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About Terbinafine Lamisil
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About Terbinafine Lamisil in Questions
Fluconazole or terbinafine (Lamisil), which is less harmful to the liver and kidney? as the treatment of the fungal infection of the nail. and which is more commonly used?

Mingko replied: "What is Terbinafine? Terbinafine is an antifungal antibiotic. Terbinafine is used to treat infections caused by fungus that affect the fingernails or toenails. Terbinafine oral granules are used to treat a fungal infection of scalp hair follicles in children who are at least 4 years old. Terbinafine may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide."

CommonRider replied: "I dont think Lamisil hurts your kidney, I used it and just needed to get a liver test before. I had no side effects and the results were amazing. There are risks involved with everything you do, but if the test shows your liver is working fine then Lamisil is safe."

Can oral Lamisil (Terbinafine) damage sperm? My husband is taking oral Lamisil for a toe fungus and I got pregnant. I miscarried at 6 weeks, and I want to know if that could have caused it due to sperm damage?

Jello F replied: "most medicines have unknown side effects, if you want an alternative and powerful one..look up colloidal silver and bob beck protocol. a site that is worthy of visiting is Natural Solutions Foundation, look it up"

Dangerous taking Lamisil (Terbinafine) for months? High risk of liver damage? Hi, I have what is apparently a very uncommon presentation of a common dermatophyte on my ankle - before tests confirmed what it was, it became quite severe. Only one week after commencing treatment with oral Lamisil there is a marked improvement, however, my Dermatologist seemed to think I will need to take it for at least three months. According to a few things I've read, this long-term use is unadviseable, and can cause anything from slight impairment in liver function and jaundice, to complete liver failure - or perhaps nothing at all? Does anyone know for certain? I've experienced no side effects as yet, prior to this my liver function has been normal, and I haven't overtaxed it with any drugs or excessive alcohol consumption over the years. Any personal/clinical experience? Any studies read? Opinions? I suppose ongoing liver function tests might be in order - I just wonder if anyone knows something definite (also, if there is a problem, does anyone know an alternative to terbinafine that poses less risk?) Thanks in advance.

Bella Rose replied: "There is information about this drug at the Novartis web site. I would say you should keep your GP informed of any allergic reaction that you have to this drug. Aa lot of them are very powerful and have a variety of side effects and don't agree with everybody. Good luck!!!"

Can i crush a lamisil (terbinafine 250mg per tablet) tablet and create a cream to apply direct to skin? Basically I have a very small case of fungal infection starting on the tip of my finger but not affecting my nail yet. I play guitar so my finger is dry and splits and is painful. I have some lamisil tablets from a little while back but I hate ingesting drugs. I want to know if I can crush a tablet to make a paste or cream to apply directly. Is it safe and would it work? I know for definiate there are creams and gels that contact terbinafine for this reason but I want to know if the amount in a tablet will cause any problems.

Miz Lamb replied: "It would be much better to soak the infection in salt water then put on something like Udder Butter or Corona ointment. Both available at, of all places, Quilting stores and some drug stores, as well as at livestock supply stores. I had an email the other day that said to soak fungal infections in old fashioned Listerine, that may help as well."

Is it dangerous taking Lamisil (Terbinafine) for months? Risk of liver damage? Hi, I have a severe dermatophyte infection on my ankle - after only a week of taking Lamisil there is a marked improvement, however my Dermatologist seemed to think I will need to take it for at least three months. According to a few things I've read, this long-term use is unadviseable, and can cause liver problems ranging from slight function impairment to complete liver failure - or perhaps nothing at all? Does anyone know for certain? I've experienced no side effects as yet, prior to this my liver function has been normal, and I haven't overtaxed it with any drugs or excessive alcohol consumption over the years. Any personal/clinical experience? Any studies read? Opinions? I suppose ongoing liver function tests might be in order - I just wonder if anyone knows something definite (also, if there is a problem, does anyone know an alternative to terbinafine that poses less risk?) Thanks in advance Ah thanks. I'm taking the tablet, it's a pretty deep case, topical did nothing other than spread it more! The team of dermatologists I saw were a bit careless actually... My GP is great but I don't know what his experience with the tablets are, if knows what risk (if any) long-term use poses...

Michael replied: "Anti-fungals do tend to cause more issues than either antibiotics or antivirals due to the fact that substances that harm the fungal cells can also damage human cells. If you are using the topical Lamisil cream there have been no reports (as far as I'm aware) of liver damage, the Lamisil tablets, however, are known to rarely (1 in 1000 - 1 in 10000 cases) cause liver toxicity and so your doctor may arrange for blood tests to monitor your liver function. Your liver should show decreased function a long time before liver failure would occur allowing the doctor to stop the drug before it became permanent. If you have been put on oral Lamisil you may want to discuss your concerns with the doctor and ask whether the topical preparation would be suitable, but your doctor will have weighed up the benefits and drawbacks of the drug before prescribing it."

Has anyone had insomnia caused from Lamisil (terbinafine) or other side effects? I recently started taking Lamisil for a couple messed up toe nails. Not a huge deal but the dr said if I take it for a 1-3months they should be back to normal. Well I have been on it for only 6 days now and believe I maybe having some side effects. Yesterday around noon I got nausea very bad and could barely do anything I felt awful, like I was going to throw up for like 6hours. After doing nothing all evening it started to subside (although i still didn't have an appetite) and I went to bed around 10pm. Well then I couldn't fall asleep, I haven't found insomnia listed as a side effect but was wondering if anyone else has ran into this? I never have issues with sleeping and at the most will lay there for an hour before I fall asleep and maybe wake up one or two times at night. But last night I was up until 3am when I finally fell asleep for 3 hours but then had to get up for work. Any recommendations or should I just stop taking it? Also I noticed my knee being sore over the last few days and didn't think much of it till I read online that joint pain is another side effect. Should I be worried about this or just get over it. Thanks for your advice on this medicine.

Mottazoa replied: "i haven't"

ringworm/terbinafine? For a mild case of ringworm, how long would you need to take oral terbinafine/Lamisil 250mg? I cant wait 3-4 weeks for the topicial to work, but I dont want to take the pills longer than necessary because I know they are fairly toxic. I'm thinking 4 days is enough?

♥Always♥ replied: "I have the same problems girl except for i have them everywhere down there, they itch and stink right?? All i do i keep itching cream on them, problem solved"

ok2mom replied: "Take the medicine as long as the doctor told you to take it,,, or you might not clear it up..... If its only a spot or two,,, on your arm or leg,,, old wise tell treatment: A Drop of Bleach for a couple of days???? Not telling you to do this,,, but I have heard it for years..... but take the pills too.......... Never, Never put bleach on your pet tho...."

Can I use LamISIL on my scalp? LamISIL ( Terbinafine hydrochloride cream 1%)- anti fungal cream. I've been doing research and all over the hair blogs people have sworn to hair growth by applying miconazole nitrate mostly found in anti fungal creams such as ones for vaginal infections and products such as Neosporin for athletes foot. The Lamisil cream that I have was prescribed by my doctor months ago regarding some discolouration surfacing on my skin which he believed was some form of fungus. The tube does not list the ingredients that's why I am here seeking some answers from hopefully some pharmacists, kind experienced people and well educated people of this field- I need to know if it's safe to apply this product to my scalp, whether you agree with this decision or not. Thanks in advance Neosporin AF- is indeed for athlete's foot as the product is specifically for athelete's foot- In the products title. Secondly, it probably hasn't been reported as those who has jock's itch do not use for long terms as many have used it for growth exceeding a month.

ckngbbbls replied: "first of all , Neosporin is not for athletes foot. neosporin is an antibiotic. And you can get miconazole over the counter in cream form for athletes foot and yeast infection. Its the same stuff. It also works for ringworm, jock itch and yeast infection on baby bottoms. Go to a drug store and look for it in the athletes foot section. The reason your Lamisil tube didn't have any ingredients on the tube is because it is terbinafine hydrochloride cream you said. It has had some bad press lately as in causing liver damage. I would not use it on your head. On the other hand, the miconazole is safe for baby butts, your family jewels and womans vaginal area, it should be safe for your head. If it grows hair when applied, why hasn't excess hair been reported by guys using it for jock itch?"

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