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Vicodin In Early Pregnancy
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Vicodin In Early Pregnancy in Questions
Has anyone ever taken vicodin in early pregnancy? I am 10 weeks pregnant and my Dr. prescribed me vicodin for migraine headaches. He says that it is ok but im still nervous about taking it. It helps my headaches so much but i try to take it as less as possible. What I would like to know is if anybody else has taken vicodin while pregnant (specifically in early pregnancy) and if there baby is ok.

expecting4/24/09 replied: "One of my close friends took it for a slipped disc in her back during her entire pregnancy and she had a healthy baby boy who is 3 now and doing great! So I wouldnt worry if I were you, just dont take more than necessary. The Dr. wouldnt have given it to you if it was unsafe."

MK replied: "Yes, I have for the same reason, although I really try not to take it if I can avoid it. There isn't any proof that it harms the baby, but there's not much saying it can't either. Just make sure you don't take more than prescribed or the baby could come out addicted. Although if you get migraine headaches that are really bad, you should see a neurologist, not just a physician. Migraine headaches can actually cause nerve damage and Vicodin and other pain killers don't fix the problem they just mask the pain."

Percocet and Vicodin in early pregnancy? I got into a car accident and had a broken shoulder blade so I was prescribed pain meds: I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was a month along, and I found out I was pregnant with twins at 6 1/2 weeks. I was about 2 weeks pregnant and for the whole two weeks I was taking percoset in the beginning and then two types of vicodin. I took 2 vicodin's every 4 hours, and percoset 3-4 times a day, I took over the recommended dosage and I know it was not a good idea but I was in so much pain and couldn't sleep, and now I really know it wasn't but it has got me really worried about my pregnancy, and if everything is alright. I go in to take tests for my 12 week [i'm 9 weeks and 3 days today] To check if the baby's might have down syndrome or other types of birth defects. I am a worried wreck.. Please help me out??

Pippin replied: "Narcotics are generally catagory C for pregnancy -- safe to use if truly needed. The main risk of narcotics is if they are taken in large doses close to term, they can cause baby to be born dependent on the drugs. But at 2-3 weeks, this isn't a concern. Downs Symdrome is a genetic disorder that occurs at the instant of conception and is a result of damage to the egg itself. Using vicodin does not cause it, nor will vicodin cause any other birth defects."

ginas replied: "Don't worry, but stop taking anything now that you know you are pregnant. Did you talk to your doctor? They should be able to reassure you. My sister in law took percoset all throughout her pregnancy. Her doctor told her she preferred she didn't take it but could if she had too. She was in an accident years ago and still in pain. Her baby was born in July, perfectly healthy. You and baby will be fine, don't worry. A lot of women drink and take pills without knowing they are pregnant and everything turns out fine."

Elizabeth replied: "they will be fine! they aren't even considered a fetus until 8 weeks. I was drinking until I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks and my daughter is fine. I even told the doctor and he said not to worry about anything as long as you stopped when you found out you were pregnant. I was also prescribed vicodin when I was 7 months pregnant for kidney stones. Also down syndrome is a chromosomal is totally genetic and can't be caused by outside sources."

jessitreasures replied: "On the percocet i do not know, but i was prescribed vicoden for the duration of my pregnancy due to a prior car accident and my dr. said i was ok to take it as needed but not after 33 weeks pregnant.. So even tho you took more then the dr. prescribed my dr. said the only way vicoden causes problems are if you are taking it or have taken it with 24 hours at the time of the baby's birth, the baby will need oxygen. So you should not worry about that, and even tho I do not know personally about percocet i believe infants are born with problems from narcotics when the mother is abusively taking them threw out the entire pregnancy the the baby has withdrawls from the drug and issues like that.."

Momma Betsy replied: "I think you will be fine. Just don't take it more than needed. I'm 33 weeks pregnant and was given vicodin for gallstone attacks and the Dr. just switched it me to percocet because the vicodin wasn't helping. The Dr. said as long as it's only taken as needed and not multiple times a day then everything will be fine so everything should be okay. Once you get a sonogram you will feel so much better!"

Is vicodin safe in early pregnancy? I just found out today that I am pregnant.My dr. prescribed me vicodin last week for a knee injury and since it is the weekend I cant get ahold of her to ask if it is still okay to take.Does anyone know??

mom♥3 replied: "Vicodin is safe during pregnancy during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. My Obgyn prescribed it for me for kidney stones. Call a 24 hour pharmacy near you and ask the pharmascist tonight if your worried. Tell them how far along you are and the streangth of the vicodin."

doodlebug1703 replied: "NO. Don NOT take that. Its too strong of a drug for people who are pregnant. It can really hurt the baby."

mominohio replied: " gives you a place to look for a list of drugs and what catagory they are considered. I know Tylenol is the only approved pain medicine but you can look up vicodin and see what it says as well as any other meds you are wondering about. I would call the Dr first thing in the morning though. Another site to look at is"

Sunny B replied: "Here is a good site that explains: "

Mommy to Wyatt replied: "They prescribed me vicodin at 28 weeks for pain from a ear infection and said that as long as I was out of my of my 1st trimester that it was fine. But they would only recommend me taking it at night when I absolutely needed it"

cookie8474 replied: "from what im told, its not okay, especially in the early weeks when the major organ developement is happening. stop taking it immediately. if you can wait for your doc, call your local pharmacist and say, "i accidentally took this medication while im pregnant, do you think it will be alright or do you think i need to call poison controll or somthing?" this way the pharmacist will give you a good answer on exactly how bad it is for you. If you just call and say, "should i take this" they always say no, but whenever i have a question, i ask, "ive accidentally taken this, what will it do" and they give me a better answer. and it takes the worry off my mind til i can see my doc."

deeann replied: "Even if it turns out that they recommend you not take it for safety reasons, you should still be okay if you've taken it. My sister was/is actually addicted to it, and was taking several on a daily basis for the first 8 weeks of her pregnancy. She had her baby 4 weeks ago and he is absolutely perfect!"

Vicodin during first trimester of pregnancy? I am 8 weeks pregnant and was given a prescription for vicodin for severe shoulder pain that keeps me from having any arm motion and sleeping. The "doc in the box" said I needed a steriod shot from an orthopedic specialist to reduce inflammation because he couldn't give me pills for that. But that the Vicodin is ok for the the pain relief and a category B drug which is safe for the baby. Even though the info sheet that came with the script says it's a category C along with research I've done online. I am scared about taking it and seeing as it's Saturday, I can't call my OB to ask for 2 more days. The pain is excruciating, but I don't want to put my baby at risk. What I would like to know is if anybody else has taken vicodin while pregnant (specifically in early pregnancy) and if their baby is ok.

dee a replied: "My sister was given both Vicodin and Percocet during her last pregnancy once in her 1st trimester and then again in her third because she had a really severe back injury and her baby came out completely healthy and normal. I don't think the doctor would give you something that would be harmful to the baby, but then again there are some real quacks out there and you never know. If you are really worried talk to you OB to ease your mind. Good Luck!"

Is it over yet? replied: "Weird... I've never run into these questions... and suddenly there's two of them today. Vicodin is not a catagory B drug, its catagory C, it is NOT recommended for pregnancy according to the FDA Page five, the 5th paragraph. ESPECIALLY in early pregnancy. There's not been testing done on it in pregnancy, and they do NOT let you deliver with it in your system as it causes respiratory distress in the newborn. I dont know WHY doctors would be giving this drug to pregnant women- the only time it should be used is in the very mots extreme conditions- where the suffering of the mother is literally putting her pregnancy at risk. A lot of women get these pills and take them PNR once in a great while- but there still is not any study tracking any ill effects. There ARE alternatives which can be quite effective- acupuncture can honestly and truly do wonders- I didnt believe it, i have a crushed disk, but with my first pregnancy I refused pain meds and tried it out of desperation. After just three visits my pain was so diminished I could function, sleep, and breathe!"

4 weeks to go replied: "I was taking it before i found out i was pregnant with my first and she came out just fine.But after i found out i was pregnant i didnt take it no more.My midwife told me that it was okay to take it once in a while during pregnancy"

Ivy replied: "A Class C drug is NOT safe during pregnancy,especialy in the first trimester when miscarrige is so easy to have. All Class C drugs can cause misscarrige and birth defects. I wouldnt touch it with a ten foot pole."

misstf replied: "i'm in my last year of nursing school, so i may be able to shed some light.... vicodin is a class c, and what that means is "animal studies have shown an adverse effect on fetus, but adequate studies haven't been conducted in pregnant women. The benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite risks." what that means is there isn't enough information to know what will or won't happen in human pregnant women. it's a risk/benefit decision. if you can handle the pain, try to, otherwise take the vicodin. there's nothing saying that birth defects will occur if you take a class c medication; there just isn't enough information from research. when we don't know what will happen in pregnancy because of lack of research, a medication is automatically given a class c. and always, talk with your doctor to discuss the risks and benefits. hope this helps!"

Will vicodin harm a pregnancy? I have been taking vicodin for back pain the last few days. Four 750's every night. I don't think I am pregnant but there is a possibility. If I am will this have harmed or terminated the pregnancy? It would be a very early one, no more than a week .

Linz replied: "well I know i had extreme lower Abdo pain before i knew i was pregnant and i told the DR. that i thought i could be and he said that it wouldn't harm the pregnancy and in the highly unlikely event it would result in miscarriage."

happybee replied: "Yes vicodin can do a lot of harm early on in a pregnancy. I know a girl that started taking vicodin after she found out she was pregnant inorder to have a miscarriage and it worked."

starfire978 replied: "According to the website for vicoden it does say not to use during pregnancy. However I was prescribed that for a cracked tooth and my OB approved it. The thing is is alot of medications are considered safe at some times during pregnancy and at other times not depending on what stage of development the baby is at. Your best bet is to call your ob/gyn and ask them."

vicki k replied: "My friend is due any day now and has taken vicodin all throughout her pregnancy, prescribed by her ob doctor. She takes 3-4 per day for a herniated disc. He says it does not effect the baby with these dosages."

Rachel J replied: "The Food and Drug Administration has put Vicodin in category C. This category includes any and all drugs which have not been tested in pregnancies therefore the effects of the drug on newborns have not been determined. The FDA does ensure a warning to breastfeeding mothers telling them that Vicodin does pass into breast milk, which can have adverse effects on nursing babies."

Jennifer replied: "At this point, the embryo is so tiny that the chance of any negative side effects due to medications (other than a few very specific ones... Vicodin is not on that list) is minimal. I wouldn't worry too much about that, but if you do find out that you're pregnant, you'll want to discuss it with your doctor to be on the safe side, but most likely, he or she will tell you the same thing. A lot of times, women take medications for weeks before they realize they're pregnant, and some even have to continue taking them throughout the duration of their pregnancies for medical reasons, with no ill effects on the baby."

swtkalijewelz replied: "Pregnancy + Vicodin (hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen tablets, USP) Teratogenic Effects: Pregnancy Category C. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. VICODIN Tablets should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Nonteratogenic Effects: Babies born to mothers who have been taking opioids regularly prior to delivery will be physically dependent. The withdrawal signs include irritability and excessive crying, tremors, hyperactive reflexes, increased respiratory rate, increased stools, sneezing, yawning, vomiting, and fever. The intensity of the syndrome does not always correlate with the duration of maternal opioid use or dose. There is no consensus on the best method of managing withdrawal. Labor and Delivery: As with all narcotics, administration of VICODIN Tablets to the mother shortly before delivery may result in some degree of respiratory depression in the newborn, especially if higher doses are used. Nursing Mothers: Acetaminophen is excreted in breast milk in small amounts, but the significance of its effects on nursing infants is not known. It is not known whether hydrocodone is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from hydrocodone and acetaminophen, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother."

forusall replied: "many over the counter meds and prescription meds are unsafe while pregnant.....if you are in the first tri mester, the baby has a much higher chance of being effected by any medication....even tylenol....that much vicodin sounds like alot and i would call your doctor and ask them what they think....never mind that, call a pharmacist...doctors do not usually know very much about the drugs they are prescribing....the pharmacist will definitely know"

Is taking vicodin safe during pregnancy? Hello I have a question about vicodin and pregnancy... no judgement please... just some insight. I have taken vicodin various times in my pregnancy. I didnt take anything at all in the first trimester, but I took a bit early in my 2nd trimester due to a tooth extraction. Then again I was put on it near the end of my 2nd trimester for headahces and I am now 36 weeks pregnant and my dr. put me on it again due to headaches and backaches and a toothache. I have been taking it for about the last 3 weeks. I just stopped a couple days ago becasue I dont want my baby to go through withdrawls... but I am terrified I hurt the baby and caused birth defects, I have done endless research on vicodin during pregnancy but there really isnt much so I would like some insight from people who have been put on this drug during pregnancy. I am really worried, please any one who has had personal experiences with this please let me know. Thank you so much!

Logan and Ella's Mommy replied: "It's a Class C drug which means they aren't sure what the effect is on the baby. Your doctor would not have given you something unless the benifits outweighed the risks."

Vasara replied: "If you doctor prescribed it to you, it should be fine. He wouldnt give you something that would harm your unborn child. After all, he is a professional doctor and knows what he is doing. It would be a different story if you were abusing it and were not prescribed to it and taking it excessively. That could have some side effects. A friend of mine was taking it for awhile during her pregnancy, with a prescription from her doctor, and her baby is almost 3 and doing perfectly fine."

? replied: "Better talk to the Doctor whom you are consulting for your pregnancy."

im a goonie replied: "I did too. I also had some teeth problems while I was pregnant. The doc wanted me to take something else, but I actually cannot take asperin, or ibuprofin, or even regular tylenol, I have some pretty bad stomach issues too. The vicodin works for me. And the doc said it was ok. But the thing is moderation. Only take it when absolutely necessary. And always with lots and lots and I do mean LOTS of water or other fluids. And take with a small meal as well. SO it will help your body to process it. How many do you take in a day? One or two is not so bad. I know some people will have their pantys in a bunch about any medication during pregnancy."

Nymphy replied: "No, it's not safe to take while pregnant. I would talk to another doctor, I had a friend that doctor did that gave that to her as well and it ended in her having a miscarriage. The doctor she went to during the mc said that she should have not been given that. I wish you the best of luck!"

Huyjnbgh replied: "Are u pregnant or want to confirm if u r pregnant Or worried about pregnancy problems Here`s the answer to all ur pregnancy questions u ll get information regarding all pregnancy doubts and questions"

Early pregnancy? Baby size? Last night I was having severe cramping & spotting, I went to the ER & they said I had a threatened miscarriage. They did blood work, ultrasound, & gave me a prescription for vicodin (which I'm not taking) for the pain. After all that was done, they told me my baby was perfectly fine & everything was okay. My last period was December 11th, 2008. So I was counting myself being around 6 weeks 4 days or so, counting from the first day of my last period. The doctor told me the baby was measuring around 5 weeks 5 days. So, Idk if that means my baby is measure a week smaller than it should be? Or, if perhaps he was counting from the time of ovulation where my baby would be measuring about a week bigger? I didnt have my mind about me to ask, I was more concerned with the fact that my baby was okay & healthy. I was wondering if anyone knew what was meant? or how he came to that age? Or if they've had a similar situation. Thanks<3

Trevon O replied: "Speaking of babies, have you noticed this baby photograph competition web resource? All you do is type in your email details, send your baby's photograph and you're in the hat for netting 2.5 grand - each month!!"

Angel Taviyn & Tanner due 4/5/09 replied: "i think it depends they doc go by what the book so if the book says the baby should weigh this amount its give or take ...they told me that too when i was 9 weeks that i was measureing 7 ...well now im measureing too big and im 30 weeks what do they kno? everybaby is diff as is every mom ....."

*Twins due 7/16!* replied: "I had this happen last year and it turned out that the baby had died and stopped growing which is why it didn't measure right. However, with this pregnancy I was told my baby was measuring a week and a half behind but went in a week later and the measurements were exactly a week after the last ultrasound, so I had just ovulated very late and everything was fine. They take in consideration the day of your last menstrual period and don't go by ovulation date. This early in pregnancy it's always a waiting game- you won't really know how things are going until you go in for your next ultrasound or they draw blood every 48 hours for HCG testing. Good luck and best wishes!"

Whitney replied: "early sonograms are the best way to detect the babies age so maybe you are just 5 weeks. i thought i was 10 weeks and i turned out to be 8 on my first sonogram. turns out my period that was suppose to come just was a little late. good luck with your pregnancy!! and congrats!!"

Monica replied: "Sometimes they just misjudge what age you baby is. when they do the ultrasound to see the baby they can be more sure about it's age based on its size and development. You baby is probably just younger then they had originally thought."

Stomach pain during early pregnancy..? i've had severe and chronic stomach pain all of my life. it has been so bad in the last few years, i've went to the ER hundreds of times and they've admitted me a few other times. they chalked it up for megacolon and IBS, possibly IBD. they can't really diagnosis it, and they've been looking for years. i have to take vicodin at least once a day to manage the pain, because it's so severe that i can't handle it. i just found out i'm pregnant, and i know you aren't supposed to take pain pills.. but, this pain is so severe, i don't know what i'm going to do.. any advice/help?!

skye replied: "paracetamol is safe during pregnancy u need 2 talk 2 yr midwife or doctor about it n see what is safe for u and baby"

Hydrocodone During Pregnancy..? Hello I have a question about vicodin and pregnancy... no judgement please... just some insight. I have taken vicodin various times in my pregnancy. I didnt take anything at all in the first trimester, but I took a bit early in my 2nd trimester due to a tooth extraction. Then again I was put on it near the end of my 2nd trimester for headahces and I am now 36 weeks pregnant and my dr. put me on it again due to headaches and backaches and a toothache. I have been taking it for about the last 3 weeks. I just stopped a couple days ago becasue I dont want my baby to go through withdrawls... but I am terrified I hurt the baby and caused birth defects, I have done endless research on vicodin during pregnancy but there really isnt much so I would like some insight from people who have been put on this drug during pregnancy. I am really worried, please any one who has had personal experiences with this please let me know. Thank you so much!

God answers all questions replied: "when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb."

3 weeks pregnant with a question? I found out yesterday that I am pregnant. Really excited. However, I have a pre-existing condition, a gallstone that was found during my first pregnancy. I was in such pain yesterday at 4am that I took half of a Vicodin for it, and now I'm really freaking out and very angry with myself. Vicodin was prescribed for my gallstone during my first pregnancy, but I was nearly in my second trimester. Now I'm worried that I shouldn't have taken half of one last night when I'm so early in this pregnancy. Anyone have any experiences with taking Vicodin early in the pregnancy? I'm so mad that I didn't just deal with the pain.

baby due 10.12.2009 <3 replied: "vicodin is just a stronger form of tylenol. i took a full pill a couple days before i found out i was pregnant because of a severe headache (impacted wisdom teeth). im almost 37 weeks along and everything is perfect! baby always has a strong heartbeat, developmentally sound, according to my ultrasound on wednesday i have good amniotic fluid levels and the baby weighs 6 pounds 2 ounces.. so im on track to have a healthy baby! i asked about it and they said it was fine, even though i took it while she was developing. just dont take any more until the doctor says its ok! good luck!"

married 4 life replied: "you need to check with your current dr. to make sure that's ok to take ,because this is different pregnancy from your last, but just make sure."

~dark fairy~ replied: "I dont think you are going to hurt anything. They say technically your aren't supposed to take any meds if you can help it in your first trimester, but i had to go to the hospital at around 5 weeks and they gave me 2 doses of tylenol. knowing i was pregnant...and everything is ok! good luck"

Amber C replied: "Okay. Let me first say that I am NOT a drug addict. However, I too have gallstones. I also have not got a tooth in my face that isn't rotten to the core(thanks to no medical insurance) My son is now 20 months old. I took vicodin for both my teeth and my gallstones while I was pregnant. Not on a daily basis. But maybe one a week. The doctors told me it was fine. there was almost NO chance of him being affected by it. I wouldn't worry if I were you."

Amber replied: "Freaking out and stressing yourself if probably more dangerous than the vicodin was. When I was pregnant with my son, I had recently been in a car accident. I was on pain pills, muscle relaxers, had several xrays, etc. I didn't know that I was pregnant at the time. Everything was fine. In fact, my son is now 13 and a genius. If you only took the one vicodin, it's not going to hurt your baby. Just don't take anymore and relax. However, you do need to address the gallstone and your level of pain with your doc soon so that you can come up with a way to control it. Worst case cenario, my best friend had to have her gallbladder removed in her 2nd trimester. If you have to have surgery, the 2nd trimester is the safest time to do it because you are past the risky 1st trimester for miscarriage and before the 3rd when you could go into early labor."

Chella- Raelynn's due in Sep replied: "I took vicodin too early in pregnancy for something, before i knew i was pregnant. I would just call your OB, and tell them about this asap. congrats!"

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