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Mindless over-eating? I admittedly have a problem! I can. not. stop. eating. It's my first year in college but I won't take that as an excuse. In less than 3 months, I ballooned from 145 lbs to now almost 160... I'm only 5' 1" I always am hungry, I'm never motivated to be active. I think I get too much sleep, but I can never actually fall asleep. Tylenol PM a couple nights a week helps me out. I think something may be psychologically wrong with me. Any suggestions for how to just... stop eating???

Jasmine replied: "Try eating healthy foods. Like salads and stuff. If it really a problem get some diett bars."

Jordie replied: "These really sound like signs of depression. Go talk to a counselor. If you want to lose the weight, recruit a friend to be your 'health buddy' and keep you motivated to get and stay healthy!"

Sooz replied: "Chew gum, or do like I do and keep a glass of ice cold water by my side at all times. When you feel the urge to stuff something in your face, take a nice big gulp. If you just can't stomach water, try iced tea sweetened with artificial sweetener. You also need to just remove all the unhealthy food from your living environment. Throw it away and just don't buy it any more. Eventually your stomach will shrink after you've stopped eating so much (it doesn't take long), and you won't feel hungry as much."

So--Unique replied: "You could possibly be suffering from depression. I have been diagnosed with mild depression myself and I have somehow managed to gain almost 2 stone in 3 and a half months. I am currently talking to a counsellor and have lost 7lbs so far. Maybe you would benefit from talking to someone, even if you don't have depression, something must be different if you are suffering from what you mentioned. good luck =)"

Mindless over-eating & the freshman 15? I admittedly have a problem! I can. not. stop. eating. It's my first year in college but I won't take that as an excuse. In less than 3 months, I ballooned from 145 lbs to now almost 160... I'm only 5' 1" I always am hungry, I'm never motivated to be active. I think I get too much sleep, but I can never actually fall asleep. Tylenol PM a couple nights a week helps me out. I think something may be psychologically wrong with me. Any suggestions for how to just... stop eating???

Yin Teing replied: "Normally people who overeat may have addiction to sugar. How to break the addiction: ---understand how sugar/starch causes a cycle of addiction and that your addiction is not your fault. It is biological. You can read more from my blog. -- find out food with lower Glycemic Index (GI) food that you like. You can do a yahoo or google search on glycemic index and there are lots of food recommendation. Find something that you like. --understand your food triggers. Are you mindlessly eating in order to 'run away' from something? If yes, you need to face and overcome the problem. -- Force yourself not to eat when you are in front of a TV or surfing the net- after a while, it will just be a habit. --don't be too hard on yourself when you slip-up."

in need of some serious pharmacology help!? 1. ordered: 1.2g On hand: 600 mg/tab How many tablets do you need? 2. Ordered: Tylenol gr v q 4h prn On hand: Typenol elixir 160 mg/ tsp What is the dose to be given in milliliters? Amoxil 125/ 5 mL comes in a 100 mL bottle (when reconstituted) 3. If the patient is to receive 250 mg, what will the dose be in mL? 4. How many teaspoon (s) is (are) equivalent to 250 mg? 5. If a patient is taking 250 mg of Amoxil every 8 hours, how many days should the bottle of medicine last? 6. If a patient is taking 500 mg of Amoxil every 8 hours, how many doses are provided by the bottle? If anyone can help me with these please do so, I so do not understand this stuff at all. Thank you!

ToxLabRat replied: "1) 1.2 g = 1200 mg, so divide: 1.2/0.6=2 or 1200/600=2 (whichever way is easier for you 2) I am not certain what you are getting at with the first part. It looks more like a script than a concentration. So, you are saying that you have an Rx for Tylenol to be given every 4 hours as needed? Well what is the concentration? I see that you have gr written, so am I to assume this means 1 gram is to be administered every 4 hours as needed? Still need to know the concentration. So you have 125 mg per every 5 mL? Then that means you have a total of 2500mg per 100 mL once reconstituted. [100/5 = 20 then 20 * 125 = 2500] 3) To give them a dose of 250 mg, then you would give them 10 mL of the reconstituted solution: [2500/10 = 250] or [2500 * 0.1 = 250] 4) 1 tsp = 0.202884 mL if the SG if you are using the above suspension, then 1 tsp = 0.202884 mg, therefore it would convert to 50.721 tsp. [250 * 0.202884] 5) 3.33 days [2500/250 = 10 (doses), therefore [10 * 8 = 80 (hours)] therefore [80/24 = 3.33 (days)] 6) You have a total of 2500 mg in your bottle, so if you have to give them 500 mg doses, then you just divide. The bottle will give you 5 doses, so that would be 40 hours of treatment or 1.67 days worth: [2500/500 = 5 (doses)] I have a conversion workspace I can send you to help with this stuff. Email me if you would like a copy:"

homework help...PLEASE HELP ME? 1.Ordered: gr 1/60 On hand: 2mg/5mL •How many mL’s do you need? 5.ordered: 1.2g On hand: 600 mg/tab •How many tablets do you need? 6.Ordered: Tylenol gr v q 4h prn On hand: Typenol elixir 160 mg/ tsp •What is the dose to be given in milliliters?

LoLZ guy replied: "6 in 6"

fdoverton replied: "Conversions can be confusing but you need to remember that a conversion factor is equal to one. For example: 1000 mg = 1 gram from algebra divide both sides by 1 gram to get: (1000 mg)/(1 gram) = 1 or vice verse (1 gram) / (1000 mg) = 1 Depending on which units you need in the top, use the conversion factor that will give you the correct units. Problem 5 Always convert the ordered and the given to the same units. So 600 mg /tab = (600mg/tab)* [(g)/(1000mg)] = 0.6 g/tab Now we know you have .6 g/tab on hand.and to get to the required dosage we would need to divide: 1.2g/(.6g) = 2 tablets I am not familiar with the gr 1/60 terminology or what the gr v 4h pm means. Sorry."

Can I sue a hospital for not running additional tests that could have saved a life? My mother died of Gallbladder cancer back in October. The cancer also spread to her liver. The grim diagnosis was made by Hospital #2 one week before she died. Back in March, my mother went to Hospital #1 with symptoms of Gallbladder disease. She had lost 40 pounds in 4 months and was complaining of upper abdominal pain. -It clearly shows this on her medical report. However, Hospital #1 which is a big hospital did not follow up with some labs and/or give her some IV pain medications. Hospital #1 told her to take some Tylenol and rest. She was discharged the next day. Then in early October, she had difficultly standing and walking. Her mobility was poor and she almost fell. With the help of a visiting nurse, we placed my mother on the floor in a sit-up position and called 911. It would be the last time she would ever see her home again. The Emt's took her to Hospital #1 again. In fact one of the Emt's was smurking at the whole situation unfolding. But I digress. Although her vital signs were near normal, her heart rate jumped to 150-160 and there was the possibility that she may have had an uninary tract infection. Once again, nothing was done. Although she did stay at hospital #1 for 5 days before entering a physical rehab facility for 10 days before she went to hospital #2 complaining of being confused. It was hospital #2 that recgonized her symptoms and ran a battery of tests which indeed produce the fact that my mother had gallbladder cancer and stage 4 metastatic liver cancer. Yet at Hostpial #1, they ran liver tests on her just 2 weeks prior and found no masses in her liver. Regardless, during her 5 day stay at hospital #1 the doctors still did not follow up with some labs and give her some IV pain medications. On October 23rd just 2 weeks shy of her 83rd birthday, my mother died. I have obtained most of her medical records. I am still waiting for a 206 page medical report from hospital #1 from her stay in March as well as early October. Even hospital #2 was surprised that nothing was found and that no followups were done with some labs and give her some IV pain medications. Do I have some kind of lawsuit against her PCP and Hospital #1? We have hired a lawyer and they are waiting for this 206 page document before a decision is made to present it to the state's medical board for a possible lawsuit.

Lord Percy Wooster IV replied: "possibly you have to prove that they didn't just make a mistake but they were negligent it will boil down to this was their actions of a reasonable medical standard see a lawyer now"

Billme replied: "If Hospital#1 stars with a K and ends with a ser, I know someone else that was told there was nothing wrong with him, until he fainted and went to hospital #2, and they asked how long ago he had been treated for cancer. Without doing one test, they knew he had cancer, and said he would need a $50,000 operation. He went to Doctors from HMO #1, and they said the cancer was inoperable, and he would die soon. (that part was right) He went back to hospital #2, sold his rental house, and then paid for the operation that prolonged his life a couple of months. Hospital #1 did was only allowed to have so many cancer patients at any one time, and more than that allowance, they would say you have a virus, or something like that and prescribe antibiotics. In the old days, you where taught in Medical School that the patient dies of old age, a virus, heart condition, or pneumonia. In more recent years, they say Kidney Failure, Heart Conditions, Pneumonia, or a virus. They don't say Cancer to much, or old age at all. They will write down one organ that failed the whole body. Best of luck with you."

Dave replied: "You can sue anybody for anything. It seems that you already have the wheels rolling so I don't understand why you are asking the question here. Don't plan on getting any money in the near future even if you go to court and win the ruling. Appeals will be made, and this is the hardest money to make, one resulting from a lawsuit. I have a friend that was hit by a bus driver that fell asleep at the wheel. This was nine years ago and he has not received a penny. Waiting for somebody to die to get an inheritance and winning a law-suit are the hardest ways to make "money". Lot's of luck and patience to'll need plenty of both before you see a red cent."

Spreedog replied: "Hmmm. I understand your frustration and anger. But I sincerely doubt that any additional tests could have saved or even prolonged her life in this case as presented. (We have very limited information here to go by.) I'm not sure you could sue the hospital. If anyone were to be sued, it should be the doctor who did not follow-up on the March 2008 gallbladder problem. Follow-up is very often the important factor since time frequently makes diagnoses much clearer. Maybe the doctor is employed by the hospital in which case I assume you could sue the hospital. I am a medical doctor - a cancer specialist, but I was never involved in a malpractice suit in my 20 years of practice - so I am not an expert on the law here. BUT - and this is a large BUT - even if the diagnosis of gall bladder cancer had been made in March after 40 pounds of weight loss in four months and significant abdominal pain, the disease was almost certainly already advanced and incurable at that point - so you would simply have had the bad news sooner. It is likely that she already had liver involvement in March which would mean her cancer was already incurable. If I were called as an expert witness in this case, I would probably say that it would have made no difference in the outcome to make the diagnosis 6 or 7 month earlier. This gall baldder cancer had probably been evolving over many years, and 2008 was going to be the last year of the disease course whether the diagnosis was made in March or October. (Of course I do not have all the medical details of her March 2008 evaluation.) Lawsuits like these contribute a great deal to the high cost of medical care. If a doctor has to pay $80,000 each year for malpractice insurance - as some specialty doctors do - they have to charge more for their services just to pay the insurers. Another question is whether a financial settlement will bring your mom back. How much life did the alleged malpractice cost your 82 year old mother, and how much money will compensate you adequately for this loss? There were some faulty medical care questions related to my father's death at age 80 two years ago, but I knew his days were numbered no matter how perfect his care might have been. I never considered a law suit just because his care was not perfect. I strongly suspect that your mom would have had the same amount of time no matter what any of her doctors did to alter this disease course starting in March when she presented. In all likelihood, it was already too late at that time. Part of the grief process is anger, and anger is the stimulus for many law suits. I don't think you will win this. I hope your lawyer does not charge unless you do win. These are often lucrative cases for lawyers. When a person dies, it is usually possible to look back at the medical care and second guess the decisions made. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. I was very fortunate to never have a law suit against me in 20 years - especially since I lost over 2000 of my patients to cancers and leukemias. We do not have effective chemotherapy for gall bladder cancers at any stage. Radiation is palliative at best. The only cure for this type of cancer is surgery at an early stage - before there has been a 40 pound weight loss. That 40 pound weight loss before March was an ominous sign looking at the case though the "retrospectoscope." There is no excuse for smirking EMT's if they were smirking at your mom. Maybe they were talking or thinking about something else as they went through their duties. I think I would have asked then right then and there what they were smiling about. Some medical care workers do become calloused to patient suffering and forget that each patient is someone's mother or father or loved one. I tried to never forget that in my practice years."

Well Is it heart failure? ... Defenseless 25 year old Doesnt want help, Just a case analysis if ur in the know? OMG if you make it through reading this whole thing Il be more shocked than if I'm alive in 200 years. Hi im 6ft 1 in, extremely thin and 25 year old male. This spring I willfully and abruptly gave up abusing bad drugs that were getting in the way of my life. I was put on Adderall (works great) this June and later Ativan which I seldom take for once severe but progressively diminishing "post addict w/d acute anxiety". RIGHT WHEN I STARTED ADDERALL I quickly noticed that my heart has significant um Rhythm issues. Daily Palpitations of varying degrees, high resting rate, and blood pressure so erratic It can be as low as 86/67 and jump to 160/100 within just a few hours. The home monitor I have throws an "irregular heart rhythm" about 1 out of every 5 times I check. The palpatations and arrhythmias are physically noticeable, often but not always accompanying torso fatigue, and shortness of breath. Some skipped or irregular beats happen for just several seconds while others can form "episodes" lasting an hour or two. Conveniently none of this has been caught at the Hospital EKG and my CT brain scan came back clean to rule out stroke. I cant afford Holter monitoring. I don't have much or any chest pain of a localized nature But sometimes momentary disturbance to my breathing pattern or rarely, shooting pains to my neck or down my left shoulder when my blood pressure is at its highest. . On days I do not take my adderall my heart will somewhat more stable, and the rate will drop, but still subject to irregular beats and circulation trouble/postural hypotension and low blood pressure will be awful, dropping to dangerously low levels when Im erect even if I choose to take caffeine or less often, smoke to compensate. One night this August in Arizona, I had an isolated 2 hour period of OBVIOUS ATRIAL FIRBILLATION. I fell asleep that way and since that particular irregularity has not resurfaced. The AF episode I suspect may have been triggered by combining marijuana with a normal dose of Tylenol Nightime Cold flu syrup and I now um avoid both. TO summarize, Ive experienced mostly isolated a large grab bag of scary symptoms randomly show or dont show like a "classroom attendance" by each particular "Arrhythmia session". These sympoms include from most to least frequent: thumping in chest, Inability to catch breath lying OR standing, vague numbness on left side face/scalp/ or right foot/lower leg. Mild and short duration blood pooling in hands and feet comorbid SEVERE postural hypotension. Anxiety (less frequent now), On some occasions Il get a feeling of shortness of breath where I feel as though the air i breathe does not contain oxygen... AND when I went to the ER 3 months ago about this major problem i was diagnosed as having anxiety after minimal and not so comprehensive testing. I believed him, until the symptoms carried on and the only problem the Benzos would help was the worry itself. Il be progressing through my day happy and carefree and wont mind as my heart sets off a period of Disrhythimic heartbeat, then shortness of breath, fatigue and exhaustion. Il adapt and say "Oh well Im gonna die but thats okay" instead of a panic which might have ensued back in the summer, I simply slow my pace or take a breather or worse, il smoke a cigarette cuz for 8 years ive smoked like twice a month. Sometimes happy moments or excitement trigger an arrhythmia. Strangely, excersize seems to only IMPROVE the conditions as long as I dont do it while on adderall. " So in essence the panic attacks might not be a panic attack. .... sometimes weakening my blood flow. Finally, the latest develoment that just has started occuring is that my vision and muscular coordination have become mildly compromised but this may or may not be due to ativan. Id be surprised if my heart held up to all my rough past only to be stamped out by a low dose therapeutic relatively less toxic amphetamine. Some have told me my body is still detoxing and the stimulation from the unfamiliar adderall creates elecrical circuit and other organic malfunction possibly related to arrhythmia, But its been a good 5 months now and I remain physically stagnant or possibly slowly deteriorating. Id like to bet giving up the adderall meds would help for sure but I cant do that at this time If I do, and ive tried, Il immediately be placed at risk for re-entering my old lifestyle and thats NOT what I need. So folks? im 25, cute and thin... But my body is sick as a raw pot roast you accidentally stuck in the cupboard instead of the fridge before heading away for the weekend. Now I know most of you will say I NEED TO GO SEE A DOCTOR and yes while that is ULTIMATELY the only way to CERTIFY a diagnois, Aside from an emergency its NOT AN OPTION for me at this time so I figure the best I can do is post these and get some intelligent insight and that way i can manage myself best until I CAN see a doctor. Finally Some history to factor in: I was given HIGH doses of ritali

pacemaker replied: "better see a doctor"

16 weeks pregnant and a i have a few's a long one!? Morning! I'll be 16 weeks on monday and i've got some questions on a few things. 1* I had my appt yesterday and while i was sitting in the waiting room i had this weird feeling in my belly, it was like a nervous feeling but not as intense and it was just in my tummy...i haven't felt it since though, was that the baby? 2* My boyfriend bought me one of those bebe heart listeners, odviously we can't hear the heartbeat yet but also last night while i was laying in bed, i had it on my tummy and was listening to the bump around, all of a sudden it kinda faded out, so i moved it to the otherside, my little kicker was bumping around again, then once faded out. Does the baby not like the static sound and that's why it keeps moving or do i just loose my place and it kicks somewhere else? does it bother my little one? 3. I go and findout what i'm having 4/16!! from personal experiance what would you say i'm having. I'm 22 conceived in december, I started showing kinda early around 10 weeks and it seems i'm carrying quite high, I've gained 8 pounds since i started and it's ALL belly, i mean i've gained weight NO where else. The first 3 appt's the heartbeat was in the 160's, this past time it was in the 150's, what does that sound like I may be having? 4. Cramps, Cramps, and more cramps..between the backaches, pelvic cramps, and headaches, it's driving me a little crazy, i can't get comfortable weather i'm laying down, standing up, even sitting down? is there anything i can do to make this subside and make the work day a little easier? 5. Did anyone else get dizzy? not pass-out dizzy, just a rise in body tempature, with a little but of a headspin? is that normal? and if so, what can i do about it, it really makes me nervous. 6* At the Dr. yesterday i voiced my concerns about my sleep pattern and how i think that had something to do with the fact that i worry more than i probabley should, i'm thoughts race, and it keeps me up, she told me that unisom and tylenol pm was ok..i'm a tad weary of that because i know how i feel after taking them, is it bad for the baby, or does Dr. know best? any helpful advice beyond my questions is greatly appreciated! Have a good day everyone and congrats new mommies, old mommies, and future mommies! IT'S AN AWESOME EXPERIANCE...somewhat..LMAO

Expecting 1st baby (4 weeks) replied: "Okay I can only answer a few of your questions because im only anywhere from 4weeks-6weeks. Not as far long as you and this is baby no.1 :] My first app. is this friday. 3. I would say carrying high would be a girl, but im no genius. 4. I am definately having the same cramps. It is your uterus stretching. Its all okay its going to cause discomfort. I understand! Im always uncomfortable. I cant even sit down and watch a movie with my husband. I huff and puff and move around, lay down and sit up. Just cant get comfortable. 5. OH yes dizziness all the time for me. I have not thrown up or gotten sick to my stomach but I for sure have gotten dizzy sitting in my chair at work, standing up (I have to watch that on top of that I dont get up too fast) and sometimes laying in the bed at night. 6. Okay I thought I was the ONLY one on that one. I cant wait to see more answers on this one bc I thought everyone was tired and went right to sleep. Once I had to call into work bc I was so tired and got no rest all week staying up. Now I wake up in the middle of the night to pee of course and cant fall back asleep, I worry about things that are beyond my control and I have realized I need to stop. It is hard tho. I will worry about everything being perfect before baby gets here, finances, and family issues. I really shouldnt though they are all out of my control for now. I know deep down everything will work out. I have heard that its fine to use tylenol pm but I do want to check with my doctor first. If yours says its fine they know best :] Congrats to you!! Just keep counting down the days to the time you get to meet your baby :]"

Numb2 replied: "1. Yes the feeling you had felt was more than likely the baby. Or you were just incredibly nervous and your tummy was upset. 2.Those heart listeners never worked for me , my hubby bought me one with my first child adn I never heard a heart beat just movement and my tummy making noises. But no it will not hurt your baby , and I seriously doubt she can even tell its there. 3. I think you are carrying a girl , high heart beat , carrying high and your in alot of pain ...yup thats a little girl. lol 4. To make the pregnancy easier I would say to try to relax more and keep your feet elavated. Those sympotoms should go away soon and then you will get them back 10fold by 8months. Try to get a pregnany pillow , or sleep with one under your knees and lay on your back. 5. You will tend to get dizzy , I did alot , like if you stand up o fast you get light headed , to my knowledge that is just somthing thats comes with pregnancy. YAY lol 6. Yes tylenol is safe , I never heard unisome but docs know best when it comes to taking meds when prego , you can take vicodin you can take tylenol. It will help you so I would do it , maybe not every night of course but to help you get on a normal sleep routine. I hope my advice helped , good luck Mama"

Avigail P replied: "1. yeah, that's your baby :) 2. baby's just moving randomly. s/he shouldnt be able to hear yet. 3. sounds like it's a girl :) 4. lay down with a heating pad on your lower back a few times a day. NEVER put the hot pad on your stomach while pregnant. 5. yeah, sure. Drink more, get up slower. 6. Dr. definately doesn't know best. It can be damaging to baby (and you, for that matter). If you feel you must take something, be sure to take 1000 mg of vitamin C with each pill (no, you cannot overdose on vitamin c so easily. it takes AT LEAST 10,000 mg to get close to o/d-ing. the only thing that will happen if you o/d is you'll get gas, and nothing will happen to baby)"

Jorge's Mommy replied: "1. Seems a bit early to feel anything if it is your first. But you never know... or could just be gas :P 2. I don't know if they don't like it... but if def. does affect them. I was a sonogram addict when i was pregnant... and every time i would get one my son would start kicking the wherever they had it touching me. 3. i have no idea... hehehe 4. go to a pool! nothing would hurt when i was in the pool because there was no pressure on anything. 5. keep some healthy fruit snacks in your purse to make sure your sugar levels are always ok. 6. i don't know about this... i was never told to take tylenol pm. didn't really know you could."

16 weeks pregnant with a few questions... kinda long? Morning! I'll be 16 weeks on monday and i've got some questions on a few things. 1* I had my appt yesterday and while i was sitting in the waiting room i had this weird feeling in my belly, it was like a nervous feeling but not as intense and it was just in my tummy...i haven't felt it since though, was that the baby? 2* My boyfriend bought me one of those bebe heart listeners, odviously we can't hear the heartbeat yet but also last night while i was laying in bed, i had it on my tummy and was listening to the bump around, all of a sudden it kinda faded out, so i moved it to the otherside, my little kicker was bumping around again, then once faded out. Does the baby not like the static sound and that's why it keeps moving or do i just loose my place and it kicks somewhere else? does it bother my little one? 3. I go and findout what i'm having 4/16!! from personal experiance what would you say i'm having. I'm 22 conceived in december, I started showing kinda early around 10 weeks and it seems i'm carrying quite high, I've gained 8 pounds since i started and it's ALL belly, i mean i've gained weight NO where else. The first 3 appt's the heartbeat was in the 160's, this past time it was in the 150's, what does that sound like I may be having? 4. Cramps, Cramps, and more cramps..between the backaches, pelvic cramps, and headaches, it's driving me a little crazy, i can't get comfortable weather i'm laying down, standing up, even sitting down? is there anything i can do to make this subside and make the work day a little easier? 5. Did anyone else get dizzy? not pass-out dizzy, just a rise in body tempature, with a little but of a headspin? is that normal? and if so, what can i do about it, it really makes me nervous. 6* At the Dr. yesterday i voiced my concerns about my sleep pattern and how i think that had something to do with the fact that i worry more than i probabley should, i'm thoughts race, and it keeps me up, she told me that unisom and tylenol pm was ok..i'm a tad weary of that because i know how i feel after taking them, is it bad for the baby, or does Dr. know best? any helpful advice beyond my questions is greatly appreciated! Have a good day everyone and congrats new mommies, old mommies, and future mommies! IT'S AN AWESOME EXPERIANCE...somewhat..LMAO

*~*Baby #3 due 6/13 first boy*~* replied: "1. with your first you won't really feel your baby until around 18 to 22 weeks. 2. you cant hear your baby move around with those bebe listeners. they're specifically designed for you to hear the baby's heartbeat. what you were probably hearing is normal body sounds. 3. i carried high with my two girls and now low with my boy but who knows?! that's the fun part about pregnancy you get to guess and pick out baby names and then you can either wait til delivery or you can find out before and talk to you baby using his or her name. 4. get a body pillow it will save your life!! 5. yes i get dizzy all the time. just sit down when you feel dizzy if it doesn't subside then lay down and relax for about 5 minutes and drink plenty of water and orange juice. 6. if your doctor says it's ok then it should be fine. if you don't want to take them then just try to turn off your mind because your baby needs you to rest so that you can recharge and there's plenty of worrying to be done once he or she gets here. Congrats & good luck!"

Kris replied: "Good morning! 1. Yep, that sounds like what I first felt! I'm 18 weeks and have just started feeling little nudges every now and then, but it definitely started off at 16 weeks with what I'd also describe as a "nervous" feeling! Congrats! 2. It's possible that the pressure that you're putting on your belly scares/startles the baby. Mine was the same way during the first u/s, always squirming away from the machine. 3. Well, if you want to go by old wives' tales, GIRL! However, I've found that they're not reliable. 4. Heats seems to help me with this problem. Now, heating pads can be dangerous and hot tubs are out, but just having someone put their hands on my tummy seems to make cramps more bearable. 5. It's normal, as long as you aren't passing out. Just get up slowly, and have a few sips of juice. 6. No, Dr. does not always know best. You're in your body, and you know how you feel. It's impossible to explain every little twinge to your doctor, so if you feel that something isn't right, STOP! Try relaxing before bed, and if it's anxiety about your baby's wellbeing that keeps you up, I would even suggest renting a doppler so you can hear the heartbeat just before you go to sleep. I rented mine at 8 weeks from for just $50 a month. Being able to hear baby's heartbeat really calmed me down! Good luck!"

Party of 6 replied: "1. It could have been your baby. Sometimes it's more of a flutter or just down right strange feeling...especially since it's your first. 2. It doesn't bother your little one. The baby still has plenty of wiggle room and can float around. 3. There's no way to know what you're having without an ultrasound, but I'm like you. I read all the old wives tales, chinese gender chart, etc. Carrying high is supposed to be a girl, the heartbeat rate is a girl so I'll say a girl. 4. Take Tylenol when it's really bad. I have used the pads that warm up and stick to your body. Can't remember the name, but they're made for cramps, back pain, etc. Those don't get hot enough to harm the baby. 5. As for getting dizzy, I almost fell out in K-mart one day with my last pregnancy just standing in line. I think it has something to do with the amount of work your body it doing to keep the pregnancy and the circulation going. 6. Trust your doctor. It's worse on your body when you don't take care of it and sleep is very important. Your doctor would never give you something to hurt your baby. There are so many people who will say no, never take anything, etc. Whatever. You have a long road ahead of you until you give birth. Enjoy it and if you doctor says okay, then it's okay. By the way, We're pretty close in dates. I'm due September 8 and will find out April 16 what I'm having. Good luck with your pregnancy and birth!!!"

Fallen018 replied: "1- the "weird" feeling you felt was more than likely the baby, but since its you first its a little bit hard to tell the movements from other things thats why most women say they feel their first at about 18 to 20 weeks, but many feel it earlier. Dont worry about the movements not being constant that normal until about 24 weeks then you should start feeling the baby more and more and he/she gets bigger. 2- You can hear the heartbeat at this point if the listener is a doppler you just gotta know what to look can tell the difference between the babys heartbeat and yours because the babys goes alot faster. The baby doesnt care about the sound he cares that your pressing and your tummy and taking his/her space lol its normal and not dangerous. 3- By the way your carrying I would say its a usually carry low with a boy and high with a girl...the girl tummy is more like a watermelon and the boys like a basketball all to the front. I woulndt go for the heart beat rate prediction because lots of women say that was wrong, but the way you carry seems to be right alot if not all of the time. Lets us know when you find out! 4. Ummm I work sitting all day so its uncomfy try walking around a little every hour so your muscle can can also get a little pillow to support your back. the headaches are normal I get them alo they're killers!! you can take tylenol which is safe during pregnancy but am paranoid so I just shake it off...sleeping it off also works. 5- The dizziness is normal also I get it all the mostly happens when you get up or move to fast sometimes for no reason. When you get up try to do it slowly and dont make any sudden movements...the gravity if the body is changing due to the pregnancy making us out of balance alot and thats why we get dizzy...slow down and drink water and it goes away. 6- the tylenol is okay, but if you dont feel okay taking it then dont. You can get a pregnancy pillow and that should ease some discomfort. Not sleeping well during pregnancy is normal."

16 weeks pregnant, got a few questions, repeat question..kinda long? I'll be 16 weeks on monday and i've got some questions on a few things. 1* I had my appt yesterday and while i was sitting in the waiting room i had this weird feeling in my belly, it was like a nervous feeling but not as intense and it was just in my tummy...i haven't felt it since though, was that the baby? 2* My boyfriend bought me one of those bebe heart listeners, odviously we can't hear the heartbeat yet but also last night while i was laying in bed, i had it on my tummy and was listening to the bump around, all of a sudden it kinda faded out, so i moved it to the otherside, my little kicker was bumping around again, then once faded out. Does the baby not like the static sound and that's why it keeps moving or do i just loose my place and it kicks somewhere else? does it bother my little one? 3. I go and findout what i'm having 4/16!! from personal experiance what would you say i'm having. I'm 22 conceived in december, I started showing kinda early around 10 weeks and it seems i'm carrying quite high, I've gained 8 pounds since i started and it's ALL belly, i mean i've gained weight NO where else. The first 3 appt's the heartbeat was in the 160's, this past time it was in the 150's, what does that sound like I may be having? 4. Cramps, Cramps, and more cramps..between the backaches, pelvic cramps, and headaches, it's driving me a little crazy, i can't get comfortable weather i'm laying down, standing up, even sitting down? is there anything i can do to make this subside and make the work day a little easier? 5. Did anyone else get dizzy? not pass-out dizzy, just a rise in body tempature, with a little but of a headspin? is that normal? and if so, what can i do about it, it really makes me nervous. 6* At the Dr. yesterday i voiced my concerns about my sleep pattern and how i think that had something to do with the fact that i worry more than i probabley should, i'm thoughts race, and it keeps me up, she told me that unisom and tylenol pm was ok..i'm a tad weary of that because i know how i feel after taking them, is it bad for the baby, or does Dr. know best? any helpful advice beyond my questions is greatly appreciated! Have a good day everyone and congrats new mommies, old mommies, and future mommies! IT'S AN AWESOME EXPERIANCE...somewhat..LMAO

Baby girl due 6/29/09!! replied: "I saw this question earlier and didn't answer because it's so LONG! But since you are relentless, I will answer 1. Not sure. The baby moving usually feels like bubbles popping or gas in your stomach. 2. The baby doesn't hear the static, you do because the earpiece is in your ear! 3. Well I'm all belly too, haven't gained weight anywhere else and my baby's heartbeat is always in the 150-160's. I'm having a girl. Maybe you are too. 4. Ask your doctor about that. I don't think you should be having that much pain so early. 5. Dizziness is a pregnancy symptom. Just try not to get up too fast and stay hydrated. 6.Dr. knows best. If they say it's ok to tak it, then it's ok. Personally, I try to stay away from any type of medicine. I don't sleep well at night either but that's because I have a lot on my mind."

Emma's Mommy replied: "1. When you first feel your baby, you feel "flutters" or "butterflies". So it could have possibly have been the baby, or you could have just been nervous :) 2. What you hear more than likely was never the baby. Once your baby can kick you hard enough you feel it, then you can hear the baby kick. Those things you buy from a store ( target, etc. ) don't work. If you want to hear the heartbeat rent a (doppler) from you OB/GYN. 3. You can never really tell, but from "old wives tails" I'd guess a Boy. But you can never tell. 4. Drink lots and lots of water! And lay on your side. Its been 2 years since I was pregnant, but I remember there is one side which is better to lay on than the other. Ask your doctor they will know which side that is. 5. I use to get dizzy after a shower, but it was more due to morning sickness. If its not sever I wouldn't suggest worrying. 6. The Dr. knows best but keep it to a min. I was too worried and NEVER took anything. I was always up all night every night when I was pregnant. Never went away till I had the baby."

Suem replied: "You sound like someone who just needs to relax and enjoy being pregnant. The 1st question sounds like its the start of your movements it feels really strange at 1st but it great. Ques.2 sounds like the little thing is just moving about in there Him/her still have lots of room Quest3 Havent a clue on this one just wait for the scan and find out if you can Quest4 just relax this is something that happens try a bath Quest 5 again relax its pregnancy Quest 6 me personally would try not take anything why not try a lavender mist on your pillow Please relax and enjoy your pregnancy"

Air Wolf replied: "Dude, is this an e-book?"

mommy-of-an-angel replied: "1. Baby first moving will be felt very low in your pelvis, not your wont feel it up in your belly for awhile yet. so probably not your baby. 2. My daughter did the same thing with the heart listener! She would alwasy kick at it and try to move away, so I wouldnt doubt thats what yours was doiing :) 3. I would say a girl. Its said girls have heartbeats above 140 - which my daughter did the whole time, she was between 170-140. My nephews was always around 120-130, so I believe it. I also carried EXTREMELY high. 4. No there is nothing that does enough to help. Just get ready, it gets a thousand times worse!! 5. Hated the dizziness/hotness! Had that ALL the time. I would have to constantly sit down and put my head down in the most random places :) 6. I wouldnt take anything to be safe. I never slept either. alwasy had racing thoughts too, I was told thats normal. The less sleep you get now, the more prepared you are for not sleeping once the little one arrives...I took it as my bodies natural way of preparing me for the baby to keep me up and it not bother me as much! Hope this helps :)"

16 weeks pregnant with a few questions, it's a long one and a repeat question? I'll be 16 weeks on monday and i've got some questions on a few things. 1* I had my appt yesterday and while i was sitting in the waiting room i had this weird feeling in my belly, it was like a nervous feeling but not as intense and it was just in my tummy...i haven't felt it since though, was that the baby? 2* My boyfriend bought me one of those bebe heart listeners, odviously we can't hear the heartbeat yet but also last night while i was laying in bed, i had it on my tummy and was listening to the bump around, all of a sudden it kinda faded out, so i moved it to the otherside, my little kicker was bumping around again, then once faded out. Does the baby not like the static sound and that's why it keeps moving or do i just loose my place and it kicks somewhere else? does it bother my little one? 3. I go and findout what i'm having 4/16!! from personal experiance what would you say i'm having. I'm 22 conceived in december, I started showing kinda early around 10 weeks and it seems i'm carrying quite high, I've gained 8 pounds since i started and it's ALL belly, i mean i've gained weight NO where else. The first 3 appt's the heartbeat was in the 160's, this past time it was in the 150's, what does that sound like I may be having? 4. Cramps, Cramps, and more cramps..between the backaches, pelvic cramps, and headaches, it's driving me a little crazy, i can't get comfortable weather i'm laying down, standing up, even sitting down? is there anything i can do to make this subside and make the work day a little easier? 5. Did anyone else get dizzy? not pass-out dizzy, just a rise in body tempature, with a little but of a headspin? is that normal? and if so, what can i do about it, it really makes me nervous. 6* At the Dr. yesterday i voiced my concerns about my sleep pattern and how i think that had something to do with the fact that i worry more than i probabley should, i'm thoughts race, and it keeps me up, she told me that unisom and tylenol pm was ok..i'm a tad weary of that because i know how i feel after taking them, is it bad for the baby, or does Dr. know best? any helpful advice beyond my questions is greatly appreciated! Have a good day everyone and congrats new mommies, old mommies, and future mommies! IT'S AN AWESOME EXPERIANCE...somewhat..LMAO

shancaj33 Due Oct 21 :) replied: "1. yes that was probably your feels like butterflies in your tummy. 2. Thats just your baby moving around..i dont see why it would bother her. 3.High heartbeats say its a boy..but doubt if thats accurate..carrying low says boy..but whoknows. 4. cramps will come with your growing uterus. try tylenol 5. I get dizzy sometimes while sitting and my temp will be 99.2 Mention it to your doc 6. unisom and tylenol pm are fine. My doc said i can take them the ingredient in unisom and pm is just benedryl. its safe in pregnancy these have been my experience..Hope its helped you.."

kevy bear replied: "all i can say is get used 2 the cramps. sounds lke ur baby is playing games. sounds crazy but u should talk 2 him or her aswell. n u know best. but still listen 2 ur doctor. u will love being a mum. i'm a dad of 3. theres nothing better in the world. oh and lobour isn't as bad as u may think."

The Doormat replied: "1--Could be the baby, it is about that time!! 2--The doppler sends sound waves through your belly and it is VERY loud for the baby, that is why the baby gets all squirmy. Same for an ultrasound. 3--No clue, but there is a couple of great gender predictors at 4--Move around a lot and get out and walk for 30 minutes a day. 5--Make sure you are taking a prenatal with adequate iron and drinking plenty of water (it also helps if you cut out caffeine!!) 6--I use a quarter dose of benedryl, same as the active ingredient in Tylenol PM, only less. I just use children's liquid benedryl and take 6.25 ml. works wonders and if that doesn't help, I take another 6.21 ml dose. But the first one almost always works. Good luck and congrats!"

whats in a name replied: "1* it very could have been the baby, but most likely just nerves or a muscle spasm 2* remember the baby is floating around in fluid in there, and moves an awful lot, you just don't feel it all the time. I dont know if those things are "bad" for the baby, but i wouldnt have it on all the time. 3* nothing is 100% able to tell you what your having. where you gain weight, where you show really depends on your body type. 4* If you are having cramps you should let your Dr. know, only they can say what is going on. you are only 16 weeks, you really shouldn't be feeling all that horrible (aside from maybe neausa) this early. You definitely need to inform your ob about all of that. 5*your dizziness could be related, i guess, with hormones and body changes. but i would tell the dr about this too. 6* i was always leary about taking medicine with my pregnancies. Tylenol was all i ever took, and that was if the headache was really bad. I would first try relazing, maybe a bath, or reading. I know there are alot of things to worry about when carrying a baby, but you have to try to not obsess over everything, because the baby can feel that as well. Millions of women all over the world have babies everyday, most of them turn out just fine. And nowadays with the medical availabilities, you have much less to worry about. Of course you need to be aware of the things that could go wrong, but you cant obsess. Remember, EVERY pregnancy is different."

USMCMom:) replied: "1* I never felt "flutters", which is what that movement may have been. The first time I felt anything was right around 18 weeks. It felt like she did a front roll in my belly! It was completely unmistakeable, 100% baby. I thought I had flutters a few times, but my mother told me "when she moves, you'll know." 2* I don't have a fetal doppler, so I can't give you much advice. I do know, though, that my baby doesn't like ANYTHING on my belly. She kicks the ultra sound wand, and the lap top if it's resting on my lower belly. I took a warm bath the other night because my back ached, and I could SEE her crawling away from the water, I jumped out and felt guilty the rest of the night! 3. I can't tell you what you're having based on wives tales, but FOR FUN, i'd say girl. Her heart beat is always between 150 and 160, I popped out RIGHT away, except i'm gaining weight everywhere, lol. 4. Tylenol, and stretching, That's really all you can do :( 5. I've gotten dizzy a few times, I just drink juice and that seems to help. 6* I wouldn't take ANYTHING to sleep. Trust me, when you get tired enough, you'll sleep. If you were on anti-anxiety medications before, that may be a different story. Try eating your dinner later, i'm always very tired after large meals."

Tracy C replied: "Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy! Right well you have a lot of questions so il do my best to try and answer them all, 1. Obviously everyone is different but i doubt it would have been the baby you felt as it normally is felt toward the end of the 4th month but if you are very slim or it isnt your first baby then it could well be your little bundle of joy! 2.I think its great that you are listening for the movements etc at home but i personally would leave it to the midwives as you may worry yourself over nothing if you hear an odd noise or you dont hear anything one time when the midwife knows normal sounds and movements, im 28 weeks with a very active baby bouncing around and kicking day and night but every time we see a midwife or have a monitor near us the little one stops performing....typical but its normal! 3. I really would have no idea what you are having as everyone carries differently, i have chosen not to find out what im expecting as i want a surprise but because i didnt show anything bump included until i was 5 months and put no weight on at all everyone said il be having a girl, but now i am 7 months and i have just started to gain a little weight on the tops of my legs and on my bottom people have changed their opinion and now think im having a have to wait and see!! 4. I too had little twinges and aches and was told this was just my womb expanding and growing ready for the baby to grow and grow, i didnt have cramps though so maybe ask your midwife if they become to painful! Headaches are normal in small doses but if they become regular and increasingly painful again ask midwife as it could be a sign of something else! Im affraid the uncomfortableness will only get worse the bigger your bump gets as sleep becomes harder and bending down etc etc 5. Dizziness and light headedness often happened when i had lots to do and i think its your bodies own way of telling you to slow down! 6.Sleep in pregnancy has baffled me the most, i couldnt get enough at the start of pregnancy then during the second trimester i couldnt manage to sleep past 5am in the morning due to the baby kicking and not being able to get comfy etc etc but now im finding im slowing down again and sleep seems easy to do but still restless due to the bump. Hope that has helped a little. one thing i would say is that if you dont know the answers by your own instict your midwives know best, they are trained in everything pregnancy and have no doubt done it for years and dealt with all kinds of pregnancies!"

prettymommy0209 replied: "I just had my first baby march 17th. u sound like me, I was a nervous wreck,lol. but answering ur questions.. #1 yes it probably was the baby, I started feeling mine around 14 weeks. #2 no babies like that static, they always move around and kick, ull c as ur baby gets bigger and she kicks the monitor off ur stomach. #3 I had a girl, I'm 20 and I didn't actually show show til about 6 months. her heartbeat was always around 150.. I only gained 18 lbs and all in my belly. #4 take tylenol for ur cramps.. there normal. #5 drink more water, but its normal to get dizzy (as long as ur iron is high enuff) bcuz most of ur blood flow is going 2 the baby. #6 take the tylenol pm.. ur baby will b fine. good luck :)"

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