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Tylenol Allergy Complete Information
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Tylenol Allergy Complete Information in Q&A
Can I Take Tylenol Allergy Complete like 3-5 hours after taking alavert? would i be able to take tylenol allergy complete like 3-5 hours after taking one alavert?..and can you reccomend maybe a better medicine that i can pick up i dont know if its allergies or sinus right now i dont have runny nose but it gets runny and stuffy i dont have a cough but if i do cough my head hurts after and same thing if i sneeze and i occasionally feel pressure in my ears like there clogged not painful though

Becky H replied: "yes"

Avalon von Aldaran replied: "Always get the advice of a doctor or pharmacist before mixing drugs.You could have a bad reaction.No one knows for sure what is ok to take combined so to follow some ones advice here would not be a good idea since none of us are doctors."

nichelle replied: "get your doctors advice... it really depends on a lot of different factors including personal circumstance... for example: I am taking allegra, clarinex, zyrtec, and singulair all at the same time by doctors orders simply because I cannot live without the strength of them all... you have to determine which is more important dealing with the problem or dealing with the side effects... like me... determining whether I want to be able to breathe or be really tired... but mine's kinda an easy answer"

Will Multi-Symptom Tylenol Allergy Complete Cause Drowsiness? Will Multi-Symptom Tylenol Allergy Complete Cause Drowsiness?

old_woman_84 replied: "Probably. Most allergy medicine will make you drowsy"

Allergy Mystery - should I get a second opinion? What allergy do I have and should I get a second opinion? I started having allergy symptoms several years ago. I tried Tylenol Allergy and it helped. So 2 years ago I went in for an allergy test and the results showed that I was allergic to pet dendar and dust. I was perscribed allegra-d and was OK taking it. For 2 years I have been taking allegra-d and tylenol allergy complete as needed. This March I started having the these symptoms: runny nose, congestion, itchy/wattery eyes, sneezing, dry cough, itchy skin, midnight sneezing attacks. I again took my allegra-d and it helped. I was curious why It got worse and if it could be seasonal, so I scheduled an allergy test again, and I also tried 1 session on accupuncture for my allergy Friday. So it has been 4 days since the treatment. Today the test showed that I am allergic to NOTHING! The doc said that it's polution related and I should have a tube down my nose test to check if something else causing irritation. How can he be right Also based on the initial diagnosis today, the doc prescribed Astelin Nasal Spray ( azelastine HCI) and Petanol Has anyone used this stuff? I read that both are for rhinitis. So I don't get it. He said I am not allergic but prescribes this to me.... QUESTION: I went 4 days without medicines and I usually had sneezing in the morning with runny nose. But several hours later, it all went away. It then starts again randomly and goes away. I try acupressure, lying down which helps. It's worse when I was near a cat in a house. So does this sound like seasonal ? Why is it so bad in the morning?

Spongebob fan replied: "that sounds strange. i'd get a second opinion"

Hoops Mcann replied: "Get a 2nd opinion. Allegra D was the ONLY stuff that would help me. I have also been taking at least 1000 mg of B-12 to up my immune system and that has really helped. Your allergies are a natural reaction to a downed immune system. Allegra D can semi mask that but the side effects are a sore back and possible frequent trips to the bathroom You sound like you are seasonal so at least a month before that season hits start taking AD again and you should be good to go. Allergies can be very very tough."

sophiesue412 replied: "I also have terrible allergies. As I have gotten older they have gotten worse. I recently moved to a new city, and my allergy doctor said I am being exposed to new allergens in this town and that is making my allergies worse. I have started taking allergy shots and they are really helping. I also take zyrtec, and use flonase for allergic rhinits. I would visit a different allergy doctor. If you have animals in your house, try to keep them out of the bedroom. My allergies tend to be worse in the morning when I first get up. The doctor said this is because you spend most of your time in that room and their are dust mites and dust all over the place. Good luck, I know allergies can make you miserable."

Quick question about Tylenol.... FAST? Alot of people around me are getting sick from the seasonal cold and bronchitis. I always suffer from allergies and have been sneezing all day. I'm starting to feel a little worse from my allergies hopefully I am not getting sick. I rumaged through my desk and I found 2 Tylenol packs one is Tylenol Allergy Complete with acetaminophen white pills expire 01/07 and there are some Tylenol Cold relief with 500mg acetaminophen and 12.5mg Diphenydramine. Which one should I take to help me to not get sick? And which one is going to make me more drowsy? Thanks guys.

LYNN W replied: "Neither one is going to keep you from getting sick. They will only help with your symptoms for a set amount of hours."

redpeach_mi replied: "none of those is going to keep you from getting sick. they are for when you are already sick. take vitamin c in advance to not get sick."

tonalc1 replied: "Diphenyhydramine will put you to sleep. Neither will keep you from getting sick."

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