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Valium For Recreational Use
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Valium For Recreational Use in Answers
Dose for first time valium recreational use? I have a friend who's taking valium (first time). I wanted to make sure that he's not taking more than is required for a good high. Please advise.

george replied: "There are no "recreational"drugs."

surfcarolinagurl26 replied: "be careful! it all depends on the person."

Paula D replied: "Stupid idea. If he is doing it because there are issues in his life that is hard to deal with it is even more stupid. The issues will still be there once the high wears off. On top of that he will end up having a drug problem. It is a narcotic, too much use and he will become addicted. Not a bright person huh?"

Anne2 replied: "Valium is not an upper, it is a downer, he will probably just get sleepy."

dcrc93 replied: "this means only take one or as the doctor said"

recreational valium? what is the usual recreational dose for diazepam and its effect? im just gathering info, not an addict

jon143143 replied: "there is no "recreational dose" for Valium. Valium is indicated for the treatment of anxiety, not recreation. not an addict? maybe not, but taking drugs for recreation is a good way to start down the path of addiction. find other ways to recreate than drugs......"

What are the effects of the drug Valium? I was recently prescribed the drug Valium from my Doctor. I was am being prescribed Valium for bouts with anxiety and nervousness. I was just wondering if anyone had any information on this particular drug including side effects and normal effects. Also does this drug has the potential for recreational use or abuse?

Johnnnnnnny c replied: "the feeling is like you dont give a shit, kinda like being drunk without being intoxicated ...its sick, trust me you wont give a fuck about shit that gave you anxietys before"

Just Me replied: "Yes this drug is very, very well liked for recreational use and drug abuse. It can be addicting if you take it for longer then prescribed or take more then the dose you are suppose to take. My doctor put me on xanax 1 mg which is pretty much the same as valium (maybe a lils tronger though) He had me on 4 a day. After 3-4 weeks I was up to taking 8-10 everyday because my body built up a tolerance to them. My body kept needing more and more in order to work the same as they once did when I first started., This is how people become addicted and can over dose. I told the doctor and I had to be weaned off xanax (took about 4-5 weeks to wean myself off of it, lowering it .5 mg every week) He then put me on Klonopin 1 mg. 2 times a day. I have been on that for 6 years now. It still helps and my body doesn't crave more. I sometimes (most of the time) only take 1 a day. Klonopin effects last longer in your system 6-8 hours and has milder side effects. Valium could make you tired, sleepy, slow, numb, relaxed, spacey, happy, calm & dizzy. (I have been put on Valium before also but it wasn't strong enough, I suffer from severe panic disorder & generlized anxiety with OCD) I don't think you will have any bothersome side effects at all. It should help quite good with your anxiety. Keep all doctor appointments while on it. If you find yourself needing more and more to get the same effect call your doctor. Also know that once you start on them for over 4 weeks you will have to be slowly weaned off of them. It can take weeks to get off of them. If you just stop them you can have seizures and much worse anxiety and lots of bad symptoms. Trust me you don't wanna just stop these ever. It sucks."

knicname replied: "They can make you drowsy, high if you are not taking them for any condition. Yes it has potential for abuse and physical dependence, Google medlineplus:>>drugs>>valium"

quilter replied: "Valium can work wonders for anxiety sufferers, although it is not for everyone. You just have to see if it works for you. If it's working correctly, it will take the edge off your anxiety so that you can function and focus. I would start with one-quarter of the dose the doc gives you; otherwise it might just put you to sleep. (Not permanently, heh heh) It does have a soporific effect if taken at a higher dosage than needed. My daughter takes a different drug for anxiety which is similar to Val. Try to only take it when you really, really need it so that you don't develop a tolerance to it or worse, become addicted. And yes, addiction is a very real posibility. Drug dealers sell it. This drug is used by some for recreation/abuse. My daughter was surprised to learn that on the days she takes her anx. med, her shoulders and upper back don't hurt. She normally is very tight and sore in those areas, and one day when she took it (so that she could go to the mall, a place she can't normally go because of her anxiety around crowds of people), she said to me after shopping for a couple of hours, "Wow... my back doesn't even hurt!" She did, however, have a little trouble counting money when it came time to pay at the register. Your brain can be a little foggy if you get just a little bit too much in your system. Diazepam, or Valium, is a central nervous system depressant, or CNS. Theraputic effects: relief of anxiety, sedation, skeletal muscle relaxation, decreased seizure activity. Adverse reactions and side effects: dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy. Less common, but possible side effects: depression, hangover, headache, paradoxical excitation, blurred vision, respiratory depression, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rashes, venous thrombosis, psychological dependence, tolerance. It is good to have something to help you cope when you really need it. Good luck. :)"

bkzbanginshawty replied: "My aunt is prescribed that for anxiety and she gave me one cuz I saw her acting all floaty and I wanted to have in, it kicks in like 30 mins after you take it, you start to feel all drunk and floaty, with a not-give-a-fcuk attitude..i was smoking weed walking around my house naked just cuz i just didn't give a fcuk lol then all of sudden the drowsiness overcomes you and you feel heavy, wake up the next day tired as hell, at least I did, but if you do have an anxiety problem, it will probably just help it and take the edge off. I know a lot of people who take it for fun though, I can't, I get too ballsy lol"

what are the risks of binging on recreational drugs/alcohol for many days? He does not sleep or eat, but takes cocaine, valium, vicodin, mass quantities of hard alcohol, other pain meds, anti depressants and I think he may be using intraveinously sometimes. This goes on for 4-5 days at a time. Then he will sleep for a week sometimes. In a week or two he starts again.

Lone Wolf replied: "I would have to say the uppers mixed with downers is very bad its extremely hard on your heart, and the no sleeping thing isn't AS bad but still can have some severe long term effects from all of it."

Slick Shoes replied: "very unhealthy. :( and the come down must be horrible!"

#1RRR replied: "death either due to body's reaction, or due to harm inflicted on self as a result of hallucinations/insanity. at the very least, wasted $ and psychological damage. whoever this person is, get him help"

Claire B replied: "The biggest risk is obviously death. Combining uppers with downers can be lethal. Alcohol, pain meds, valium, and vicodin are all powerful depressants. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant. If used together they can be deadly. Overdose, internal damage, brain damage, nerve damage, pneumonia, cardiac arrest, and other serious health problems are not unheard of, not to mention addiction. This is more than a recreational habit, it sounds pretty dangerous."

SunBeam replied: "Unfortunately I have seen many patients like this in the hospital. This is a very dangerous combination of medications and drugs and alcohol. The biggest and most serious risk is, of course, DEATH. People think I am just saying that, but I have seen it. Often times darn near death. They usually don't mean to, but things get out of hand quickly. I've cited a few articles that are useful, as well as a forum for people to talk anonymously about their problems with drugs and alcohol. Please, try to get him to treatment. At least to a doctor. It really is life and death."

miamistar007 replied: "whoever he is, he needs serious intervention. if he is your husband, try to get him to a therapist ASAP, if he doesn''t straighten out within 3 months, think about leaving."

kiran light replied: "hemight have fun. and get out of the way of everyone else in the world with ambition and a future. if he makes it to normal adult age, tell him not to get on welfare... it would be a waste of my tax dollars."

Ronda B replied: "So where is he living and how is he paying is bills while he is doing all this? He is slowly commiting suicide. Whoever is enabling him by supplying him should be turned in and he should find himself out on the street. If he had to take care of himself he might come around."

frustrated ccm replied: "There are many many risks to binging on rec, drugs. Taking uppers, then downers, then depressants-alcohol, and then to top it off with some anti-depressants, never the mind shooting up--Oh my God! Is he trying to commit suicide or what??? Well I can tell you one thing, give it some time and then the next thing that will happen, is not too too good. Every time he counter-reacts (using one upper and then using a downer) is eventually put him in his grave. After continued using of these will and I mean will show real soon-making one feel like they are going to pass out every time they try to stand up- (per say). And when that feeling overcomes them, they better choose the right path from that moment on cause if they don't they will be in the presence to do any kind of binging at all. Just tell him, that no one is invincible. cuz everyone can abuse something for so long and eventually it will come to a complete halt!! It never fails. Trust"


is it ok to eat valium and methadone at the same time? I gotta friend who is getting off pain killers and they just put him on methadone- he also takes anti-anxiety meds everyonce and awhile. He didn't want to tell the clinic that b/c he was scared they would deny him the methadone procedure b/c of the recreational drug use during the treatment- so my q is- will it have a bad reaction if he takes both?

Alex replied: "bad? i guess that's relative. your friend will be inebriated, now that's for sure"

Tscotty33 replied: "My close friend just died recently from taking depression meds with a pain med together. It's stupid and dangerous. You fall asleep and don't wake up. Methadone is powerful stuff. This is what they give heroin addicts to get them off of it. Its more powerful then Oxycontin and very habit forming. He needs to be careful what he mixes up and probably a quick call to the local pharmacy could tell him what not to take together. I don't envy him for taking any of that stuff. It might make you feel good but it usually ends most people up either dead, jail or rehab."

cluelessblue replied: "You need to call any pharmacy. They will give you the correct answer and ask no question."

Dusty B replied: "Yes. It is ok as long as he is not taking more than prescribed. Someone very close to me has been in a drug treatment program for quite awhile, so I know first hand. He needs to let the Methadone clinic know that he was prescribed the benzo though, otherwise he could get kicked out of the drug rehab program. As long as the meds are prescribed and he has the prescription (or the bottle with his name) he should be fine. By the way...Valium is not an anti-depressant. It's an anti-anxiety med.- a benzodiazepine."

Chas.B replied: "Valium is pretty common with methadone maintenance programs,, he will be fine as long as he isn't taking more than 5-10mg. But they are going to do a random drug screen on him every month,,, so he needs to be aware of that,,, I don't think they test for things like valium or xanex,,, they mainly want to make sure you have methadone in your system,,, and that you aren't using cocaine, meth or heroin,,, They never use to test for,, or didn't care about pot,,, but it's been a few years since I was in a methadone program. Tell him the faster he weens down off the methadone the better off he will be,,, the clinics are in business to make money,, they will keep him on the crap forever as long as someone pays for it,,, I've known people on it for over 20 years,,, it's just being a legal junkie is all it is,,, if he is smart he will get on the 14 day detox,,, unless he was really using high doses of pain meds for more than just a few months he won't have very bad withdrawls on the 14 day program. Methadone really is just as bad as heroin,,, actually worse,, it effects your liver even worse and it is far easier to OD on it,,, you can die on as little as 40mg. Here is a site you should show you friend,,it's on methadone clinics and it may save his life I was on methadone for a few years for opiates/heroin addiction"

DynoDiKk replied: "I am going to tell you this and this is from first hand experience. Benzodiazeopienes will displace Methadone! Methadone is long acting and Valium has a super long half-life (8 days) this means if 10 mg of Valium is taken 8 days later 5mg's is still dormant in you. With Methadone having a long half life , Methadone is very vulnerable to Valium and eventually in time the Valium will be cancelling the Methadone. Rendering it completely useless. Benzodiazepienes can displace morphine and throw a person into withdrawal and Methadone is very similar to Morphine. Can you get away with it once? Yes,but again Valium will cancel the Methadone and expedite withdrawal or you can put it as; "the Valium is sucking up the Methadone!" Benzodiazepienes and Methadone is a proven fatal cocktail in a person that is a rookie or is not used to the combination. It is deadly regradless and I strongly urge this person not to do this! It can kill you! It is not even common knowledge yet in the medical profession that this is a deadly mix but pharmacologist's are rapidly discovering this and why this happens they are unsure but it has to do with the pharma kinetics. Benzo's and Methadone is a deadly mix and a FATAL ONE! And by all means no XANEX! The thing is this, if this individual stops taking the Valium for perhaps four days, the Methadone as I said will appear as if it is not working, hence the person takes more Methadone and at this point they are not prepared for the punch of Methadone that hits them when the benzo's drop to a lower level. This can cease their breathing or throw you into a seazure. You can do it, but you have to know exactly what you are doing. Edit; yes Valium and Benzo's are used to get people off methadone all the time, BUT this is applied when the intake of methadone has ceased or it is monitored by a a MD. The question implies mixing the two drugs, as in a daily dose situation, (YOU DO NOT DO THIS!) And in the text, it appears she is experimenting. The valium will cancel the methadone thus why it is used in weaning.Yes you can use benzo's but this is after the methadone is down to a very, very low level or depleted. It will expedite withdrawal. AND THIS IS IN A CLINICAL setting! If a Methadone addiction treatment center finds benzo's in you, you are toast. Benzo's at first again bring up methadone levels but than deplete them rapidly. This is how people die. BTW to the answer below our/my beloved Qtpie, And I am not playing drug doctor. Yyou misunderstood the question. I been studying opiates and have been on them longer than Doctors been in medical school, plus all the training and reading in the world cannot prepare you for what the horrors of physical withdrawal dependence induces on anyone. The users and people that are on this stuff are the real DRUG doctors. And again the question is mixing the two, which indicates to me, this person wants the benefits of both meds in a experimenatl scenario. It does not work that way. I don't rip up people's answers don't rip up mine.. This forum suxx. What the hell do you want me to say? It's okay to mix valium and methadone in your home after a hard days work (To eat them so they can CHILL out?) So this person can drop dead? It is a totally safe mixture? She did not indicate she was in a re-hab, if she was I assume she would not be asking on Yahoo. Thus I can assume this question meant in the recreational sense! Not while in a Methadone program. Or in a methadone treatment center. You must remember HARMD (Helping America reducing methadone deaths) was started by a doctor under the arrogant assumption that he knew everything : giving a Methadone patient Klonopin. Well the patients is dead and had this woman's husband had read mine and Qtpie's answer first, he would still be alive. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it. All you medical professionals think you know everything, you don't. A doctor would not say this is okay."

qtpie20121 replied: "OMG, I can't believe some of these answers! Yes, Methadone & Valium Is Deadly and Yes he will be caught! They test for a variety of drugs at the clinics and Benzodiazepines (at any level) will get you kicked out of the program. Considering that it takes 30 days to get out of your system then he has pretty much ruined his chances of using the clinic to get clean. Some clinics will allow benzodiazepines under a doctors script provided he is aware the patient is in MMT but the clinic MUST be informed before hand. Also, the clinics that allow this are few and far between these days. In Ky, you cannot even start the program if you test positive for benzos until your urine is negative for it. If you test + after that they start dropping your dose until you are clear 1st offense and 2cd offense is permanent detox."

Ginny replied: "Diazepam is used with methadone and for people getting off, or trying to get off methadone all the time. Klonapine and Xanex are also used all the time,,, as long as a doctor is the one instructing you to take the valium don't worry,, he knows your entire health profile. Yes they can be deadly if used in dosages higher than prescribed but doctors know what they are doing a lot more than a bunch of people on Yahoo trying to play drug doctor. Look into the detox program if you are ready to get off opiates and do not want to use methadone as a substitute."

Buck Rogers replied: "It is never safe to mix a benzodiazepine (Valium, Klonopin) with an opioid, let alone a strong, long-acting one with a low therapeutic index (the ratio of Lethal Dose to the Effective Dose), like Methadone. Nobody can really say whether he will have a bad reaction to it or not, but if he has a low tolerance to benzos, there's a heavy risk of respiratory depression. (If you are weaning off of methadone, or you are in withdrawal, then probably yes. )"

I have a question about Valium? I'm trying to understand why some people would take Valium for recreational purposes and not for a real condition. Any info would be awesome. I'd appreciate if it were along the lines of how it feels to take it and not the generic answers! Thanks :)

Baby Boy Due Feb♥ replied: "because it gets you high."

Michelle replied: "valium is for anxiety so when people use it recreationally it's usually cos their shy and nervous and need it to chill or to fit in at a party"

LadyLynn replied: "valium makes you feel very relaxed. if you take a lot, it makes you feel giddy. just another way to get a buzz. ;[ broken arm. typing one-handed. sorry....."

cynica replied: "Can make people feel incredibly relaxed and stress free with out a care in the world."

what is more abused, xanax or valium?? for recreational purposes?? xanax or valium??

WhiteLine Express replied: "both..sad but true.. doctors do not prescribe valium much xanax is the new drug of choice... if we could get doctors to prescribe it to those who actually need it on a legitimate basis only, we wouldnt have these problems in society.. people are too good at being con artists"

~~Eat Fish~~ replied: "Xanax, only because physicians rarely prescribe Valium anymore (dammit!)"

Does Valium have similar effects to taking Ecstasy ? I used to be a recreational drug user of xtc but I found that it made me very irritable and my muscles used to always cramp up. I find that if I have a valium, it has the same effects but it doesn't have the bad side effects. What's everyone's opinion ? Mikidiki

fifanaet replied: "I am not a fool, you know?"

Valentina V replied: "Valium is used for relaxation. Many people are using it when they cannot sleep or have headache. Used for a long time it can give dependence. Ecstasy is a stimulant for the nervous system."

jsuffianaz replied: "well, yes..but not as intense as extacy does..valium is a drug which is a benzodiazepine derivative. It possesses anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative, skeletal muscle relaxant and amnestic properties. This makes it a useful drug for treating anxiety, insomnia, seizures, alcohol withdrawal, and ofcourse, your muscle spasms. It is also used before certain medical procedures to reduce tension and anxiety, and in some surgical procedures to induce amnesia.Valium will cause drowsiness and may cause dizziness. . be careful, cause valium can be habit-forming or addictive. You may experience withdrawal symptoms if you stop using this drug abruptly.."

koata replied: "Use neither , why do you want to destroy yourself?"

mark f replied: "Strange because they are completely different drugs. Sounds like you are experiencing paradoxical effects from the valium like agitation. It usually calms a person down. If you use valium regulalry you can become super addicted to it and I don't mean so much psychologically, I mean physically with severe physical withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, shaking, seizures, psychosis. It can be a nightmare to detox someone off sedative hypnotic drugs like valium and often takes months and moths even a year or more to get someone off teh stuff. Be careful."

If I have a family history of liver problems, what are my chances of hanving one when I am older? My uncle on my dad's side died of liver cancer, along with my dad's aunt. My uncle was in a serious car accident when I was young, and had to take painkillers for quite some time. The doctors believe that that was the cause of the cancer. I'm not sure of the reason why my aunt got it, but she was not an alcholic or anything. If I partake in recreational drug use [morphine, soma, coke, ecstasy, valium, mushrooms] and drink about a 12 pack a week, what are my chances of devloping liver problems later on?

Kimmy replied: "For real? Even without the family history I'd say your chances are pretty good!"

netti2nite replied: "I would say that if you have a family history of liver problems, chances are pretty darn good that you will too. What you need to do is make sure that you avoid things that will affect your liver, which also is your blood. That means living healthy, avoid drinking and drugs which get into the blood and help to destroy an already weakened liver."

tootsieroller1823 replied: "The chances are there as they are for everyone but when there are genetic traites you really need to take care of yourself to slim down the possiblities. it doesnt mean to stop living your life but you need to slow it down on the drugs and drinking and maintain a healthy diet with regular exercise"

brianna replied: "well, i'm so sorry about your family, truely you do have a chance of cancer and such, but dont worry about it rigfht now have fun and enjoy yourself. BE YOUNG!!!!!!!"

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