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Zithromax For Strep Throat Information
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Zithromax For Strep Throat Information in Q&A
Can strep throat recur after antibiotic therapy? My husband had a bad case of strep throat a week and a half ago. He was prescribed Zithromax 250 mg for 5 days. He took the medicine as prescribed and was feeling better, but now some of his symptoms are returning (sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, low-grade fever). Is it more likely that the strep has returned or that he has a different infection?

pathfinder replied: "Sure can, it is NOT a permanent cure."

michele replied: "The strep may not have been fully knocked out by the first course. Sounds like he may need another round."

Michael F replied: "Did you consider calling the doctor who prescribed the medicine, or would you prefer the advice of teenagers who don't know what strep throat is?"

Susan M replied: "He should have his throat swabbed again to see whether it's strep or not. It could be an antibiotic resistant strain. Doctors would want to know that. Does he gargle with hot salt water? That can improve a sore throat. I use a few drops of myrrh tincture in a teaspoon of water and pour it on sore areas when I have a sore throat. It works really well for me."

NurseBunny replied: "It is definately possible he has the strep infection again. The original antibiotic therapy may not have totally gotten rid of the infection, even though he felt better. Also...does he still have his tonsils? Chronic strep infections can indicate the need for tonsils to be removed. Have him see his least this way he'll have documentation and treatment should this develop into a chronic problem."

JeepJeep!!! replied: "Thats why usually the doctor will request a follow up visit in about 10 days. It is to be sure the strep is gone. They will need to do a throat culture again to know if it is strep."

Bailey R replied: "I had this same thing, only with a different illness. It was like mono (they tested me for it like four times, and I guess it was just some other infection with similar symptoms) and I had a horrendously swollen throat. I too got prescribed Zithromax and after a week or so, relapsed into symptoms even worse. It got so bad so quickly that I had to go to the triage center at my university and get a huge shot of antibiotics in the butt, and then got put on really serious pills for several weeks. I'd say he should assume that the infection has relapsed and visit the doctor and ask for something else. I'm not sure if it's coincidence, but my experience tells me that Zithromax isn't all that great of an antiobiotic if there's a serious infection... the 5-day treatment blister pack they give didn't do the trick for me."

MT K replied: "Streptococcal never leaves the body just lies dormant and can cause flare ups intermittently"

emmylappert replied: "maybe the strep isnt completely gone. Did the doctor prescribe enough antibiotic? I know that when I was on Zithromax I was on it for longer and that was after a round of Amoxicillin. (Which months later was followed by Cephlexin- another antibiotic. But my strep had gone untreated then and had entered my blood so they had to give me so much antibiotic.)"

ladida_iv replied: "You both should definitely go and get checked... My sister and her two kids kept getting strep and couldn't get rid of it. Finally they swabbed my Brother in law and found out that he was carrying it... He somehow couldn't get strep throat but was carrying it and spreading it through the family!! This could be a possibility!"

soccergirl47546 replied: "It most definitely come back. A common reason it returns after a round of antibiotics is people forget to change their toothbrush which is harboring the infection. Get another round of antibiotics, than change your toothbrush when you're done with them. Good luck."


recurrent strep throat? Has anyone ever had this, or heard of it before. I went to the doctor for a referall to another specialist when she noticed I had white spots on the back of my throat. I was immediately put on zithromax and the test came back positive for strep. I returned a week later, the white spots never went away and was put on another round of antibiotics (Keflex 500mg twice daily for 10 days) there are still some white spots back there now even after the ten day. I never once had a fever, sore throat, aches, pains, etc all that normally accompany strep. My doctor said I am asymptomatic and if it does not go away i may need my tonsils out. Is this common? or could the white spots be from something simple?

xaargh replied: "Actually, the white spots might be tonsil stones. Some people carry strep without it actually causing an infection, which might be why you tested positive. You don't necessarily have to be treated just for being a strep carrier. If you don't actually have a sore throat, look up "tonsil stones" and see if it fits the description of your white spots. You might also want to get a second opinion... this is not usually a reason to get your tonsils out, which is normally only done when a person's repeat infections cause extreme discomfort and can't be stopped any other way."

Dr who replied: "yes getting your tonsils out will cut down a strep.You might be a carrier for strep and not always hurting or sore."

My son has strep throat again, now my throat hurts.? On the 18th, my 4 year old son was diagnosed with strep throat and put on Amoxicillan. He felt better by the next day, but I continued the antibiotic for the required 10 days. His first day off of it, his throat started hurting again and he had a fever of 101. I took him to the docs, and he has strep again. Or still. What I'm curious about is if the Amoxicillan didn't treat his strep throat, how come he was symptom free up until the first day off the med? The docs put him on Zithromax and told me that this is what they do when the Amoxicillan doesn't cure it. They are also going to send a culture to our local hospital to make sure it's nothing else than strep throat. My question is that yesterday I took a sip off of his straw out of habit, and then my throat started hurting. I had my tonsils removed when I was 7 and I haven't had strep throat since. I know you can still get strep throat, just not tonsillitis. My throat feels like there is something stuck directly in the back and if I swallow hard enough, it will go away. I can't tell how the inside of my throat looks because it always looks whitish, pinkish, reddish. I do think I see a dark red spot on the upper corner of my throat though. Do I have strep more than likely? And what's the chances that it will go away without having to go to the docs? I don't have a fever, at least not that I know of...I bought the 5 second thermometer and it stopped working after a few times! Sometimes it hurts a little more than other times, but it's never so bad that I can't stand it or feel very uncomfortable. Is there a chance I could have a sore throat from him, but it NOT be strep? Lots of questions...any ideas? Thank you! PS- no other symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, coughing, watering eyes, etc. I want to thank everyone for their replies. I called my doc who was on call and she said if the sore throat gets unbearable then to go to Fast Track (ER) but I think I'll just wait til Monday. I am feeling extremely dizzy though, and when I turn my head everything goes by in slow motion then catches's a familiar feeling I get when I have a fever. :( I guess that means I shouldn't have my boyfriend over tomorrow night to watch a movie?

essentiallysolo replied: "it is more than likely you have whatever it is that he has and need to be on antibiotics too. you will find that the symptoms get worse each day, frankly I would not wait till you developed a fever."

Villes replied: "I think it is likely you have strep throat, or just a sore throat. It should be able to go away on its own, but if it presists or gets worse you might want to visit a doctor. My nephew (5years old) had the same problem he would get strep throat, be on antibotics and than seem to get better only to get it once again (they ended up removing his tonisls recently), I also sometimes got sick from him even though I have my tonsils out, but it usually goes away on it's own."

namairb2 replied: "This because you seem to be cross contaminating each other. The incubation period for any type infection is about 24-48 hours. I believe that somehow you were starting to come down with it. During this time you can contaminate anyone that drinks after you and vice versa. Now taking this into consideration, if he was recontaminated by you, before you knew you even were sick, then he has got it again. That's why the doctor gave him something different. It would not be advisable to put him on the same medication. Amoxicillin is the first line of defense to use. After that something else must be used so that your son doesn't build up a tolerance to the antibiotic and it can be used again. I would hope that you get checked out asap and get put on an antibiotic. If you are going to wait until Monday, instead of using a 24/7 After care facility or ER I can understand that some people aren't comfortable with other doctors than there own, but don't contaminate anyone else. If you need something try a fever reducer, warm tea with honey will help a sore throat too. You might also have a sore throat numbing spray handy. Please don't go out. This is how a virus or infection gets spread. Good luck and God Bless"

Recurring strep throat? About a month ago, I was diagnosed with strep throat (104 fever, chills, white cultures, the works). No strep test was given. I finished a 10 day course of Amoxicillin (500mg, 3x/day) and felt fine. Two days later, I woke up again with a high fever, difficulty swallowing, and those lovely bacteria clusters, but my strep test came back negative. My doctor thought it might be because I had so recently been on antibiotics (false negative), and prescribed a 5 day course of 500mg of Zithromax 1x/day. Today, about a week after finishing the Zithromax, I have again presented the same symptoms. I'm headed to the doctor in the morning to get a strep test, but i'm curious: Is putting all this stress on my body really healthy? Is it normal (or dangerous?) to have strep so often? Should I have my tonsils removed? Besides strep, what else could this possibly be?

JAY replied: "too complicated"

In God We Trust replied: "YOU should get back to your "trusted doctor." Then, after appropriate examination, your doctor should be able to resolve this problem and ANSWER all of your concerns. In the event that you are STILL dissatisfied, try "alternative medicine." I found two board-certified, reliable doctors. They are Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Cass Ingram. They offer through their books (I go to my library for this.) much serious and helpful information. They seek NOT to write tons of prescriptions BUT to help "cure" what ails you. You should personally read what they have to offer. Aren't you worth it? I wish you well. Peace, Love and God Bless."

brittanyiscool90 replied: "you should have your tonsils removed."

crave knowledge replied: "You might have something else...maybe all the antibiotics gave you thrush (yeast) in your throat. Get some acidophilous from the grocery store or health food store to build up your good bacteria (meds kill the good one along with the bad) You may just have a recurring infection...or reinfecting after you are well...did you replace you toothbrush and stuff? BTW...I don't think that getting tonsils out will prevent strep. Maybe you can read something on here that will help you fight it a little better? "

Chelsey Cardona replied: "take some medesine"

Michael P replied: "ask a doctor you may need your tonsils removed if not try drinking green tea 5 times a day and stay away from junk food. brush well with good oral heigene"

Hope replied: "My friend had to go own antibiotics for a month to get rid of one her infections. strep throat is not something you want to mess around with. I know that it strep can got to your heart. make sure you are taking the antibiotics correct I hope you the doctor gets you better this time:)"

Joshua H replied: "pharyngeal gonorrhea THIS IS EXTREMELY RARE and if it does not apply to you then you will know. but if this is it, then you need to find out. I hope it is not, I just heard of a case of this before."

spring replied: "If it is recurring, it is chronic, you have to get your tonsils removed."

What to do about my strep throat? Please help worried!!!? Hey everyone! I am 18 and Recently I went to the doctor cause I have a really bad sore throat, doc did a throat culture and perscribed me some antibiotics called azithromycin (generic for zithromax). Now here is where the problem comes in. In June of this year I was perscribed antibiotics called azithromycin for strep thorat and a week later I stared breaking out in hives for about a whole month. I told my doctor my theory that it might have been my antibiotics he perscribed me the 1st time to cause me to break out in hives and he told me it was "imposible" cause I've used it many times before and I never had that problem. He also did an allergy test and found out I am allergic to basically everything, but never checked that it might have been the antibiotics he put me on. He perscribed me the same drug again and I have killer sore throat pains but I'm afraid to take it do to my first situation. What should I do? I'm worried and really need the relief. Plus I'm afraid of what will happen this time if I broke out in hives last time. Plus my throat is itching me none stop. Plus I keep getting a rash on my neck.

Doctor replied: "go to your doctor and tell him you want your throat scanned PROPERLY!! . it sounds like you may have throat cancer. get it sorted before its TOO LATE!!"

Rosalie replied: "Well that's a stupid doctor. I'd suggest a new one, no doctor should ignore a patients concern with what they're taking. There's a lot of different drugs that can be used to treat strep throat. Penicillin, amoxicillin, clindamycin, cephalosporin, and erythromycin are other drugs used to treat it. In fact, you don't HAVE to take anything, but this runs the risk of developing rheumatic fever, so I'd suggest the new Dr., new drugs thing! Another thing if you JUST want relief, you can use lidocain mouth wash which will numb your throat, but be warned, it smells and taste DISGUSTING, but brings relief for about 2 hours."

scream like no one is listening replied: "Take the Meds. I have had worse than a sore throat, and it sucks. I have permenant tonsilitious and I can't get my tonsils removed. And now I have mono. Meds make the itching and burning go away which in my perspective, is totally worth it"

alianna_hodiya replied: "you are also having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics tell him to sitch u to something totally different."

How can I prevent strep throat or sinusitis? I've had sinus issues since I was a little kid- usually my ears. I'd get strep throat really often too. I grew up in Maine- and I moved to PA about three years ago. When I went to Maine to visit, I got a minor sinus infection around my ears. (Not my nose) Then the next time, I got Sinusitis. The last three times, I got Strep throat. The last time I got strep throat from it, it was worse than the other two times. I told my doctor and he just gave me a prescription of Zithromax and told me to take it when i get sick. I want to prevent getting sick, not take care of it once it appears. Anyone know whats going on with me? I'm 22 years old.

Coffee is Liquid Heaven replied: "Ask your doctor for allergy medicine also check to make sure that it is your sinuses that are causing the real problem I had chronic sinusitis, growing up and it was not until 4 years ago that the doctors found out that it was not caused by my sinuses but by acid reflux, this could cause the ear problems About Zithromax, it is okay to take when you are sick, but you need to take it all. If the Zithromax is over prescribed for every illness you have your body will build up a resistance to it. Try taking Claratin, Singular or Zyrtec, all can be bought over the counter. Those may help with your sinus problems, but have your self check for acid reflux"

Darby replied: "I don't know how old you are, but I'm speaking from an adult level. I pretty much take Claritin D every day, spray with saline nasal solution (Ocean) when I come in and/or before bed to get the pollen, pollution and kill any germs in my nasal passages. I also use a lot of hand sanitizer when I'm out and about. When I feel a sore throat coming on, I take oil of oregano. I also take a multi-vitamin every day. I still had to go to the doc for a prescription this fall when I started volunteering at school, but this routine has worked with me for the last 5 years or so."


drink alcohol while on zithromax ok question is can i drink alcohol while on zithromax is there any side effects of doing this. Asking the question because ive been taking for 4 days now and my strep throat has went away now i feel like going out and having a couple beers i have one tablet left is there any side effects of zithromax and alcohol??

~*Gia*~ replied: "You should never mix alcohol and any medication because it lessens the effects of the medication. Regardless if you are about done with the medication, don't drink because you will still have the medicine in your system for a good 2-5 days after taking the last dose. With Zithromax, it is an antibiotic and while you feel well right now, you are still not out of the clear. It would be best to wait at least another week before drinking any alcohol because it weakens your system and you can just get sick all over again."

the_only_solorose replied: "first off, don't stop taking the zithromax, it takes an additional five days after you complete the course for it to do a full job on what ever it was treating. secondly, alcohol will destroy the zithromax in your system, so drinking just because you feel better would be a really stupid move on your part, it will be as if you didn't spend the money or take the medication, and the infection will come back, only resistant to antibiotics, then what? be smart, finish the zithromax, avoid alcohol for an additional five days. Unless of course you WANT to get sick again."

TweetyBird replied: "Alcohol delays healing but doesn't reduce the effectiveness of most antibiotics. There are some that should not be combined with alcohol, such as Flagyl, Bactrim & Tindamax. This will cause a severe reaction, an intensification of adverse effects. And only rarely does alcohol reduce the efficacy of an antibiotic, as in the case of doxycycline. On the whole, it's better to avoid alcohol when on antibiotic therapy, even when it's Z-max."

MamaSmurf replied: "Drinking can make antibiotics ineffective. Wait for another week. Just because you finish the pills does not mean they are not still in your system....."

Zithromax Pak (z-pak) Rash? My doctor prescribed me Zithromax Pak (Z-Pak) for a sore throat that I've been trying to kick for the last two weeks. Last night I took 2 pills like instructions said and 4 days left taking 1 pill per day. This morning I work up with red blotches and rashes on numerous parts of my body. Should I stop taking it or continue. I have had a really bad sore throat for about two weeks and cannot seem to get rid of it. I do not have strep throat. This is the first time I have ever broke out from antibiotics. Every antibiotic I've been prescribed so far has caused me to break out. Same thing happens with Amoxicillin. I don't know what going on. I have never been allergic to anything in my entire life. Any suggestion or comments would greatly be appreciated. Thank You in advance.

ChemoAngel replied: "No. Don't take it anymore, you have an allergic reaction to it. Call your doctor so he can prescribe something else for you. A rash/hives is one of the more serious side effects of this prescription, and one that is asked you contact your physician immediately."

Strep/Sinus? I just got over a case of strep throat that started Thursday. My doc. put me on Zithromax antibiotics and it went away by Monday. That is precisely when my sinuses began to act up. I have a ton of pressure and drainage. I've sneezed a few times which feels great. No headache. What is something over the counter I can take to relieve the pressure? I want to sleep tonight!

J M replied: "Mucinex works really good, but it's pricey. Or any generic allergy/sinus medicine. I had bronchitis and a sinus infection at once about a month ago, and was put on zithromax. I took the mucinex at the same time to relieve the sinus pressure. Hope your feeling better soon!"

Beez replied: "It's important that you finish your prescription for Zithromax."

sunflare63 replied: "Get u some rub on menthelathem and put it on your forehead and under the nose. Tylenol Sinus or Sudafed helps alot. Put moisture in your air, or a washcloth wet on the post of bed."

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