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Can this signify high blood pressure? Right now I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and have been having headaches almost every day. I told my doctor about them last time I saw her, but at that time I was having a cold, so she just told me to take Tylenol. Yet, I've basically had a headache every day for the past month or so, with a few days here or there without one. Also I've been getting dizzy very easily lately, and I feel like my morning sickness has returned after it went away at about 12 weeks. I'm not sure if that's normal or not. I'm definetly going to mention this to my doctor in a week, but am wondering if any of this could be a sign of maybe high blood pressure or pre eclampsia? Has anyone had similar problems and what was your outcome? Thanks. Yes, for the person who asked, my wisdom have came and are long gone for a year now. So I know it can't be that, but I appreciate you trying to help :)

DONNA U replied: "Some symptoms of high blood pressure are feeling like your head is swelling and pressure... drowning feelings... uptight, weak and anxious. If your doctor that you have now didn't take a symptom seriously enough, do not be afraid or feel guilty in changing."

miley cyrus replied: "i think so not sure though i am a actor/singer not a nurse"

Kel B replied: "Yes it can be, but most cases of pre-eclampsia and high blood pressure happen later in pregnancy. I am 10 weeks pregnant and just finally do not have a headache anymore. It lasted 9 days straight. I do have a sinus cold now. I too got dizzy as a result, I think, of hormones and not drinking or eating enough. I would not worry yet, but definitely something to mention to your doctor."

kat replied: "dizziness, headaches, swelling, and seeing spots*little floaties* are signs of high blood pressure and need to be treated"

mystic_eye_cda replied: "Try one of those drugstore blood pressure machines, sure they aren't 100% or drop in a walk-in clinic over the weekend and just say "I am probably overly paranoid but I am pregnant and feeling a little off and I was hoping a nurse could take my blood pressure to reassure me". Hopefully they wouldn't even think to charge you. However with a headache for a month I would be concerned about a lot of other things, blood sugar, salt levels, protein, anemia, etc. My greatest concern as you are 17 weeks is that you are not eating enough protein so your blood volume is not expanding as fast as it should. Your blood volume really increases between 12-20 weeks. Not getting enough protein MAY be linked to pre-eclampsia and toxemia, and can leave you feeling pretty cruddy. Give these sites a read, I have never heard a downside to following this diet. (wow they really updated this site, finally) "

natarajan l replied: "I am a man and had all the symptoms you have described for quite some time like head ache on one side, giddiness,nausea etc and my doctor advised to have a neck X ray. It confirmed that I had cervical spondylitis which caused all the above. Also I had blood pressure and ulcer. After this I took care of my neck especially while sitting, sleeping etc and now I do not have headaches. You also check up and find your BP to have the doubts cleared."

minnietak replied: "i am 16 weeks now, and was having headaches everyday for weeks on end. Agonising too. I never had morning sickness, so i cannot comment or compare to this, but they really were painful. My doc told me to take panadol (equivalent to tylenol in Aust) which did absolutley nothing. I then went to a chiropracter who explained my neck and back were out of whack. When i returned to my doc, she said i also had a virus which could be causing the headaches. I didn't feel sick at all though! Anyway, she checked my blood pressure, and said it was a little high, but that the virus could be making it high. Then, a breakthrough..... last night one of my wisdom teeth popped through the skin. I was up all night with pain down my whole left side of my face and neck. My ear was hurting, the glands in my neck were throbbing. It hurt even to swallow. And i never knew it was there trying to come through!!!! Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? Just a possibility! Also, if your doc was worried, he/she would definitely keep a close eye on you. Just try and relax more. A headache is actually caused by not enough oxygen to the brain, so try not to close yourself up in stuffy areas either. good luck..."

rianne replied: "i'm 23 weeks pregnant. and i get those everyday too. they're probably pregnancy migraines. i get them everyday and always on the right side of my head. pretty common in pregnancies, or so i've heard and have read. i just take tylenol regular strength. i had had high blood pressure with my first two pregnancies. and everytime i had encountered headaches, he'd take note of it. persistent headache is just one of other symptoms of high blood pressure and pre eclampsia."

Megan replied: "I had preeclampsia with my first pregnancy. My feet & legs were very swollen and my face was a little swollen. I had protein in my urine. But all of this was at or after 30 weeks. My blood pressure was eventually so high they put me in the hospital and induced me at 37 weeks. So just mention your symptoms to your Dr. they can test your urine and blood pressure."

erica3205 replied: "I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia at 21 weeks, they say thats way too early to see it, but weirder things have happened right? Your symptons sound like they could be a sign of pre-e, although everything its hard to tell one thing from the other while being pregnant. I would tho not get worked up about it cause tahts not going to do anything but raise your blood pressure if its already high and cause stress for the baby. I would go to a near-by walmart or some other place that has one of the blood pressure machiences and see what yours is. Normal is 120/60 ish. Watch for serve swelling of the hands face and feet, infrequent urination, or not much coming when you do use the bathroom, presistent headaches that wont go away with meds or rest, pain in the upper right part of your stomach; right under the breast, and same in back, seeing spots before your eyes, and of course high blood pressure and protein in your urine. Not that you'll really know the last two without the help of a doctor. And just to re-assure you, cause as scary as pre-e may sound, I would just like you to know that I have had it since 21 weeks and am now 33 weeks with it not progressing at all, I have high blood pressure and protein in my urine, sometimes I'll get headaches for two days er so, and they plan on letting me have a natural birth, inducing me in about 3 weeks. So if you do have it think the best. dont let yourself get down. youre a strong woman and can handle it, but like I said before this could just be classic complications with your pregnancy! Best of luck and congratulations to you!"

can i take tylenol while been pregnant for my cold called dr. said yes but have my concernes in on folic acid? prenatal and high blood pressure med. what are you opinions?

bic replied: "ask your doctor. why would you ask people with no medical degrees?"

amosunknown replied: "You can take a dose of regular tylenol when pregnant. Its safe. It does not effect your prenatal or other medications in any way, especially if the doctor told you it was safe. If you have a question about your BP medication- as to whether you can take it when pregnant, ask your doctor."

samnbudsmom replied: "Tylenol is fine. If you are concerned about folic acid absorption just increase your intake with a supplement. Besides you are not going to take the Tylenol for the remainder of the pregnancy, just a couple of days."

daisy_d87 replied: "I agree with bic.. call your doctor or go to webmd"

Diceman2037 replied: "as others have said Tylenol is safe for pregnant and nursing mothers"

Jill replied: "Tylenol is safe. Taking it occasionally is not going to interfere with your folic acid absorption enough to matter - and honestly folic acid is most important in the earliest days of pregnancy, before most women know they are even pregnant, during the development of the neural tube. Tylenol also does not interfere with any of the major categories of blood pressure medications. I am an OB nurse who used to be a cardiac nurse, so I do know a thing or two about these meds. Trust your doctor. Would they have said to take the Tylenol, knowing you are pregnant and taking prenatals and that you are on BP meds, if they thought it was going to have negative effects on either?"

39 weeks pregnant with a bad cold, what can I take? I've got a bad cold and I need to know what I can take. Normally i have high blood pressure and can only take Coricidin HBP. Medicines like Tylenol and Robitussin makes my blood pressure go up, makes me dizzy, or jittery. However my blood pressure has been outstanding throughout this pregnancy. Should I just try something to end my misery or should i wait for the doctor? I'm really miserable here. I'm waiting for the doctor to get back to me and she may want me to come in but there is bad weather so I don't know how thats gonna turn out. At this point in the pregnancy, what kind of effect can the wrong medicines have on the baby?

M Kerr RN L&D replied: "If your BP's been good try Tylenol cold is safe to take...and would only be once or twice probably at most that you would need the stage in the game they wont have any adverse affect on the baby, hes fully developed just marking time!"

KaraMae replied: "Id wait for the doctor, just to be safe!"

kittycat8299 replied: "Like you I have blood pressure problems, and I would personally only take advice from your doctor. Only because with me the slightest thing can shoot my blood pressure up, and when that happens theres so many risks while your pregnant. For now just get rest, drink your fluids and talk with your doctor. I always say better safe then sorry. Hope you feel better."

Nicole B replied: "I would Tylenol cold, but with the high blood pressure I would call the doctor. The baby is completely developed at this point so the only change you may notice, is if it causes drowsiness, you may feel less movements from the baby. He/she will probably be sleeping heavily. Good luck."

Juicy replied: "Here is a link with a list of medication safe to take during pregnancy however I am not how they will effect your Blood Pressure. "

girlie replied: "Wait for your doctor, you don't want your blood pressure to go any higher. If it goes too high they will have to induce labor."

Please tell me how I can get rid of my migraines? My blood pressure is sky high. I sleep all day due to pain killers. I use cold compress on my neck and forehead. Nothing seems to be working. What can I do to stop this horrible migraine. I have talked to my doctor and they told me to just take tylenol and drink lots of water. What else can I do? My life is just ruined becase of these migraines. I cannot preform my daily activites. I'm in bed all day and night.

LYNN W replied: "You need to get your blood pressure down if that is a common problem for you. That could be the cause of your migraines..or it could just be up because you are in pain. Try alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol every 4 hours while lying in a dark room with no noise. You shouldn't be on a computer with a migraine, that is going to make it worse. If migraines are a constant problem in your life..go see a neurologist, they specialize in migraines and they can find out the exact cause and give you preventive medication and medication for breakthrough migraines as well. By the way, anytime you have a doctor you feel isn't treating you correctly, please find another one. If the pain is too hard to deal with, you can go to the Emergency Room and get something stronger for the pain. Hope you get to feeling better soon."

K. replied: "In my family, my uncle and mom get veryyy bad migraines. My uncle even had to go to the hospital. Migraines are caused when the blood cells in your head shrink because they don't get enough oxygen. So try and get some fresh air or even an oxygen tank. My uncle bought his own oxygen tank and now whenever he feels a migraine he just gets some oxygen & feels much better... and he used to have to go to the hospital! I hope you feel better!"

topguntony replied: "You really should get a specialist to check you out. If you voice your need you will get better results."

Tigger replied: "Ow! One thing you need to do is get your blood pressure down. That might help a lot of the migraine problem right there. Other than that, yes, see a specialist. Your doctor isn't seeing beyond his specialty. Feel better!"

MrsZ replied: "Any m.d. that says take Tylenol for a migraine should have his license revoked! There are migraine medications that target migraine pain! Imitrex and Maxalt are very good. Your high blood pressure could be the reason your head hurts, sweetie. If you don't ordinarily have high blood pressure, the pain will certainly make it high, so we have to know which came first: the high blood pressure or the headache? If my migraines do not respond to Imitrex I go to the ER for a shot of Demerol! You cannot expect Tylenol and your rotten doctors bad suggestions to fix a migraine, ever. BUT, you did say you sleep all day due to pain killers, so what else is going on? What pills are you taking and what hurts aside from your head? Without all of the facts it's hard to say for sure, but I know you can get Imitrex or Maxalt to wipe out migraines. You only get like 9 pills a month because they are habit forming, and if you need more than 9 a month, you might need a full neurological work up with CT scan, EKG, EEG, etc. Best of luck to you."

Some Dude replied: "Have your heart checked: "

Is Coricidin HBP ok to take when pregnant? I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and have been fighting a cold for the past few days. I have a previous history of high blood pressure and am on medication. I have tried tea, and tylenol. I feel like i'm getting worse. Does anyone know if Coricidin HBP Cough and Cold would be safe to take?

It's A Girl replied: "I would say no. My doctor told me not to take anything, but tylenol and only regular sudifed if 100% necessary. A lot of things can mess up baby's heart and you have to be careful."

Amanda replied: "My doctor told me the only thing that is safe during pregnancy is Sudafed, Just the regular stuff nothing added to it. Nothing for multi symptom either. Also Saline nasal drops or spray are ok to use during pregnancy too."

Lanie replied: "No its not. I was told last week by my doc nothing but regular strength tylenol!!! If it is a must you can take a regulare strenth cough medicine for 1or 2 days and only if absolutely necessary. Sorry it sucks but your baby can't handle that stuff."

Well Is it heart failure? ... Defenseless 25 year old Doesnt want help, Just a case analysis if ur in the know? OMG if you make it through reading this whole thing Il be more shocked than if I'm alive in 200 years. Hi im 6ft 1 in, extremely thin and 25 year old male. This spring I willfully and abruptly gave up abusing bad drugs that were getting in the way of my life. I was put on Adderall (works great) this June and later Ativan which I seldom take for once severe but progressively diminishing "post addict w/d acute anxiety". RIGHT WHEN I STARTED ADDERALL I quickly noticed that my heart has significant um Rhythm issues. Daily Palpitations of varying degrees, high resting rate, and blood pressure so erratic It can be as low as 86/67 and jump to 160/100 within just a few hours. The home monitor I have throws an "irregular heart rhythm" about 1 out of every 5 times I check. The palpatations and arrhythmias are physically noticeable, often but not always accompanying torso fatigue, and shortness of breath. Some skipped or irregular beats happen for just several seconds while others can form "episodes" lasting an hour or two. Conveniently none of this has been caught at the Hospital EKG and my CT brain scan came back clean to rule out stroke. I cant afford Holter monitoring. I don't have much or any chest pain of a localized nature But sometimes momentary disturbance to my breathing pattern or rarely, shooting pains to my neck or down my left shoulder when my blood pressure is at its highest. . On days I do not take my adderall my heart will somewhat more stable, and the rate will drop, but still subject to irregular beats and circulation trouble/postural hypotension and low blood pressure will be awful, dropping to dangerously low levels when Im erect even if I choose to take caffeine or less often, smoke to compensate. One night this August in Arizona, I had an isolated 2 hour period of OBVIOUS ATRIAL FIRBILLATION. I fell asleep that way and since that particular irregularity has not resurfaced. The AF episode I suspect may have been triggered by combining marijuana with a normal dose of Tylenol Nightime Cold flu syrup and I now um avoid both. TO summarize, Ive experienced mostly isolated a large grab bag of scary symptoms randomly show or dont show like a "classroom attendance" by each particular "Arrhythmia session". These sympoms include from most to least frequent: thumping in chest, Inability to catch breath lying OR standing, vague numbness on left side face/scalp/ or right foot/lower leg. Mild and short duration blood pooling in hands and feet comorbid SEVERE postural hypotension. Anxiety (less frequent now), On some occasions Il get a feeling of shortness of breath where I feel as though the air i breathe does not contain oxygen... AND when I went to the ER 3 months ago about this major problem i was diagnosed as having anxiety after minimal and not so comprehensive testing. I believed him, until the symptoms carried on and the only problem the Benzos would help was the worry itself. Il be progressing through my day happy and carefree and wont mind as my heart sets off a period of Disrhythimic heartbeat, then shortness of breath, fatigue and exhaustion. Il adapt and say "Oh well Im gonna die but thats okay" instead of a panic which might have ensued back in the summer, I simply slow my pace or take a breather or worse, il smoke a cigarette cuz for 8 years ive smoked like twice a month. Sometimes happy moments or excitement trigger an arrhythmia. Strangely, excersize seems to only IMPROVE the conditions as long as I dont do it while on adderall. " So in essence the panic attacks might not be a panic attack. .... sometimes weakening my blood flow. Finally, the latest develoment that just has started occuring is that my vision and muscular coordination have become mildly compromised but this may or may not be due to ativan. Id be surprised if my heart held up to all my rough past only to be stamped out by a low dose therapeutic relatively less toxic amphetamine. Some have told me my body is still detoxing and the stimulation from the unfamiliar adderall creates elecrical circuit and other organic malfunction possibly related to arrhythmia, But its been a good 5 months now and I remain physically stagnant or possibly slowly deteriorating. Id like to bet giving up the adderall meds would help for sure but I cant do that at this time If I do, and ive tried, Il immediately be placed at risk for re-entering my old lifestyle and thats NOT what I need. So folks? im 25, cute and thin... But my body is sick as a raw pot roast you accidentally stuck in the cupboard instead of the fridge before heading away for the weekend. Now I know most of you will say I NEED TO GO SEE A DOCTOR and yes while that is ULTIMATELY the only way to CERTIFY a diagnois, Aside from an emergency its NOT AN OPTION for me at this time so I figure the best I can do is post these and get some intelligent insight and that way i can manage myself best until I CAN see a doctor. Finally Some history to factor in: I was given HIGH doses of ritali

pacemaker replied: "better see a doctor"

pregnant with headache that wont go away? im 36 weeks pregnant with high blood pressure with a a trace of protein showing up in my urine. went to the dr yesterday and everything was ok. today i woke up and was feeling pretty good and then i got cold and then hot and just went down hill. i have felt horrible most of the day because i have a horrible headache that doesnt seem to want to go away. i took one tylenol and it didnt help so i took a second about an hour later. still nothing. i finally layed down with a cold eye mask and fell asleep for about an hour and i still have the dang headahce. should i go to the er? i really just thought it would go away and it hasnt. its a little better than it was but its still there.

reneaumommy replied: "i think its the change in weather ive had one for 3 days. im 34 weeks"

snaffle replied: "Before I read all the info my first thought was high blood pressure - It would be worth going to ER just to be on the safe side as at that stage of pregnancy your blood pressure can shoot sky high at the drop of a hat. Don't take any chances, you have precious cargo x"

lkn4trth replied: "I would highly suggest calling your doctor and going to the ER. When you're suffering from preclampsia ( high blood pressure) during pregnancy persistent headaches can be a sign that your blood pressure is rising. If you go to the hospital they can give you something to help get this under control. Good luck!"

*j-LyNn* replied: "Get checked for pre-eclampsia. You seem to have all the warning signs. Call your doctor ASAP"

crissy_d_4 replied: "i've lived on panadol for my whole pregnancy, now 34 weeks due to bad consistant headaches. try drinking water, can be a sign of dehydration also"

Anastasia replied: "Having had my last 2 pregnancys with high blood pressure, I wouldnt mess about, headaches can be one of the first signs of high blood pressure, as can vision problems. I would go to the ER and get it checked, high BP as you probably already know can be a MAJOR problem to baby. Good luck."

kirstyn_sierra replied: "When I get a headache, I get a gallon of distilled water and drink as much of that as I can in one hour. My headache always goes away. If I didn't have distilled water, I would still do this with purified or tap water. It can be an accumulation of toxins in the body that is causing the headache, and drinking lots of water can flush them out. Congratulations on baby. You're getting close to being able to hold that little one in your arms! Kirstyn Sierra Mother of 5"

mystic_eye_cda replied: "Have you had enough to drink today? Have you eaten enough, particularly protein today? Are you having vision disturbances? It wouldn't hurt to have your blood pressure checked, is there a walk-in clinic you can go to instead of the ER? Or maybe call labour and delivery and see if you can drop in there for a blood pressure check. I wouldn't want to see you sit in the ER for hours -that wouldn't help anything."

Do i have whooping cough? something else? I go to a boarding school and the past few days I have been feeling sick. Headache, neck ache, slightly sore throat, light cough. Yesterday I went to the infirmary and they did a strep test which was negative. My blood pressure was abnormally really high, also. Tonight I have been coughing non stop. It is a very forceful cough and its hard to catch breath in between. The nurses at the infirmary just told me to take tylenol and sleep. Is this something more than just a cold?

gawjusss_laydii replied: "sounds like what i have right now does ur nose feel blocked? i have a cold and thats nearly exsactly how mine started out :( get better soon"

allyjo123 replied: "Ive had whooping cough and im a 5'9 male 190lbs. and it is horrible.... its where you cough a very deep cough that hurts in your chest but once you start coughing you cant stop and eventually it gets worse untreated , ive passed out from it because it takes your breath away. you almost have to stop breathing and hold it to stop caughing its horrible. they call it whooping cough because when your gasping for air in between coughs theres a wheeze. plus once youve had it its very easy to get it again in future winters. so on. hope ive helped . its sucks just to be coughing its soooo annoying."

Is being sick part of labor? What else can this be? I am due tomorrow. For over a week now I have been 50% effaced and 2cm dilated. I have back pain once in awhile and contractions for a couple hours once in awhile - nothing regular. Obviously, I know I'm close to labor, that's not my main concern. I've started having other symptoms that I'm not sure are related: just today I've had a really bad headaches and been feeling like I'm getting sick with a cold. I've called OB and they said to take Tylenol and sleep...I don't have a history of high blood pressure and am not swollen or anything, so I don't think it's preclamsia. Did you feel sick as part of your labor? What else can this be?

justNangel replied: "personally no i didn't but i did read all the books with my first and it is quite common for women to be sick in labor i wouldn't worry if you spoke to the doctor and their not concerned unless anything changes. good luck ;-)"

Headaches-Does anyone suffer from this??PLEASE HELP? get headaches from Sun, heat, exercise, too little sleep(under 81/2 hours), too much sleep (over 11hours), my contacts, computer...and Tylenol products dont work as good as they should. my contact/glasses prescription is accurate. (2.00 and 2.25) i have slightly high blood pressure...nothing dramatic though...and im always hot. my head is always blazing but my body could be cold. It's not because of dehydration, and Im 12 years old. It's affecting my life. What should I do?Does anyone else suffer from this?

CoCo replied: "see a doctor"

DAVE B. replied: "my wife has very bad ones. been to Dr's.,chiropractor helped some. went & had a cat scan just today .have to wait a few days for the results."

missd replied: "I agree you need to tell a parent or guardian. You may need a physical."

phxmilitarymom replied: "You should tell your Dr about this and see if he can get a CT scan ordered for you to rule out an sinusitus or tumors. Not saying you have either one but it would be good for him to rule this out so he can go on to other things. Good luck!"

Mr Unknowable replied: "It sounds like you might have one of two conditions. You might have a case of hyperglycemia. This would account for slightly increased blood pressure, plus the fact that you burn off tylenol faster than expected. Your head would feel hot, but not the rest of you. Do you find that when you get involved with things, you lose interest or run out of energy in about 1 hr - 90 mins? That could be because your body metabolism is running too fast, which lowers your endurance level. Also, you might want to get your thyroid gland checked. Other people I have met describe the same symptoms from "hyperthyroidism". A condition causing much the same symptoms. Both of these conditions are treatable with medication, and 2 ppl I know personally are leading normal lives despite having these problems. Go see your doctor, if you have one. Or see a pediatrician and mention these conditions to this person and have yourself checked for both. Then the doctor can tell you what you will need to do..."

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