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i take zoloft for depression but i had pot and alcohol tonight is it ok to stil have my zoloft ? I take zoloft for depression 50 mg.I take it every night but tonight i had pot and alcohol is it bad to still take my medication will it be a bad mixture?Please help urgently tonight theres no point in helping if its later then 5 hours from now which would be 3 am hawaii time 6 or 5 am west time and 8 or 9 am eastern time . URGENT PLEASE HELP! Thanks.

Dr Doolittle replied: "One night without your medication won't hurt you, so if you are in any doubt, you could just leave it for tonight. But choosing pot and alcohol over it is very foolish."

abstractbliss replied: "It's best to just wait until tomorrow when you're sober to resume taking your medication. I have taken psychiatric medications with alcohol and have not had any problems, but that doesn't mean it's safe. Everyone is different and the combination may cause be harmful to your system. It's best to skip a dose rather than chance something bad happening to you."

RANDALL F replied: "seriously from experiance...your not gonna die. take your meds! your gonna b flying. kinda like floating, furchure think bout the damage your kidneys will go thru if you drink and take your meds. itz up 2 u. your body."

mudrat_toy replied: "I would refrain from taking it with alcohol. This could cause severe mood swings. I watched someone on Prozac get drunk and attack someone with a screwdriver with intent to impale. If you have problems with depression, you should avoid alcohol altogether. Alcohol is a depressant. It could compound your symptoms in a huge way. As far as the pot? I do not believe it will react with the Zoloft, but again... depressant! I am not preaching to not smoke or drink, but if you are being treated for depression, you might want to consider avoiding things that increase the symptoms. Just something to think about. Skip the Zoloft for tonight and start it up again tomorrow."

SugarBear replied: "All the literature says that you are not to drink alcohol or smoke marijuana while on an anti-depressant."

i want to know if smoking pot while on zoloft is bad for you? i take zoloft daily for anxiety and depression i also like to smoke pot about 2 times a week will the pot effect the Zolofts effects? please no "weed is bad for you" comments

Mr. Kennedy .......... Kennedy!!! replied: "is smoking it ever bad for you?"

TUESDAYSUX replied: "sorry with or without zoloft it's bad for you & are you aware that pot CAUSES anxiety!?"

miss_cutie replied: "dnt thinkk soo it jus makes yhu adicted to it and want monney"

Cookie B replied: "Not if it makes you feel good. Trust me though, mark my words..Do NOT, under any circumstances, drink alcohol on zoloft, you will go from having a good 3 drink buzz to blacking out and acting psychotic due to the fact that the liver is so busy processing the Zoloft that the alcohol will eventually be released directly into the bloodstream."

rock4763 replied: "ok first of all fuck everyone who answered with weed is bad im on zoloft (150mg) and i smoke probly 2-3 times a weed and im perfectly fine"

purestmilk replied: "I hate to say it but its because of the pot you are on Zoloft! But together V bad! Give up the pot and you'll probably come off Zoloft! I was on it for a little while and i researched it and its bad mixing it with other mind effecting drugs even alcohol!"

ivan m replied: "it will flip the effect of both drugs, zoloft is an antidrepessant. which reduces anxiety, and marijuana is a pain killer, wish does the same thing, anti anxiety. its not bad as in health. but it is messing with your brain cells, there for, when you stop taking zoloft. you are more likely to get anxiety and depression. trust me. i use to be on zoloft. i rather stick with marijuana. and you do know you can get it prescribed for anxiety and depression right?. i wouldnt recommend doing both. stick with one."

endeciever replied: "yes its bad to smoke while taking zoloft. zoloft acts upon the neurotransmitters in your brain to regulate your mood. the dosage is precise. if the amount is too little it will be ineffective, too high and you won't be able to function normally. the pot you smoke on the other hand will vary in potency and effectiveness, as it is not administered under a doctor's supervision. this is significant because marijuana has a documented interaction with antidepressants, including zoloft. getting high while taking any drug for depression or anxiety is like gambling with your sense of well being. it might negate the euphoric effects of smoking marijuana or make you feel disoriented. in short, its counterproductive to taking the antidepressant. its quite possible that you will end up feeling worse than before. I smoked pot everyday for 3 years before being prescribed zoloft. I started having erratic mood swings when I would smoke while the zoloft was in my system. I tried being on the meds without smoking and the difference was noticeable enough to quit smoking pot cold turkey."

My friend is trying to stop his habitual use of pot. He was prescribed zoloft but....? He has aggrssion issues stemming from withdraw. Wat is the best way to cope with that? Are benzos a good way to get through this period of time? How long for zoloft to take effct?

d b replied: "no benzos!!!!!!!!! call whoever gave him the zoloft!"

pollyputhekettleon replied: "he could go to the gym regularly to get rid of his agrression- then he does not have to tkae pills"

Ellen replied: "Tell your friend to look up NA! Zoloft could take a few weeks to build up in his system. If he is being aggressive you don't need to take his abuse!"

zoloft and pot? does this make you like trip? or what

Wizard of Oz! replied: "haha yea it does I love weed. S.W.E.D"

combackkidxxx replied: "how big of an idiot are you? pot is a depressant. if you're suffering from any mental illness you shouldn't be smoking that crap plus it's illegal, but obviously there are idiots out there who don't give a crap zoloft is useless if you screw your brain up with weed "tripping" is from hallucinations and delusions because weed is a depressant. i don't think you'll have a very good time with mixing that. but hey, if you die, ya die."

Kat replied: "Why waste your money on one or the other if you're going to be stupid enough to do both? The Zoloft is to help you it is an anti-depressant and you smoke pot with it. You aren't the sharpest tack in the box are ya? Enjoy your high while you're cells are frying ya idiot."

randombs904 replied: "It won't do anything different than just weed. If you want to trip that bad just buy cid for like 5 bucks or salvia."

adderral lithium pot weed zoloft? Hey I take lithium and zoloft evryday for the past 5 years recently alot of stuff has happened and i have been taking adderral (not prescribed to me) my buddy told me it would help me focus and get my mind off all the problems and ive been smoking maijuana are these a deadly combination. Im a good kid two houses motorcycle cars great job so i dont want you to think im a druggie i just need to know if mixing these drugs can hurt me mentally send me into depression stuff like that any doctors out there?

me! replied: "i LOVE adderral and weed"

iwillmocku replied: "Ever heard of a man by the name of Heath Ledger? Think again before you mix prescription drugs."

Chrissy and Jeff replied: "yes, you can def. die from that"

Yeah Sure replied: "crack, alcohol, lsd, wow it's fun listing all the things that can FRY your brain!!"

movierube replied: "If you are taking all of these drugs, you are already depressed. Just take it easy on all of them."

Jennifer W replied: "ask the doctor be serious they dont turn u in they just wnat to know. Look at Heath Ledger I dont think he meant to kill himself. I smoke to so I dont take anything else jsut in case."

butterfliesRfree replied: "If you don't get any good answers on here, call your local pharmacist -- they can tell you EVERYTHING about mixing meds, etc and whether or not they'll mess you up. They'll probably ALL say that smoking pot is bad but I'm not really sure that would have an affect or not. Call the drug store but make sure you talk to a licensed pharmacist - they know more than doctors do about medicines believe it or not."

kuffsz replied: "hate to tell ya ...but even "good kids" are druggies, and thats what you are!... you shouldnt be taking adderral at all, ,...and yes combined with lithium, you can do long term damage.... ...... ...and what is your "medical reasoning" for smoking weed? face it, you've got a drug problem."

Eraserhead replied: "You probably shouldn't be taking an upper like Adderral when you take Lithium and Zoloft. I've taken the three before, and different combos of them (and yes, smoked pot) and I didn't die, but it made my mind really race. Just stay off the motorcycle on all that stuff at least. I really think you'll hit the same roller coaster feeling I did, but who knows."

Ernie replied: "Quit the pot and see your doc to get a presciption for adderal. It is a good med for ADD - but do you have ADD. Really quit the weed. It causes memory problems. Maybe the doc can help you with a referral for some counseling for the weed. You could lose eveerything - your stable mental health, your clean police record and lots of financial assets. Think about it. You do sound like a good kid - very hard working dont blow it!"

bLondEe replied: "u goin to get hooked on me i used to do it in highschool with friends that WERE prescribed and i just did it bc all the girls said u could loose weight (stupid ya)....then i noticed i was doin it before parties (bad idea) and everything...i woudl take what ur prescribed too...and mary jane isnt bad to mix with nething...its alcohol id watch out for!"

paiton l replied: "honey I'm surprised you can walk across the street! you have depressants and antidepressants all mixed up in a bowl going --yippee yippee. i think i would expect to have some adverse side effects in the mental health area"

If you smoked pot, would it interfere with drugs such as zoloft? Since they both had an affect on your mind?

Abby H replied: "I'm not sure about the specific effects, but smoking pot while on Zoloft is just a bad idea, and it's not good for you mentally. So, I wouldn't recommend it. Then again, I know people who drink like fish even though they're on antidepressants. But if it was me? I wouldn't do it."

kiki replied: "there is a possibility."

Adina replied: "What difference would it make if you smoke pot you just lay there like a pillow anyway. So you want to be a zombie pillow?"

Joe L replied: "I would go for it, you might blast off to new heights of enlightenment and reach Nirvana."

Helly replied: "Only by making you more drowsy, it's not good but smoking pot won't counter-act with your meds. Better than drinking booze.................not good for your general psychological health tho!"

jen replied: "I don't know if smoking pot has any affect on Zoloft or not, but smoking pot is not a good idea anyway. Research on the internet the effects of smoking pot, it's just not good for you."

Dee replied: "uuuhhh, i wouldn't take the chance maebe the link will help you out"

Noone i replied: "Let me ask you this... If you took acid would it? If you took coke would it? If you smoked hash would it? If you burn a little crack would it? If you drank a six pack would it? If you ate a couple valium would it? The answer is yes, they all interfere with you getting your head on straight, including pot. Smoking pot is NOT going to help you get your mental health straight in any way. the sooner you learn to face life without illegal drugs the sooner you may not need Zoloft. Counseling wont hurt, either. The real truth of the matter is, pot is just a continuation of the poor mental health techniques you used before Zoloft, most likely....and there is NO sense continuing that got you nowhere."

shiloh replied: "Trust me on this,it will not negatively interfere with anything. I am not at liberty to say how I know this but its true."

orangie replied: "Zoloft, morphine, codeine, etc... All these types of drugs effect your moods and intensifies things, like if you have pain they take away or help relieve the pain. Etc.... It's not smart to take any non prescribed drug (rec drug) while on something that is suppose to be helping you, not hurting you....!!!! Besides being depressed and doing pot is not smart....!!! You will not only loose brain cells, but you will loose on dealing with reality and not facing your fears and your life.... Anything can happen, each person reacts differently. OTHERWISE, GROW UP !! BE CONFIDENT ON WHO YOU ARE AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE! AND IT'S JUST PLAIN STUPID TO DO!"

fairy_jo replied: "I used to smoke it daily and then went onto Zoloft. I don't think it really interferes , but you're not letting the Zoloft take full effect because the pot makes you anxious and depressed. I haven't smoked it for 4 months now and am on Efexor and i'm finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel."

Im on 200 mg of zoloft, can i smoke marijuana once a week? Zoloft is amazing, but doesn't pot mask the zoloft? like make it stop working? i did it for 6 months almost everyday and finally stopped b/c i wanted to feel like my self again. i havent smoked for a week and boy do i feel better!! i just felt tired and wanted to sleep all the time. What if i do it once a week instead of everyday?

hhhhhh replied: "good stay off that shit"

Nathan A replied: "zoloft??? man that shit is dangerous stay away from it.. just stick to weed"

What are the chances of an army drug test busting someone for taking Zoloft since the test is random for that? If someone took 5 Zoloft pills within 3 days, and then 2 days after that had an army drug test. I know the army drug tests test for pot, coke, heroine lsd and mdma. And the scan for other pills and drugs are random. What are the chances of this person getting busted..? The pills were not prescribed.

DigiMan replied: "If they are prescription, thepersonn has nothing to worry about. However, I don't know a prescription requiring dosage that extreme. Maybe they need to get caught to get some help."

xtreme2099 replied: "if its prescription there is an space in the drug test recall roster paper that you can sign your that you put what you taking, i know this cause i use to take strong muscle relaxants for my neck injury i didnt know if they were gonna show up ,but its better be safe than sorry"

Unforgiven replied: "They don't test for prescription drugs, however I have known someone getting busted for a pain killer because he took too many and his SGT could tell he was high on the stuff. (the dentist gave his pain killers for dental. percocet) percocet the militarys easy way to get high after dental work."

The Drug Test Guy replied: "Zoloft use will show up positive on a Benzodiazepines (BZO) drug test. At this rate of use, if they test for BZO they will show up positive. For a complete description of Drug Detection Times, see this will give you more details."

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