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Will Popping Your Knuckles Cause Arthritis Resource in Q&A
does popping your knuckles really cause arthritis? Or is it an old wives tale told by people who don't like the noise?

Gerrrrr replied: "pretty sure its a wives tail"

C H replied: "I don't know for sure but I can't imagine it's good for them."

wmayers99 replied: "Recent studies suggest that popping one's knuckles is not detrimental to your joint health, but can be deadly to your interpersonal relationships - I've seen people (like my father) go off the deep end over the annoyance of a person they can't avoid - like a co-worker - who constantly cracks his knuckles. Lucky for the guy who set my father off - he could run faster than Dad, who would'a made a pretzel outa the guy if he'd caught him!"

Does popping/cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?? And if so, any tips on stopping this habit?? thanks! =] OK, thank you all!!

daniel m replied: "nope, just an old wives tale!!!"

Lauren 101 replied: "im glad you asked cuz i need to know 2 im in a really bad habit of it lol i will give you a star on this question"

rico suave replied: "im not sure but i know that booty clappin causes erections"

THOMAS A replied: "NO. But it does lead to tendon damage and weakening of grip. also it may lead to curving of fingers."

Don replied: "No it will not, you are removing air bubbles in the joint, this will not influence whether or not you develop arthritis."

Mike T replied: "nope!"

krazykhrystyne replied: "Cracking or Popping your knuckles will do absolutely NO harm to you or your fingers. The only thing you are doing is hearing the "pop" of air released between joints. So pop away if you choose! But if you want to stop, the only cure I know of is willpower! :o)"

PongSmart replied: "try this link PongSmart *don't forget to vote me the best answer, ok"

Lena replied: "I do this alot. I've heard many people tell me to stop or I'll get arthritis. I've asked several Dr.'s and they told me that it does not necessarily lead to arthritis. In my case I have a condition that actually causes me to get bubbles in the fluid in my joints and I pretty much have to crack just about every joint in my body or they stiffen up so I can't move. The cracking sound you hear is the bursting of the air bubble/pocket in the joint. I've had this now for about 30 years and no signs of arthritis at all."

Tom replied: "No it isn't good for your joints though"

♥♠~Jade~♠♥ ♪♫♪♫♠♣♦♂♀§‼ replied: "There is no evidence that cracking one's knuckles can cause arthritis directly. However, repeated injury of a joint or repeatedly causing it to swell can injure the cartilage and potentially lead to degenerative joint disease. i use to do it all the time i just stop doin it once my family told me to stop"

Paul replied: "No."

Nikki Ann replied: "No, it doesn't cause arthritis."

sharon w replied: ".When your body is making abnormal sounds and you hear popping and cracking sounds,I would guess that that isn't a good sign! The joints are protected by a membrane and small amount of fluid called synovial fluid and membrane sac.That's there to protect bone ends from rubbing together and wearing down the bone by grating motion and friction.Wearing down the joint protection,sets up inflammatory responses of the body,causing lifelong joint problems.When you find yourself doing this,stop and do something else,or wear a pair of gloves? I really don't know how to stop this bad habit,other than just stopping it. Take care . SW FNP"

Loxe replied: "My mom used to be a firm believer that it does not. And she used to pop her knuckles all the time. Now she is 52, and has arthritis in both hands quite severely. She says that while she doesn't think it causes the arthritis itself... She thinks it causes it to manifest earlier, and helps it progress at a faster rate than it would normally. The damage you do to each finger, may be temporary...but it does accumulate over time. So i guess if you think you'll be one of the lucky few who never develops arthritis in their lifetime...then you'll be fine. But those are odds that aren't stacked in most peoples favor."

Becca replied: "I'm not qute sure if you do get arthritis, but I can tell you that your fingers will most likely get crooked, it might not happen to you but I've seen it happen to one of my uncles. Eww!"

SUE ELLEN replied: "Some doctors will tell you it does and others will tell you it doesn't. but I know that from personal experience it will cause your knuckles to get bigger and if you are a girl it will cause you to have manly looking hands when you are older"

Can popping your Knuckle cause arthritis? I was wondering, because everyone is saying it does, and doesn't. So im confused, All i do is Wrap one of my hands into a fist, and push into the palm of the other hand to make it pop. Its a very bad habbit I've been doing for several years now.

Nick H replied: "it has not been Medically proven. the doctor i work for is a D.O. and tells me that all the time."

pete p replied: "I have told yes and plus your knuckles get bigger."

James S replied: "no it can't"

whisper2_2000 replied: "I am 30 and have popped my knuckles for yrs. I am starting to notice that they are getting larger. But no pain. My grandmother always told me that popping them can cause problems. It really is hard to stop doing. I hope it is just an old wise tell."

Kira replied: "It has not been really proven: "Don't listen to those people that tell you cracking your knuckles will cause you to have arthritis. At this point it's just a speculation, not wild, but certainly not founded on anything but misconceptions. All you're doing is playing with the physiology and chemistry of your body a bit. There are good and bad sides to this. Here's a rather complete site if you want to read more (which keeps me from typing it all out): howstuffworks." "This is an old wife's tale that has been debunked many times. The crackling sound when you 'crack' your knuckles is just the release of gases (nitrogen if I recall) back into your bloodstream. No one has ever shown that this is in any way harmful but it can be annoying if done habitually. That's probably why the athritis story originated, an annoyed parent wanted to scare his kids into stopping the practice. " "

Silly-of-nilly replied: "Oh gawd! I hope not! I’ve been doing it for years and i still have elegant lady like hands :). but yes its a bad bad habit"

Gabe M replied: "No actually. It can be quite beneficial to your health because it releases air that builds up in your knuckles over time."

andrea c replied: "that's what i heard"

pat l replied: "Scientific not proven but each time you pop your knuckle you are pushing synovial fluid away from the joint, in time the joint can become stiff and enlarged"

izzymobellababy replied: "Nope. All cracking your knuckles does is release gas build up between the joints and has nothing to do with arthritis. P.S.: The cracking of knuckles is nothing compaired to the abuse the joints go through in every day normal use."

CountryGirlygirl replied: "No! When you pop your Knuckles it is just two of your bones popping an air pocket inside your joint. It causes no harm. I have been told for years that it would cause arthritis or make my knuckles big but it doesnt."

Does popping your knuckles and back really cause arthritis ? i want 2 no if this really causes arthritis and why

hdbabey88 replied: "NO!"

nickemt702 replied: "No it doesn't. The cracking you're hearing is the popping of little bubbles of synovial fluid within your joints. In the only study performed on cracking knuckles, MD's found no signs of arthritis, but did find evidence of soft tissue damage and decreased grip strength. I've cracked my joints since I was a little kid, I'm in my 20's now and have no adverse effects."

Badash replied: "No it just annoys people which is why they tell you that."

emily b replied: "The jury is still out, but the consensus is no. It is not damaging unless it hurts. It is nitrogen leaving your joint, and is called cavitation. It is not grinding or snapping the bones together, so it does not cause arthritis."

Megan M replied: "No, but I do think that it's bad for you, however I'm not paying attention b/c I do it too."

Will popping your joints cause arthritis? Are there other negative/positive side effects of joint popping? Is there a difference, effects wise between popping, say, your knuckles vs. your spine? or knees? or wrists?

Icy gazpacho replied: "People say that it causes arthritis... but from what I have read, that is a myth. I have arthritis whihc is suspected to be caused by a sporting injury that didnt heal properly. Nobody really knows what causes arthritis. Popping your joints is not adviseable because you have got any idea what you are doing. You can do tissue damage and tendonitis."

:^) replied: "I am not a doctor, but as far as I know, popping your knuckles son't give you arthritis. Sometimes if you have a sore finger, it stops the pain a little if you pop it. The sound that you hear when you pop a knuckle is a nitrogen bubble popping in the joint."

Mary B replied: "i was told that popping joints actually will prevent arthritis....?? Not sure tho...... something about releasing nitrogen bubbles or something not sure hey!"

KittyKat replied: "Positive ~ you get instant relief Negative ~ you develop arthritis when you get older, you are in a lot of pain and wish you were young again so you wouldn't be so uncomfortable Negative ~ many times if the damage is bad enough when you get older, you need surgery to correct problems. Many times it involves fusion of the spine if it's severe enough; ankle, hip and knee replacements, etc. Don't pop. You will probably have arthritis when you get older anyway but you will only make it worse and make it come on sooner by popping your joints. I did alot of typing through the years at work and now have pain in my fingers and wrists from all the pounding on the typewriters and later on the computer keyboards. I do not have carpal tunnel (and I'm in my 50s) because I refuse to use the wrist rests ~ we were always taught to keep our palms OFF the table/etc so the fingers could move freely and prevent problems in the arms. Plus, it's annoying to others who have to listen to the popping ~ lol"

Cracking your knuckles doesnt cause arthritis? I read in a book that cracking your fingers and knuckles doesnt cause arthritis at all. It said that its caused by a tiny sac filled with bubbles that pop when you pull your finger. I have a bad habit of cracking so yeah i was just wondering. ( To be more specific, the book was an Uncle Johns Bathroom Reader)

dares2cares replied: "It is absolutely correct that cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis. They are correct. To give an example of what happens, think of those sucker darts. When they are shot out of the toy gun they stick to the wall. When you pull them off the wall you hear a "pop". If you touch the wall, it is probably slightly moist. In the same way, your joints get pressed together and that sack gets pushed together. When you pull on your knuckles (you should always pull straight out), the gas is released and it makes that "popping" sound. I really wish you the best"

does cracking your knuckles really cause arthritis? I have this habit of popping my fingers and if it don't it really starts feeling annoying. I heard from many ppl that if we crack our knuckles we can get arthritis... is this true? And our there any other bad things we can get because of cracking our knuckles?

An0nym0us mAn1Ac replied: "No."

animal luver replied: "only if u crack them in a certain way"

kidwiththeshirt replied: "no it's a myth started by people who find that sound annoying."

dynoboy5000 replied: "That is a myth. It is relatively harmless. "False. Depending on your point of view, knuckle-popping sounds disgusting or cool. There is no evidence that cracking your knuckles inflames the joints and leads to arthritis. The cracking causes the bones to pull apart, forming a gas bubble and breaking the adhesive seal in the joint. Crack! About a quarter of the people in the U.S. crack their knuckles and might begin to lose their grip a little. Constant cracking can weaken the fingers.""

Julie S replied: "no is my opinion but maybe yes cause i think my has it"

Masseur_at_Play replied: "knuckles pop and crack when they have pressure built up inside of them, this means that your posture is off balance somewhere (I can't pop or crack my knuckles as I have no pressure there to relieve), the act of popping/cracking them isn't going to lead to arthritis, but being off balanced and having pressure built up in the joints may"

james d replied: "yes this causes your metacarpals to form fluids between them (this is where arthritis is called , inflammation of the joints)."

Squeezit Lizardbiscuits replied: "No. like crossing your eyes won't get them stuck forever. Cracking knuckles might give you arthtitis in your ears, though. I think it's already happened to me...Owwww!!"

Travis replied: "no"

RAWK replied: "not exactly all the time but you still shouldn't "pop" your knuckles often."

asian_rose41658 replied: "no, i asked my doctor about it and he said that it was just a myth and that cracking knuckles doesnt give any harm to ur hands or fingers or anything."

Mark replied: "That's a myth, cracking your knuckles wont cause arthritis."

are popping your knuckles bad? ok so i have always heard that popping your knuckles can cause that really true?

Lordofthedoles replied: "No."

Fresh replied: "There is speculation that this is true, but there is also speculation that popping your knuckles could decrease chances of arthritis. Neither theory has been proven. However, sometimes, popping joints of any kind may result in them getting stuck, so perhaps it's best to avoid it unless the joint is feeling stiff. Either way, you'd have to do it in extreme excess to cause an extreme effect."

★Adrian★ replied: "No, of course it doesnt. A study focused on 300 habitual knuckle crackers found no evidence linking knuckle cracking and arthritis. Chronic crackers did suffer other harm, including soft tissue damage and loss of grip strength. This damage is usually minor, however, and cracking your knuckles actually has some benefits -- you'll feel looser and enjoy more mobility in your joints immediately after popping."

Hursty replied: "poping your joits is just the relase of carbon dioxide and it can not lead to any long term problems or short term"

Finger Popping and Arthritis? Does popping your knuckles cause Arthritis? I've heard many different things: ~It causes Arthritis, because it tears up your joints. ~It prevents Arthritis, because it loosens tension and helps relax your joints. ~It doesn't affect it at all, and you people are crazy. Which is true?

Jugi replied: "3"

unknown replied: "popping knuckles does not cause arthritis. It is a very common myth that has been proven wrong by the medical community. Poppin your knuckle just releases air from the joints."

Cutie P replied: "Cracking your knucles does not prevent or cause arthritis, its a myth i've been cracking my knuckles, toes, back, neck, knees for about 10 years now all thats happend to me was my fingers got a little chubby."

darkmax replied: "I've been popping my fingers for the past 30+ years and I still haven't suffer any arthritis yet. So I guess it does nothing. But it gets a uncomfortable if you do not pop it after a while."

SadieB replied: "The popping sound is gas escaping and does no harm in itself. Arthritis is not caused by this. Think about what chiropractors do. Often this is used as a way of reducing tension. However, if you pull or push on your joints to pop them it can do damage to the tendons in your hands. Habitual knuckle crackers are more likely to have hand swelling and lower grip strength attributed to stretched tendons. So it is really more about how one does this and proper technique is needed to prevent damage."

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