sweats were only a hour or so before I dosed for the day. It was something I did quite easily and could do again anyime and in probably less time. People talk so scary about tapering from opioids! It was not even that hard. I was also on 3mg of clonazepam (klonopin) a day and tried coming off that. I had uncontrollable sweats, the shakes, I was jumpy, couldnt sleep to save my soul, lost my appetite and everything seemed so bright. It was truly a horrible time! Coming off benzos are ALOT more severe and the withdrawals are 100 times more insane then coming off an opioid. I came off 120mg of methadone in 3 weeks like a breeze so to say. But this clonazepam addiction is insane!! im still at 1.0mg a day! I just cant come off this stuff! I tapered down from mg to 1mg and it took me 2 months! and even taking two months it was VERY uncomfrtable! Im on 1mg a day now and want OFF! can anybody shed some light on how they kicked there Benzo addiction? I want off now and its almost impossible. They say klonopin is easier to get off then other benzos which is also bulls**t! I was on valium for 4 years and tapered off in 5 weeks with no real discomfort. This klonopin is worse than any other drug i;ve tried to come off of. I cant do it! anyobody have similar experiences and what they did to get off

anonymous replied: "Seek a doctor asap"

Tapering off methadone..needing help!? I have been on methadone for aboout 6 1/2 weeks. I started on 40mg for the first week then increased to 57mg by the end of the first week. I have started tapering yesterday. Is 6 1/2 weeks on methadone and now tapering over 15 days going to give me bad withdrawal

Caweeny2 replied: "If you are tapering off the methadone correctly then you shouldn't have withdrawl symptoms."

Tapering off of methadone? What is the best way to taper off of methadone? How many milligrams should go down and how often if you are starting at 220 milligrams? Will the withdrawels be manageable?

Blunt Honesty replied: "The best way is to ask your doctor."

Doc8 replied: "Methadone is more addictive than heroin and the withdrawal can be painful. I have never seen a patient get off it completely. Try reduction of 25 to 50 mg/week."

Luke K replied: "I really don't know what is the best way to get off methadone. I suggest you got the local methadone clinic and they will put you on a program to wing off it. My sister has been going to the methadone clinic for 2 years now and still hasn't completely got of the drug. I know it really hard to taper off an addicting drug like methadone but it is alot better than taking other addicting drugs out there. Good Luck!"

CHRIS HORN replied: "My cousin, tried everything, and finally just went "Cold-Turkey", and to make a long story short, he's a "Born-Again" Christian, now, and He says Methadone, was worse, than actual Heroine!! And harder to quit.....Alls methadone, was for him, was a legal stronger form, of Heroine, itself !!! You just need to "Cowgirl-up" and give it all up, "Cold-Turkey", because, my cousin, also told us that it will eat your bones, and that the Germans invented it, and that its more addicting, and harder too quit !!! Good-luck, to you !! And may God help you , honey, with those withdrawels, just pray, for God to completely take away all withdrawels, and the desire for another drug, period !!! Gods in the "Prayer-Answering" Business, and He feels your pain, and knows your heart, wants help, and He wants you completely delivered !!! Gods the answer , to all our prayers, and pain!! Go with God, not methadone, you'll never "Regret, your decision".. May God Be with you, In These Difficult Times"........"

Tapered off methadone now have insane!!! insomnia and anxiety? I tapered off methadone down from 140mg. I am sick of it. I am 3 days free of it now and cannot sleep to save my life. But i have acquired 4 Valiums 10mg. 4 10mg tablets from a freind of mine. The questuon is, is it alright for me to use JUST these four to get me through the next couple of days. So i can relax and sleep. I am soooo restless its insane. I cant sit still my legs keep jumping and moving. ITs the worse restlessness i've ever had.I havent felt this wound up in my life and I used to do alot of crack and was prescribed adderall for 6 years..but this is wayyy worse im ten times more wound up. I need some relief BADLY. Would takng JUSt the 4 10mg tablets put me at risk of addiction? I had a Clonazepam addiction for about 3 years and managed to get off them. I've been off the clonazepam for a month but am worried that the valium tablets will spark a desir for the benzos again. But I canot get access to anymore valiums or clonazepams. period. Can somebody give me thre opinion and some advice i really need now :/ Jennifer: as much as i dont want to agree.. i know you're 100% right :(:( I guess i should flush the valiums and go for a jog and wear my self out that way! i'm gnna flush them cause you made an excellent point that i am using insomnia as an excuse

Jesmer replied: "you seemed really anxious. see your doctor coz you might have an addiction again. self medication wont be much help. in sleeping make a pattern decrease the noise on your room and provide comfort. drink warm milk cause it has triptopan a natural sedator hope this helps"

Jerry replied: "It would be like an alcoholic saying "just one drink!". You will probably have the urge again. Try valerian, for 3 weeks, max! See and the post on anxiety, on page 1. At Natural Relief for Anxiety: Complementary Strategies for Easing Fear, Panic & Worry by Edmund J. Bourne, Arlen Brownstein, and Lorna Garano, & The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques: Understanding How Your Brain Makes You Anxious and What You Can Do to Change It by Margaret Wehrenberg, & Managing Anxiety. Kennerley, Helen. (1995). Oxford University Press"

Jennifer replied: "Awwwwwwww....dear your in a real pickle here with your addiction.I also am a recovering addict,and totally know where your coming from with NOT being able to sleep :(....It was awful for me too,and as for the Valium....NO,and you know better.You even tried the "JUST these four to get me through the next couple of days".Then what?????? You "KNOW" the answer dear!!!!! I wish I knew where you are from,this would be of some help for me.Because of the drug centers and also the other drug related help that is offered.Now,with the help I am getting stsrted with I will soon get my GED,then go back to some sort of a college or some further education for myself.And it's all free for me just as long as I remain drug-free for 90 days...Which I have been drug-free since ummm....May 09' so you know the rules by now with your past experience dear....The question now is what are you planning on doing with those 4 valiums?You can try justifying taking them by saying "I need sleep....." If you went to the doctor before to get your adderall,Clonazepam,ect...then you can very easily go back and ask your doctor for something that will help you to sleep,that is NOT addictive at all.I did it a while back,now I have learned to fall asleep on my own.And just let me this I really worked hard for that too,right along with my drug addiction fight.....Good luck to you now and in your recovery...:)"

GM replied: "See if this works for for me "

Sancho replied: "I don’t know nothing about it, and I don’t know what happen around you, but…Personally read any part of these messages have helped me in my personal life, for my consolation to the suffering of everyday happenings. Read especially year 1997"

Tapered off methadone 3 days ago and havent slept yet? I was on methadone and decided to taper off. I tapered down 5mg every 3 days and finishd 3 days ago. Since then I havent slept the last 2 nights!! 2 nigts with no sleep I cant do any more. Can someone help me? and no i DONT have ANY access to benzos of any kind. I tried OTC like benadryl, tylenol pm, melatonin, 5-htp, valerian root, gravol, magnesium with no luck. Even had some trazodones ad clonidines which did f**k all. Can anyone help :( I need some sleep realll bad exercise id say wil help alot! thanks you say melatonin high dose? i took 5mg last night and it made me A bit tired..not enough to go to sleep. how much do u think i should be taking? or to try and for michelle: I tried the zopiclone last night! took two of the little blue tablets..nothing..but a HORRBILE taste in my mouth. eww. but anyways it was junk. i'll look into the other one tyou mentioned tho. thnks ALOT:)

soclean replied: "try and get yourself very tired maybe by doing some exercise and take in a lot of fruit after that it might help"

Anne H replied: "Melatonin should help; take The Melatonin WITH the Valerian Root in high doses; drink a hot broth with the Melatonin and Valerian Root; like hot chocolate; KEEP LIGHTS TURNED DOWN; why Bright Lights create Serotonin; the feel good wide awake nutrient; however Bright Lights DEPLETE Melatonin big time ! ! ! (if all else fails; ask Doc for prescription sleep pill Summary: Melatonin high dose or prescription; A"

Michelle replied: "first of all well done for managing to come off the methadone, my boyfriend was addicted to smack for 23 years and then addicted to the meth though he's clean now apart from the Subutex. you say you don't want anything to do with benzos, but you can get a sleeping tablet called Zopiclone which isn't from the benzo family which you can get prescribed from your doctor. eventually though you will sleep, your body will have to in the end, i know this isn't much help when you are worn out with insomnia, but it can't last forever. there are some over the counter sleep aids, my chemist told me to take an anti histamine the ones that make you drowsy, also something i use is Avomine which is a travel sickness tablet which makes me sleep like a log. i know you can buy it on the net and have it delivered the next day, or just ask at your local chemist that's where i get mine. but maybe some other travel sickness tablets can make you sleep too. it's worth asking in the chemist. but i swear by the Avomine. good luck and don't give up. x"

Lesbian Princess replied: "My dad just came off of taking Methadone 10mg's like 4 to 6 times a day for the past 6 years. He quit taking them cold turkey. One day he took em, the next he didn't. Didn't seem to be that hard. Ah, for the parts where you can't sleep. Go to your doctor ASAP, and ask for Ambian (sleep aid) take that along with 5mg or your choosing of more melatonin. Walk around and physically get tired during the day. After being on pain pills, your body is tired without doing anything sometimes. You have to learn to make it relax and "sleeping time" is at night not whenever you feel like it."

can anyone actually ever get off methadone? Im a former pill addict, and made the dumb mistake of thinking methadone would be the way out! Boy, what a mistake that was! Needless to say, a average person who starts the methadone program ends up being enslaved to the drug, these clinics kinda make ya feel their is no other way, and methadone is the wonder drug, and I fell right into this. That is till about 9 months ago, it just hit me one day that this is insanity, and I want my life back! So I started my taper, so far Ive gone from 90mgs down to where Im at now 40, and Im doing just fine, with one exception, I never ever hear any positive succsess storys about people tapering off methadone, theirs got to be someone out in this world who has done it and didnt have to suffer to bad, if you are out their or know anyone who has tapered off this horrible drug, please let me know that it can be done! I want to start hearing some positive stuff, all this negativity is bringing me down.

Julia replied: "my friend tapered off of the drug a couple months ago, and she's fine now. how long it takes just depends on your own specific situation. you can do it!"

Sydney replied: "My husbands had two spinal fusions and six herniated discs in his back and neck total...Hes on methadone for the pain..and Refill on them just happen to fall on a Holiday weekend...He was out..Thats the worse w/ he didnt have enough to taper for the once when it happened he went to er and got oxycodone..that helps to not have w/drawls...from youre right...very right..I dont want my husband taking that stuff either..Hes sober from streetdrugs and alcohol for fourteen years..and I hate him taking narcotics...Its very scary to me whom my body get immunity w/in four days of taking them..doesnt like them..Zanaflex is a brand name muscle relaxant..Now those work well for tensed muscles..non addictive..All I can tell you about your tapering is youre Doin Awesome and keep up the great work...You definetlly dont want to go into w/drawls w/ methadone...I do know that..You sweat and feel nauseated its awful..thats not the worse of could die if you dont taper off this drug..You can do this...Just make sure you taper off this drug right way..I know it can be scary but I do know youre a strong person and can do this..My husbands down to fifteen to twenty mg a day...Youll be k...Ill pray for ya..and God Bless you....;))"

Ginny replied: "Hi Penelope I am also a recovered oxycontin addict. I chose not to go the methadone path as it takes longer to become addicted but the addiction is much worse. My doctor even recommended using herion to kick oxy before trying methadone (don't do that I am just trying to explain how mmch worse the methadone is). I was about the same as you 80 in the morning, noon, evening before bed. Vacation was impossible and anything that took us away from our home base and dealers. We have found relief in a drug called suboxone or generically buprenorphine. It is not addictive and only squelches the withdrawl symptome. Please visit You will have to go through some withdrawl you doctor will let you know if you take the pill whne too much is in your system it will cause a precipitated withdrawl which is going through withdrawl twice as hard. Please follow his prescription do not take additional pills or try to wean yourself without consulting your doctor. I also reccomend some antidepressants or anti anxiety to help with the adjustment. Also the suboxone block the high from the ox or methadone."

I am quitting 21mg of Methadone. How long will I be sick? I have been tapering off Methadone from 80 mg and am now down to 21 mg. I have to quit cold turkey and am wondering how long I will be really sick?

Ted J replied: "taper off."

Stephanie replied: "2 weeks and I wouldn't recommend it! Try to find a website that can give you more of a medical answer. Depending on how long you have been taking it, cold turkey is dangerous with this drug!! Please try to get some sort of medical opinion!! PLEASE!!"

misunderstood1229 replied: "First and foremost, I commend you for having the strength and determination to want to break the ball and chain (methadone). As previously stated, it depends how long you have been on methadone. Usually from two weeks to several months worst case scenario. I would be lying if I told you that this experience will not be physical, emotional, and mental torment. When your at your breaking point, just remember as each day past your closer to normalcy once again. I don't knock anyone taking methadone, but it is like a roller-coaster that never ends."

Third day completely off methadone..and didnt sleep since! help!? I was on methadone and decided to taper off. I tapered down 5mg every 3 days and finishd 3 days ago. Since then I havent slept the last 2 nights!! 2 nigts with no sleep I cant do any more. Can someone help me? and no i DONT have ANY access to benzos of any kind. I tried OTC like benadryl, tylenol pm, melatonin, 5-htp, valerian root, gravol, magnesium with no luck. Even had some trazodones ad clonidines which did f**k all. Can anyone help :( I need some sleep realll bad

Daniel replied: "i would say talk to your doctor about that and fi that dont help contact me maby i could help im at"

Jerry replied: "I think that you tapered off far too quickly, and generally underestimated the requirements to be successful on the first try. Google: "methadone; weaning off; insomnia" View and and page O about insomnia, and addictions. Some options: Get some sleeping tablets, via a free clinic. Don't use them for long; 3 weeks at most; preferably 1. Go back on low dose methadone, and wean off properly, over at least some months, something like: 100% of low dose, then 90% for a week, then 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 25, 20, 15, 12.5, 10, 7.5, 5, 4, 3 ,2, & 1%. You could try weaning off a little quicker, then taking codeine (made from the opium poppy; Papaver Somniferum) for a short while, then tapering off that."

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